
Brushfire in New Mexico

Torch of Liberty
Alamogordo - Modern (especially well financed) political campaigns usually invest more resources on spreading a candidate's message and name 'ID' by utilizing conventional broadcast media and viral internet mediums like Facebook, Vine, YouTube, Podcasts and Twitter. In a state where the physical size of congressional districts are larger than most New England states one can easily understand why it is a necessity for campaigns to utilize mass broadcast methods to touch voters. It is rare for statewide candidates to campaign out of a handbook from eras past where visits to favored local coffee shops, hardware stores or (New) Mexican restaurants often present opportunities to meet the real influencers of elections in this 121, 298.15 square miles we call New Mexico. 

 Our capital city Santa Fe is nicknamed the 'City Different', this can also describe our Land of Enchantment. This is the West, voters require more than just a mailer, television commercial or persistent presence on the internet... they want to meet a candidate face to face and leave with a confident handshake. Successful grassroots efforts connect with voters at a sobering, personal level.

 A political movement that effectively articulates what the masses are thinking is a powerful one. Young people are disenchanted with the process because the elaborate complexity of the system is oppressing any viable opportunity for future economic prosperity, the 'game' is rigged. Our Communities and families are increasingly mandated orders by a technocratic social engineer in Washington D.C. while our privacy rights are being violated every day on the pretense of national security. The Constitution that protects our natural rights and liberties is defecated on in the same name of bi-partisanship.

David Clements
Congressional approval ratings are tanking like the Titanic in the north Atlantic, only 9% of Americans approve of their supposed leadership. The once guilded candidate of hope, President Obama has the lowest approval ratings of his career at 40%, Americans have lost confidence in his leadership. Main street is tired of Wall Street and K Street running the show, the environment for a grassroots velvet revolution is fertile in this country. Regular individuals like you and I are concerned about the economic future of our families, communities, and country.

Too often are the people payed lip service by opportunist career minded political swine who only represent the highest bidder and the economic elite who directly benefit from the expansive leviathan of federal prowess. Because of this sentiment we're seeing grassroots candidates like David Clements earning enthusiastic support in every part of New Mexico because the people are demanding a leader that understands their concerns and the root of our nation's political and economic problems.

Coffee houses and campaign events across the state are filling to capacity to learn more about the little known attorney from Dona Ana county and his message of liberty and the restoration of individual sovereignty to all New Mexicans. Embers of Freedom are igniting 'brushfires' in the hearts and minds of a concerned few that will spread to all of New Mexico. The political establishment is on alert and has made concerted efforts to thwart Clements and the liberty movement from speaking the truth.  Freedom can be restricted but cannot be contained.

Our Founders were keen on this over two hundred years ago, perhaps Samuel Adams says it best "It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men." Keep an eye on U.S. Senate candidate David Clements but more so on the grassroots movement catapulting him to the front. A wildfire of liberty grounded in the principles of our U.S. Constitution is the only movement that can restore our country as the 'shining city on the hill' that it once was.


'The Cop Should've Been Arrested': Judge Napolitano Analyzes Wild New Mexico Traffic Stop

Judge Andrew Napolitano
Fox News - Judge Andrew Napolitano stopped by Fox and Friends this morning to analyze the wild New Mexico traffic stop that has made national headlines. In the shocking dash cam video, a policeman can be seen firing at a fleeing minivan that contained a mother and her five children. Prior to the shots being fired, the woman and her teenage son had argued and scuffled with the arresting officer, who had originally pulled the woman over for speeding.

Napolitano said the question for prosecutors is going to be whether to pursue charges against the mother and boy or the police officers. He stated emphatically that the police officer who fired at the minivan had no right to use deadly force. "The law is that the police can't use deadly force unless deadly force has been used on them," said Napolitano, adding that clearly the teenage boy committed a felony by attempting to hit the policeman.

"The woman was unarmed, the boy was unarmed. The police had no right to shoot," he said. Brian Kilmeade asked whether the police, in the heat of the moment, may have had a suspicion that there were guns in the car. "The 'what ifs' do not justify the use of deadly force. The police would have to know, not have a hunch but know, that there was a weapon in the car that could have been used on them," said Napolitano.  

He said the policeman who bashed in the minivan's window should also face charges. "[That] is a criminal act for which he should be prosecuted. He should have been arrested on the spot by his fellow cops. ... You're going to spray glass in the face of children for reasons that you can't explain!" he said. Watch the discussion video here


Republican silence broken on ABQ abortion initiative

Las Cruces - I'm pro-choice... when it comes to answering our state's official question "Red or Green?" Any savy New Mexico Politico should know to always answer 'Christmas' and if they don't, they must have recently moved to our Land of Enchantment. 

I believe life begins at conception and ends at natural death. The Roman Catholicism of my childhood, a belief in Natural Law and the non-aggression principle propel me to be wholly pro-life. I'm against abortion and the death penalty, there are no grey areas in 'Life' for this politico. When it comes to the abortion debate most republican operatives and pro-life politicians are shying away from providing substantive commentary on the subject. I see this as a direct correlation to the perception that when Republicans or any social conservative discusses the abortion debate they carelessly open themselves to relentless left wing attacks in the media with sensationalists headlines like, "candidate X hates women." Preposterous bovine excremant that the emotional left loves to use in lieu of the facts.

