
Where's Waldo...or Wilson?

Here is an editorial you may see in New Mexico print media. John Billingsly, campaign manager for Pearce, expands on the recent issue of Heather Wilson missing over 22 votes in Washington this week. There was important legislation that she missed and where her votes would have made a significant difference.

Dear Editor:

Where's Waldo was fun. Where's Heather is not. Heather Wilson has missed critical votes on stripping sanctuary cities' tax exempt status, making college loans more accessible and even on wiretapping terrorists this week. She has put her political needs above the people's needs. We need a Senator who will work for us, not for her own advantage. I'm proud to be Steve Pearce's campaign manager. He didn't take the week off to campaign. He was in the nation's capital doing the people's business.

John Billingsley
Campaign Manager
People for Pearce

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