
Heather Wilsons War

The Republican pre-primary convention in Dona Ana last Saturday was interesting in character and substance. I attended mainly to hear the candidates speak and to try and rock the boat a bit in my ward delegation. I was pleased to hear Heather Wilson speak and ultimately lose Dona Ana supporters. The Congresswoman is probably one of the most intelligent candidates in all of New Mexico but her "common sense" conservative bit is getting a bit annoying. A common sense conservative doesn't receive a 42% rating from the National Right To Life Committee. A common sense conservative votes for tax cuts and remembers to vote against excessive spending. A common sense conservative doesn't receive a 39% or D rating from the National Taxpayers Union. A true common sense conservative receives a 100% rating from Americans for Tax Reform organization and not a mediocre 73%. A common sense conservative realizes that immigration is a complex issue and a concrete wall on our border will not solve the problem once and for all. I understand Heather Wilson is waging her war of idealism but she is far from conservative; the true common sense conservative would be Congressman Steve Pearce. A common sense conservative will understand Heather Wilson likes to vote to the left here and there... Congressman Pearce doesn't. PERIOD.

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