The Albuquerque Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance has provided an excellent opportunity to serve as a rallying point for the state's pro-life Republicans to broadcast their message but all there has been is silence. Don't believe me? Has Governor Martinez opened up at length on the subject? Where's Congressman Pearce's op-ed? Pearce is one of the strongest pro-life Republicans in the United States House of Representatives and one of the Governors most memorable campaign zingers to conservative crowds is that she "believes babies should be born!"

The eyes of the nation are on Albuquerque this week. 'Burquenos' will have the opportunity to vote on the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance on Tuesday November 19th. The ordinance seeks to end the gruesome practice of late-term abortion procedures within Albuquerque's city limits. Recent polling data has indicated that the ballot measure may fail, this could be the reason why so many pro-life Republicans are distancing themselves from the controversy. 

David, Roland, Erin Clements
There is one pro-life Republican who's not shying away from offering his take on the ballot initiative. U.S. Senate candidate David Clements has penned a substantive op-ed that shifts the paradigm and debate, not only challenging Democrats but Republicans too. Clements asks pro-life advocates nationwide to reassess their strategy for battling late term abortion in supporting local initiatives like Albuquerque's. While the Albuquerque Journal disagrees with local ballot initiatives, Clements applauds it and believes the same Founders who authored the U.S. Constitution would applaud it too. 

Clements is challenging Senator Tom Udall in the 2014 mid-term election. Udall has a 100% rating from the pro-abortion group NARAL. Udall's wife, Jill Cooper Udall co-hosted an October fundraiser with Texas abortionist Dr. Curtis Boyd to finance the media buys of abortion rights groups.


Another New Mexico Law enFORCEment Embarrasement

Las Cruces - Like any region, New Mexico has some good and bad things of notoriety. Our green and red chile offer the basic ingredients for a humble yet savory and distinct cuisine. Our natural beauty and cultural treasury makes the land of enchantment a destination for many wayward travelers, artists, naturalists, adventurers, writers, and glory seeking explorers. Natives to the state are independent and equally humble in their demeanor, their hospitality and creativity add to the cultural beauty that makes us so attractive to Yankees and foreigners alike. Unfortunately our politics can publicly be corrupt but easily dismissed by the wide swath of apathetic voters who are too busy trying to edge out a living or averting the perpetual economic depression with alcohol and drugs. There's yin and yang, good and bad. 

I respect law enforcement and appreciate those who protect and serve our communities everyday of the year. New Mexico has a long respectable legacy of peace officers and many in the profession are heroes. There are unfortunately some bad apples in the barrel and national headlines have taken notice. 

Law enforcement in southwestern New Mexico has infamously been ridiculed for the unconstitutional anal probing of a citizen who rolled past a stop sign with out braking and was under suspicion of holding drugs in his derriere. The most recent folly in our police state includes officers using deadly force against an unarmed family visiting New Mexico for our cultural and historical entities. While the action of the adult mother was irresponsible and she should not have evaded the officer, the violence used by the officers clearly demonstrates the brutality encouraged and used by some within the state's law enforcement culture. When will this behavior no longer be tolerated by law enforcement administrators and authorities, will our Governor speak up against these continuing embarrassments? Citizens must demand a review of the ethics, protocol and police culture that seems to encourage  and tolerate this 'bad cop' behavior. We deserve better, this is America not NAZI Germany.




Former Abortionist Tells It Like It Is

Albuquerque - The national debate on late term abortions has become more prevalent in recent months because of the upcoming late term abortion ban that the City of Albuquerque will be voting on Tuesday November 19th. Regardless of one's opinion on the subject every voter in Albuquerque should consider what Dr. Anthony Levatino, a former abortionist, has to say about the reality of late term abortion procedures.


Clements Unites Conservative and Liberty Grassroots

Mesilla - Tea Party patriots, Libertarian party members, business owners, Constitutional Conservatives, young liberty activists, Students for Ron Paul, and even disenchanted blue dog Democrats gathered Tuesday evening at Andeles, a popular Mexican restaurant off of New Mexico Highway 28, to learn more about the candidacy of DARP Chairman David Clements young bid for the United States Senate. The campaign had made a limited attempt to publicize the event to the pan-conservative grassroots in Dona Ana county. Clements was not expecting too many people to attend mainly because the high political apathy that many of the county's conservatives seem to espouse, if 20 concerned citizens showed up it would be considered a success. 

Citizens began to trickle into the event 45 minutes before the publicized start time. Chips, salsa, iced teas and coffees accompanied passionate conversations while Clement's nominating petitions were signed. The many factions that attended this liberty meetup mirrored the microcosm of the Republican party nationwide. Minutes after he began his introduction and mission, people were still slipping through the door, I counted 51 people in the seats akwardly surrounding the candidate. Some in attendance were clearly there to serve as the Devil's Advocate but his answers clearly resonated with the room because of the amount of applause he received from the majority in attendance. Young, old, Hispanics, whites, conservatives, and libertarians were all energized by the constitutionally principled and concise message Clement's made. His style is genuine and humble, something voters are starved for and his background in law enforcement as a prosecutor provides pan-conservatism an advocate who can eloquently combat the progressive tyranny found in Washington D.C. 

