
Zimmerman Trial: We All Lose

Albuquerque - As most technology addicted Americans do after the ingestation of a subpar Chinese takeout dinner, perused my social media eventually learning the fate of George Zimmerman this past weekend. I've casually followed the racially charged litigation accusing Zimmerman of murdering Trayvon Martin but I had no personal attachment to the case or outcome mainly because of the national circus revolving around the case. I've heard the Zimmerman case labeled as the "O.J. Simpson trial of the decade" but I tend to dismiss such comparison as media hyperbole. Like the Simpson trial, this litigation is inflamed by racial tension yet there is more than just race and color at the center of this episode. Are we as a nation experiencing another tale of mass distraction?

Racism perpetuates more racism if we allow it to. Our generation is supposed to be an intellectually liberated, post-racial one yet we continue to consume the bovine excrement that politicians, personalities and media feed us. The vast constitutional violations executed by the Obama administration as highlighted by the Edward Snowden leaks are barely making a murmur in most American's hearts; they're to busy playing into the 'divide and conquer' race drama disseminated by the mainstream media and national politicians. Are we not cognizant individuals that prefer facts, logic, truth and compassion? Its disgusting to see heightened emotionalism used as a political and corporate tactic of distraction on the People by the elite. 

Divide and conquer the puppet masters are doing. Our generation and nation needs to see this unfortunate saga for what it really is, a calculated divisive drama to polarize America for the political and corporate elite. I pray for all parties involved in this trial but mostly for the future of our nation as a whole. We can do better, we are better. 

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