
Brushfire in New Mexico

Torch of Liberty
Alamogordo - Modern (especially well financed) political campaigns usually invest more resources on spreading a candidate's message and name 'ID' by utilizing conventional broadcast media and viral internet mediums like Facebook, Vine, YouTube, Podcasts and Twitter. In a state where the physical size of congressional districts are larger than most New England states one can easily understand why it is a necessity for campaigns to utilize mass broadcast methods to touch voters. It is rare for statewide candidates to campaign out of a handbook from eras past where visits to favored local coffee shops, hardware stores or (New) Mexican restaurants often present opportunities to meet the real influencers of elections in this 121, 298.15 square miles we call New Mexico. 

 Our capital city Santa Fe is nicknamed the 'City Different', this can also describe our Land of Enchantment. This is the West, voters require more than just a mailer, television commercial or persistent presence on the internet... they want to meet a candidate face to face and leave with a confident handshake. Successful grassroots efforts connect with voters at a sobering, personal level.

 A political movement that effectively articulates what the masses are thinking is a powerful one. Young people are disenchanted with the process because the elaborate complexity of the system is oppressing any viable opportunity for future economic prosperity, the 'game' is rigged. Our Communities and families are increasingly mandated orders by a technocratic social engineer in Washington D.C. while our privacy rights are being violated every day on the pretense of national security. The Constitution that protects our natural rights and liberties is defecated on in the same name of bi-partisanship.

David Clements
Congressional approval ratings are tanking like the Titanic in the north Atlantic, only 9% of Americans approve of their supposed leadership. The once guilded candidate of hope, President Obama has the lowest approval ratings of his career at 40%, Americans have lost confidence in his leadership. Main street is tired of Wall Street and K Street running the show, the environment for a grassroots velvet revolution is fertile in this country. Regular individuals like you and I are concerned about the economic future of our families, communities, and country.

Too often are the people payed lip service by opportunist career minded political swine who only represent the highest bidder and the economic elite who directly benefit from the expansive leviathan of federal prowess. Because of this sentiment we're seeing grassroots candidates like David Clements earning enthusiastic support in every part of New Mexico because the people are demanding a leader that understands their concerns and the root of our nation's political and economic problems.

Coffee houses and campaign events across the state are filling to capacity to learn more about the little known attorney from Dona Ana county and his message of liberty and the restoration of individual sovereignty to all New Mexicans. Embers of Freedom are igniting 'brushfires' in the hearts and minds of a concerned few that will spread to all of New Mexico. The political establishment is on alert and has made concerted efforts to thwart Clements and the liberty movement from speaking the truth.  Freedom can be restricted but cannot be contained.

Our Founders were keen on this over two hundred years ago, perhaps Samuel Adams says it best "It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men." Keep an eye on U.S. Senate candidate David Clements but more so on the grassroots movement catapulting him to the front. A wildfire of liberty grounded in the principles of our U.S. Constitution is the only movement that can restore our country as the 'shining city on the hill' that it once was.

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New Mexico Politicos