At the conclusion of the event many pledged support by writing checks to help fund his campaign and those who could not donate signed up as volunteers to help spread the message of Liberty that David cares so much about. This isn't the first time pan-conservatism has organized behind Clements, he was elected DARP chairman in a similar fashion. If he can unite a dysfunctional field of grassroots supporters in Dona Ana county, Clements can do so in every county throughout New Mexico. The state's establishment Republicans who are more comfortable with a compromised status qou and the robotic foot soldiers of the Democratic party better take note, there's a strong southern wind in Liberty's sails with David Clements at the helm.


Veterans Day in Las Cruces

Las Cruces Garrison Flag
Las Cruces - U.S. Senate candidate David Clements attended various Veterans Day memorial services on Monday November 11th to honor those who've served our Republic in supporting and defending the Constitution of United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. David began his day flanked by supporters and veterans for the raising of the Garrison flag at Las Cruces' Veterans Memorial Park.  After the short service David was joined for coffee by Las Cruces vets to discuss their concerns and issues. Among them is healthcare including mental health, chronic homelessness, employment and the rising suicide rates among our young veterans returning from duty in the Middle East. David then attended Mesilla's Veterans Memorial Service with his son Roland where a crowd of 40-50 vets and their families gathered. 

Veterans for Clements in Mesilla
At the conclusion of the Mesilla memorial, David met officers from the local Disabled American Veterans chapter, elected dignitaries and new campaign supporters. New Mexico has a proud heritage of military service and continuing support for the mission of our national defense. When asked about his role as a U.S. Senator in representing vets, Clements stated that "The brave men and women of our military swore an oath to defend and support our Constitution and many have paid the ultimate sacrifice while in service to our Republic. It is one of my highest prerogatives to advocate for our veterans and their issues as they come home. They have given so much, it is now my duty to fight for them and their families here in New Mexico and our nation's Capitol"


This Week's Poll: Republican Issues

Albuquerque - A recent CBS News poll indicates Republicans are losing the 'blame game' with 44% of Americans assigning responsibility to them for the federal government shutdown. President Obama and Congressional Democrats were viewed as the responsible party by 35% of Americans. While some Republicans are alarmed by this and are seeking opportunities to tuck tail and run towards Democratic appeasement, others are standing firm on principle and asking tough questions for Democrat and Republican leadership to answer. We arrived at the currently bleak economic condition via bipartisan collaboration with our representatives blindly following leadership's misguided band-aid solutions and political horse trades. This week I ask politicos what are the best issues for Republicans to advocate for in the lead up to the election in a little more than a year away. You may vote for multiple answers, I will share the results on New Mexico Politico Radio and Podcast this Sunday.


Assistant DA, GOP Chairman, Liberty Advocate Announces U.S. Senate Candidacy

Las Cruces -  DoƱa Ana Republican Party Chairman and Assistant District Attorney David Clements is expected to announce his candidacy for the U.S. Senate early Tuesday. Clements will challenge incumbent New Mexico Democrat Tom Udall who was elected to the Senate in 2008. Clements resides in Las Cruces with his wife Erin and son Roland. Clements states in a press release, "With our government's refusal to live within its means, we have a 17 trillion dollar debt and are on the brink of economic ruin. And with Washington, D.C. unable to escape the reality of its continued failures, an all out assault on our economic and civil liberties has begun." Clements is a rising star in the New Mexico Republican Party and a prominent leader from the growing 'Liberty' movement within the party. 

David, Roland and Erin Clements
Clements at 33 has spent the past two months traveling across the state meeting with grassroots leadership, college students, and members of the Republican Party of New Mexico's State Central Committee discussing the issues and solutions that New Mexicans are concerned about. Clements takes an early shot at Udall in the press release, "As an attorney, I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution---an oath I take seriously. Career politicians like Senator Udall have disregarded that same oath and have created a culture of dependency in New Mexico," he continues, "By restraining the federal government, we empower people to look within themselves to create opportunity and achieve greatness. I grew up in a lower-class family, and am still fighting for the American dream. I'm tired of Washington D.C. elites taking our hard earned money, and trying to convince us that we are helpless without their involvement in every aspect of our lives. Enough is enough.” 

Clements, a constitutional conservative and liberty advocate, is the only New Mexico republican to formally enter the 2014 U.S. Senate race. Former gubernatorial candidate Allen Weh, Alamogordo Mayor Susie Galea, and former Democratic state legislator Robert Aragon have also expressed interest in entering the race. Senator Udall is rated as one of the safest Democratic seats in the nation. Clements has an arduous path to the Capitol but I am reminded of the overused politico shop talk quip, 'in politics, timing is everything.' Congressional approval is tanking and Americans are growing more skeptical of the political & corporate establishment that influence$ the horse trader$ we send to Washington. 

