
This Week's Poll: Republican Issues

Albuquerque - A recent CBS News poll indicates Republicans are losing the 'blame game' with 44% of Americans assigning responsibility to them for the federal government shutdown. President Obama and Congressional Democrats were viewed as the responsible party by 35% of Americans. While some Republicans are alarmed by this and are seeking opportunities to tuck tail and run towards Democratic appeasement, others are standing firm on principle and asking tough questions for Democrat and Republican leadership to answer. We arrived at the currently bleak economic condition via bipartisan collaboration with our representatives blindly following leadership's misguided band-aid solutions and political horse trades. This week I ask politicos what are the best issues for Republicans to advocate for in the lead up to the election in a little more than a year away. You may vote for multiple answers, I will share the results on New Mexico Politico Radio and Podcast this Sunday.

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