Polished shades of incumbency or a long political career are appearing to be vulnerabilities in 2014. Polls and coffee shop conversations are indicating a national mood shifting towards a libertarian approach. Politicos nationwide have articulated the need of fresh faces and messaging for a ssuccessful courtship of independent and younger voters. The GOP has failed to garner significant support from said voters in recent years, the same voters who eluded more conventional establishment GOP candidates in 2012. If the Republican party is serious about making positive inroads with independent minded voters, they must change who they nominate for higher office. 

Clements is another shot of liberty for New Mexico (remember Gary Johnson?) and U.S. politics (Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Justin Amash). A shot that is needed to fight the dystopian disease spread by snakes of surveillance and Goliaths of ubiquitous government. 

"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." - Samuel Adams

Disclosure Statement: David Clements and I serve together on the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Mexico's Executive Committee and have recently discussed his potential Senate candidacy, he's a friend and a friend of liberty. 

View Clements press release below.


Furloughs loom at Los Alamos and Sandia national labs

New Mexico Watchdog - Two major national labs based in New Mexico have so far avoided the brunt of the partial government shutdown that, by estimates, has affected 17 percent of the federal budget. But absent a deal on Capitol Hill, it appears as though it will only be a matter of days before workers at the Sandia National Labs in Albuquerque and the Los Alamos National Laboratory are furloughed.

The director and president at Sandia, Paul Hommert, wrote to lab employees Tuesday informing them the facility is preparing for a “safe, secure and orderly shutdown” by the close of business Oct. 21. In the memo, Hommert says the decision comes at the direction of the National Nuclear Security Administration, the federal entity that oversees nuclear security at U.S. government sites across the country, including Sandia and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Hommert’s letter does not mention how many of the 9,800 employees at Sandia would be furloughed. As for LANL, no date has been set for potential furloughs of about 10,000 employees, contractors, security personnel, students and post-doctoral candidates. “As of right now, all Los Alamos employees are reporting to work as normal,” LANL spokesman Fred DeSousa told New Mexico Watchdog on Wednesday morning. Read more news...

Who's to blame for government shutdown? Vote in poll

A week has passed by and the U.S. Federal Government is still shutdown. A cacophony of accusations and exchange of bovine excrement has dominated the negotiations between House Republican leadership and President Obama's Senate Democratic leadership. Republicans want to delay and defund the controversial Affordable Care Act of 2010 also known as Obamacare and are using this as leverage in the current budget process. Democrats refuse to negotiate on this point since the legislation has been approved by Congress, deemed constitutional by the Supreme Court, and President Obama was resoundingly reelected last year thus equating it as a mandate of approval from the American people. While the shutdown has been reported as a draconian reminder of our current dysfunctional political process responsible for crippling the country, only 17% of the actual government is shutdown. Politicians and media continue to use fear mongering as a tool to push 'Chicken Little' voters to push Republicans into a corner of consent. Chicken Little knows a band-aid and rubbing alcohol aren't going to patch up the deep wound that is our economic depression and a budget that only makes it worse. The sky fell along time ago and 'Chicken Little's' across the country are beginning to realize this. We ask our politicos this week "Who shares the most responsibility for the U.S. Federal Government shutdown?" Please vote in our weekly non-scientific poll and send me your comments at ahd@newmexicopolitico.com


Mayor Berry projected to win re-election

Richard Berry
Albuquerque - KOB Eyewitness News 4 projected earlier Tuesday evening that Albuquerque mayor Richard Berry will win re-election. Unofficial results show Berry with a commanding 73%-25% lead over Pete Dinelli. Paul Heh currently has 2% of the vote. The current totals are from early and absentee votes. These votes represent approximately 40 percent of the total number of votes estimated to have been cast in this year's election. You can keep updated on official results here.

View Democrat challenger Pete Dinelli's concession speech below.               


Vote in this week's poll! The New Mexico Health Insurance Exchange

Albuquerque - The New Mexico Health Insurance Exchange, the state managed compliance to the 2010 Affordable Care Act will begin enrollment next week on October 1st. The aim of the program is to provide affordable health care options to New Mexicans, especially those without health insurance. In this week's poll we ask "Will the state managed New Mexico Health Insurance Exchange decrease the number of the medically uninsured in New Mexico?" Voting remains open until Friday, listen for the results and discussion on Sunday's broadcast of New Mexico Politico Radio at 8am on 95.9FM and 1600AM.


Listen Live 8AM to New Mexico Politico Radio!

This week on New Mexico Politico Radio we review the top news and views from around New Mexico's 'La Politica'. For our news segment Joey Peters of the Santa Fe Reporter calls in on our capitol line to discuss his latest stories from Santa Fe. In our politico segment Bob Cornelius, veteran politico and CEO of 90 Degrees Agency, stops in to talk shop. For our culture segment we are excited to preview the upcoming 42nd Albuquerque International Balloon Festival with Tom Garrity, we also discuss the history and mechanics of the annual event. You can listen live in Albuquerque at New Mexico's Rock of Talk 95.9FM, KIVA 1600AM, and worldwide at www.rockoftalk.com


Should the United States intervene in Syria?

Las Cruces - As I write this post, the United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee is hearing from Secretary of State John Kerry, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, and Joint Chiefs Chair Martin Dempsey on the Obama Administration's plans for possible intervention in Syria. I applaud President Obama's decision to seek the consent of Congress before initiating any military action against the Assad regime. This is the Constitutional process that many Presidents, both Republican and Democrat, have ignored while unilaterally executing cavalier military solutions. I ask in this week's poll "Should the United States intervene in the Syrian civil war?" Many Americans continue to be war weary after almost 13 years at war in the Middle East. While most of us can agree that the use of chemical weapons on any peoples is inhumane and atrocious, should the U.S. intervene in a cloudy civil war that will inevitably lead to more inhumane atrocities where more innocent civilians will needlessly perish? War is inhumane, the U.S. is in an unfortunate position of having to pick international winners and losers once more when in reality there really are no winners or losers, just death. Remember to vote in this week's poll, the results will be shared on my radio program this weekend. 


Vote in this week's poll!

Albuquerque -  Remember to vote in this week's non-scientific poll. Marriage Equality has dominated the news cycle for a solid week as more New Mexico counties commence the issuance of same sex marriage licenses. This week we ask our politicos "Should government have a role in a religious ceremony like marriage?" Voting will be open through Noon on Friday and the results will be showcased in this week's edition of New Mexico Politico Radio. Remember to listen on Sunday 8am at New Mexico's Rock of Talk 95.9 FM and KIVA 1600 AM. 


Marriage: An institution of the state or church?

Albuquerque - New Mexico has captured both the ire and admiration of many in the past couple weeks with five of the state's counties commencing the issuance of same sex marriage licenses. A very vocal segment of society likes to equate this as the civil rights triumph of our modern time while others see this as a major government overreach and another example of the social moral decay of this generation. The stigma that divides society on this issue has left the darkness of taboo and entered front and center the forum of ideas in American politics.

The marriage equality movement is one of the most organized and vocal political movements to successfully mobilize and win the public narrative in recent memory. The bipartisan endorsed 1996 Defense of Marriage Act was recently deemed unconstitutional and overturned by a right of center United States Supreme Court. Liberal California's Proposition 8 which created an amendment to the California state constitution defining marriage as between a man and woman was ruled unconstitutional by a U.S. Appeals Court, a decision also supported by the Supreme Court earlier this summer. Politicians are quick to calculate and accommodate the changing social norms in order to stay in step with those who most effectively shake the cage of American political discourse. Presidents Obama and Clinton both formerly articulating that they believed in the traditional definition of marriage have now come in full support of marriage equality and have been followed by many elected officials who advocate for the same position. This is not surprising as many elected officials, both Republican and Democrat, seem to follow and use the changing contemporary social traditions to govern rather than the principles of the U.S. Constitution.

Most Republicans have taken a socially conservative stance on this issue citing biblical references and religious dogma in defending their position in supporting traditional marriage. The same Republicans often articulate small government sentiments when considering other social and economic policies yet they conveniently use big government to push a specific social agenda on society. This unfortunate inconsistency has limited the credibility of the Republican party with a growing population of independent and young voters, the same voters who are increasingly influential in elections and policy. It would do Republicans well to shed these past inconsistencies and face the current issue with a more constitutional question, "Why is the government involved in an institution of the church in the first place?"

There are few Republicans who are articulating this concept. One is the Dona Ana Republican Party Chairman David Clements. In a recent press release Chairman Clements hammers out a narrative that Republicans should follow. 

"Republicans instinctively defend our core values by referring to natural law concepts acknowledged in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution or more authoritatively the Bible. For example Republicans routinely appeal to the Bible as the source of authority to defend the definition of traditional marriage. In particular, Genesis 2:24 and Mark 10:6-7. 

Yet, we hamstring ourselves by fighting secularist-progressives on their battle ground. Namely that our fundamental rights come from the government and not our Creator. Though well intentioned, we have welcomed the government into our marriages by promoting subsidies and tax breaks in order to promote the nuclear family. This has unintended consequences. By providing government benefits to some and withholding from others, we provide the very legal foothold progressives need to establish grounds for lawsuit based on discrimination. In this writer's opinion, when we remove marriage from government control, we save it. If government has to be involved, it should only be at the State level in accordance with the Constitution.

Progressives want conservatives to base our arguments on ever-changing societal norms and "tradition" instead of the Constitution and natural law. Why? Because progressive reforms can infiltrate, endure and become the new "tradition." When Republicans are complicit in creating meaning never contemplated by the authors of the Constitution, we lose our intellectual ammunition and end up accepting the change, for better or worse. 

Republicans, it is only with an intellectual revolution and a reclaiming of the Constitution that we can effectively fight for religious freedom, marriage, property rights, and free speech. Truth is our strongest weapon. Arm yourself with the truth and change the battlefield."

Clements strongly articulates the constitutional narrative that conservatives, libertarians, and republicans should adopt when responding to the question of marriage equality. Most Americans are disenchanted with the obscene government intrusions and constitutional abuses that have been recently revealed by whistle blowers like Edward Snowden, Bradley Manning, and others further strengthening the case against more state involvement in our personal relationships and lives. Government involvement in the licensing of marriage to anyone has invited the current controversy of semantics to take place. Regardless of society's definition of marriage, our governments should only be involved in the issuing of civil unions or partnerships for all. Those who wish to be married must enter that institution with the blessing of ceremony by their chosen religious or spiritual community.

This subject is painful for many to discuss as we all have gay friends, family, and associates. We truly achieve equality by calming our emotions, ending the shouting matches and having a respectfully tempered discussion with the objective to understand one another. We must not allow social divisions like this fracture our families and communities. There is a solution for all and that solution can be found in the "intellectual revolution" that Clements speaks of.


Vote in this weeks non-scientific poll

Albuquerque - Voters in New Mexico's largest metropolitan area will go to the polls in seven weeks to decide who will lead their municipal government for the next four years. Filling day was last Tuesday with incumbent Mayor Richard Berry, Paul Heh, and Pete Dinelli making their campaigns official. Citizens of the Duke City are beginning to see the casual campaign sign or two popping up in their neighborhoods and off the main thoroughfares. Incumbent Mayor Berry seems to have a well oiled campaign, successfully deflecting any attempt by his rivals to shed negative messages or press on him. Politicos from the South Valley all the way up to the Northeast Heights have a few questions when considering this race. Will the low key 'average joe' style of Berry be enough for Albuquerque voters to retain him? With the addition of Republican Paul Heh, Will conservatives split the vote and send this into a special run-off election in November? Please vote in our weekly poll and listen Sunday 8:00 am to New Mexico Politico Radio on New Mexico's Rock of Talk 95.9 FM and KIVA 1600 AM to hear the results.  


This Week's Guests on New Mexico Politico Radio

Albuquerque - From the putrid political weeds to your stereo speakers, New Mexico Politico Radio is joined by an enlightening and entertaining guest line up this week to discuss all the news, views and headlines from 'La Politica'. Bob Cornelius, Joey Peters, Emily Kaltenbach, and Matt Peterson will brighten up your Sunday morning on New Mexico's Rock of Talk 95.9 FM and KIVA 1600 AM, 8am before Meet The Press. Podcasts are coming soon. If you're interested in sponsoring a podcast email me at ahd@newmexicopolitico.com


Martinez Appoints Rawson to Dona Ana County Commission

Albuquerque - Another Rawson ascends to political office in Dona Ana County, this time by appointment. Benjamin Rawson, son of former State Senator and current State Investment Council member (also an appointed position) Leanord Lee Rawson, was appointed this afternoon to the Dona Ana County Commission. Rawson's appointment as the Third District Commissioner will last until December 2014. Republican Rawson replaces Democrat Karen Perez who resigned last Friday to take a job in Texas. Rawson will be the lone Republican member of the five member commission. Rawson is the general manager of his family's business, Rawson Inc. Builders Supply and also serves as a board member for the New Mexico Home Builders Association and is Treasurer of the Las Cruces Home Builders Association. 


Vote In This Week's New Mexico Politico Non-Scientific Poll

Albuquerque - Please vote in this week's non-scientific poll featuring an inquiry into possible Republican candidates for New Mexico's 1st congressional district. After the 2012 defeat of former State Representative Janice Arnold-Jones, Republicans seem to be neutralized in Albuquerque's democratic leaning congressional seat. The 'chatter' in regards to this race is close to non-existent as Republicans seem to be preoccupied in their efforts to re-elect Mayor Richard Berry. A few names have been mentioned and are included in this week's poll. Send your comments or suggestions to ahd@newmexicopolitico.com


New Mexico Politico Radio Now On Sundays

Albuquerque - For those of you who've been listening to New Mexico Politico Radio on Saturdays, we are excited to announce our move to Sundays at 8am before Meet The Press on New Mexico's Rock of Talk 95.9 FM, 1600 AM, and worldwide at www.rockoftalk.com

On this week's edition of New Mexico Politico Radio we are joined by Bob Cornelius, Joey Peters, and Nick Maniatis. We discuss the week's top headlines, in-depth analysis of politics and culture. Remember to send me your news, views, and comments at ahd@newmexicopolitico.com


The 'Roundhouse Cowboy' Rides Again

Andy Nunez
Las Cruces -  The most interesting political story in recent New Mexico history isn't about a little known district attorney from Las Cruces who defied 'La Politica' in being elected the first Latina Republican governor in our nation's political history. While Susana Martinez's story continues to captivate the Washington DC crowd and the average Fox News viewers attention, us here in New Mexico are yawning. 

Susana Martinez, a former Democrat who became a Republican to challenge an incumbent Democratic district attorney, is about to lose the spotlight to a familiar face from Dona Ana county. 

New Mexico's fiercely independent 'Roundhouse Cowboy' has politicos all a chatter once again. Former State Representative Andy Nunez will change his party registration from DTS (decline to state) to Republican. According to a press release, Nunez will register as a Republican and take questions at the Secretary of State's office in Santa Fe Tuesday morning at 10:00 am. Nunez a lifelong Democrat became an Independent (DTS) after he and the late Speaker of the House, Ben Lujan had a very public exchange resulting in Nunez losing the important chairmanship of the House Agriculture and Water Resources committee. Nunez ran for re-election as an independent in 2012, losing a three way race where current Democrat State Representative Phillip Archuleta was elected.

Politicos anticipate Nunez will announce his candidacy for State Representative, a direct challenge to incumbent Archuleta. Nunez is quite popular in Hatch, where he serves as Mayor, and most of house district 36 which includes Northwest Las Cruces and the northern Mesilla Valley. This will easily be the most closely watched house race as New Mexico Republicans attempt to assume a political majority in the New Mexico House of Representatives. If Nunez and Republicans are successful next fall, will the next Speaker of the New Mexico House of Representatives be a cavalier cowboy from Hatch? Anything is possible here in 'La Politica'. 


New Mexico Politico Radio: This week's guests

This week's edition of New Mexico Politico Radio we will be joined by Bob Cornelius, Rob Nikoleski, and Senator Cliff Pirtle. New Mexico Politico Radio airs on Saturday's 1:00 pm in Albuquerque at The Rock of Talk 95.9 FM, KIVA 1600 AM and worldwide at www.rockoftalk.com. Remember to vote in our non-scientific weekly poll, you can find it at the top of the right column on this blog.

Send questions or comments for our guests and I to ahd@newmexicopolitico.com 


Hispanic Win:'California can be Republican again'

Andy Vidak
Washington Times - According to the logic of politics, Leticia Perez should have handily won the heavily Democratic and Hispanic district in California’s central valley, and her failure to do so has Republicans eager to develop a victory template for struggling GOP candidates elsewhere in the deep-blue state and across the country. Fresno cherry farmer and cattle rancher Andy Vidak, who is fluent in Spanish, said he captured the state Senate seat in last week’s closely watched runoff vote by connecting with Hispanic voters with a “common-sense” approach that focused on job creation, affordable energy and opposition to big government. He even cooked menudo, a cow-stomach soup and a Mexican favorite, at a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce event at the Bakersfield fairgrounds where 10,000 Hispanics turned out. Read more politicos...

Are We Rome Yet?

John Stossel
John Stossel - Unfortunately, the fall of Rome is a pattern repeated by empires throughout history...including ours? A group of libertarians gathered in Las Vegas recently for an event called "FreedomFest." We debated whether America will soon fall, as Rome did. Historian Carl Richard said that today's America resembles Rome. The Roman Republic had a constitution, but Roman leaders often ignored it. "Marius was elected consul six years in a row, even though under the constitution (he) was term-limited to one year." Sounds like New York City's Mayor Bloomberg. "We have presidents of both parties legislating by executive order, saying I'm not going to enforce certain laws because I don't like them. ... That open flouting of the law is dangerous because law ceases to have meaning. ... I see that today. ... Congress passes huge laws they haven't even read (as well as) overspending, overtaxing and devaluing the currency." The Romans were worse. I object to President Obama's $100 million dollar trip, but Nero traveled with 1,000 carriages....Read more Politicos


Pearce Responds to Xenophobic Remarks Made By Iowa Congressman

Steve Pearce
We applaud New Mexico Congressman Steve Pearce for taking an assertive stand against the xenophobic, racist remarks by Iowa's Representative Steve King. When will the rest of the Republican party take a stand against such remarks and attitudes?

From the Albuquerque Journal's Michael Coleman in Washington D.C.
"While most Republican House members scrambled to distance themselves from Rep. Steve King's assertion this week that many potential Dream Act Beneficiaries are drug mules, Rep. Steve Pearce said Wednesday that he speaks often with King but characterized his colleague's comments as "unproductive" and "divisive."

Read more here


New Mexico Politico Radio

Every organization either grows or dies. A move to New Mexico's largest metro area was a necessity for me and the New Mexico Politico. Politicos statewide will now have a weekly radio show to hear each week's biggest headlines, in-depth analysis, learn of cultural gems and the state's current events. Our organization has the opportunity to produce New Mexico Politico Radio and we are excited! NMPR will air Saturday's 3:00pm-4:00pm on New Mexico's Rock of Talk 95.9 FM & 1600 AM in the Duke City. Not in the Albuquerque Metro Area? You can listen to the live stream at www.rockoftalk.com We are working on podcast availability here as well. Keep reading and listening, be sure to send your comments our way!

Zimmerman Trial: We All Lose

Albuquerque - As most technology addicted Americans do after the ingestation of a subpar Chinese takeout dinner, perused my social media eventually learning the fate of George Zimmerman this past weekend. I've casually followed the racially charged litigation accusing Zimmerman of murdering Trayvon Martin but I had no personal attachment to the case or outcome mainly because of the national circus revolving around the case. I've heard the Zimmerman case labeled as the "O.J. Simpson trial of the decade" but I tend to dismiss such comparison as media hyperbole. Like the Simpson trial, this litigation is inflamed by racial tension yet there is more than just race and color at the center of this episode. Are we as a nation experiencing another tale of mass distraction?

Racism perpetuates more racism if we allow it to. Our generation is supposed to be an intellectually liberated, post-racial one yet we continue to consume the bovine excrement that politicians, personalities and media feed us. The vast constitutional violations executed by the Obama administration as highlighted by the Edward Snowden leaks are barely making a murmur in most American's hearts; they're to busy playing into the 'divide and conquer' race drama disseminated by the mainstream media and national politicians. Are we not cognizant individuals that prefer facts, logic, truth and compassion? Its disgusting to see heightened emotionalism used as a political and corporate tactic of distraction on the People by the elite. 

Divide and conquer the puppet masters are doing. Our generation and nation needs to see this unfortunate saga for what it really is, a calculated divisive drama to polarize America for the political and corporate elite. I pray for all parties involved in this trial but mostly for the future of our nation as a whole. We can do better, we are better. 


Independence Day 2013

Drink your beers, light your smoke, fire up the grill. Blood, sweat, and tears built this shinning city upon the hill. Universal ideas of natural rights they still try to kill. Raise your glass to liberty! To freedom we will defend perpetually! 


Congressman Steve Pearce Memorial Day Message

Today, we remember those who have given the ultimate sacrifice in the name of freedom.  The countless flags decorating headstones across the country are a powerful reminder of the price of freedom.  I am deeply grateful for the sacrifice of those who died for liberty, and all the families who have endured the loss of loved ones so that we may live free.

I encourage you today to take a moment to give thanks for our freedom and those who have died to preserve it, and find a way to express their gratitude to a veteran, service member, or a family member who has sacrificed alongside their loved ones in the service.  From the bottom of my heart, I thank all of those who have given of themselves to protect our great nation.

May God bless you, and may God bless America.

Happy Memorial Day!


New Mexico Politico U.S. Senate Poll

Senator Udall
Summer 2013 is underway and most politicos are either on hiatus or in the very early stages of organizing and recruiting potential candidates for next years mid-term elections. We are one year and eleven days away from the 2014 primary election and a few Republicans (One Libertarian) have voiced interest in or are considered likely potential challengers to U.S. Senator Tom Udall. According to the New York Times, Udall's seat is ranked as one of the safest for Democrats next year. Former Gubernatorial candidate and Republican Party chairman Allen Weh is the only official candidate who has expressed interest in seeking the GOP's nomination. Libertarian and former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson, Lt. Governor John Sanchez, and Albuquerque Mayor Berry have been circulated as possible challengers as well. Economic Development Secretary Jon Barela has declined any interest in seeking the GOP nomination. Please take moment to vote for who you think will most likely be successful in their challenge to Udall. Look to your right for the poll, there it is. 


Is Veteran Newsman A New Mexico Democrat Hired Gun?

According to Political Fireball a connection can be made, read here https://politicalfireball.wordpress.com/2013/05/20/milan-simonich-media-operative-for-new-mexico-democrats/. It is apparent Mr. Simonich has a blunt bias when reporting on New Mexico politics that tends to favor statewide Democrats but are we really all that surprised? There are very few journalists left in the profession who don't have a bias or agenda to push. I have a perspective that I publish here on the NMP because I'm an editorialist, an essayist and definitely not a journalist. I appreciate what Mr. Simonich does for his readers in the Southern New Mexico but I might as well subscribe to Democratic Party of New Mexico emails to cross reference his reports. 


The Buena Vida in Las Cruces

Las Cruces has grown up? As we reach a population of 100,000 (soon to be 99,996) all the dignitaries and public figures have shed nothing but praise for this milestone. As an activist, native son and descendant of our city founder I wish I could share the same sentiment. This population growth is truly 'grown up' because we've become another sunbelt retirement town for 
baby boomers. Our city politics are reflective of this 'growth'. While this particular segment may be living the 'buena vida', native CruceƱos and young people continue to struggle here in the City of the Crosses. Without a sustaining economy to allow them to live, learn, and thrive, we will continue to see these important segments move away to find their prosperity. This town is full of potential, it's time we elect real leaders who can maximize this potential and allow more Las Crucens to live the 'buena vida'. 


Why do we celebrate Cinco de Mayo?

5 May 1862. The United States of America is preoccupied by a bloody civil war, unable to enforce the Monroe Doctrine that asserted any further European effort to colonize or intervene in the Western Hemisphere would be considered an act of aggression towards the United States. France's Napoleon III occupies Mexico in support of Emperor Maximilian's Second Mexican Empire. As providence would have it an outnumbered and under equipped Mexican Republican army lead by General Ignacio Zaragoza defeated the invading French army at Puebla. A victory that provided a needed boost of morale that transcended into an eventual expulsion of European imperialism in Mexico. If those Mexican patriots had not been successful in their efforts at Puebla that day, the Federal Republicans of this country may not have been able to survive the civil war and an imperial crown in Mexico City. So yes in short celebrate 'Cinco de Mayo' but don't be completely ignorant. ¡Salud!

New Mexico Politicos