A commentary on news, politics, culture, and current events here in the Land of Enchantment.
Where have I been?
Busy with life. 2008 has definitely made its mark on me. I've learned so much about politics, business, and people. Most importantly I learned quite a bit about myself. I need to be closer to my family and loved ones at this point in life thus I will be attending Texas Tech in January. While my time in Chicago was an invaluable experience it was too far, cold, and a bit pricey for this New Mexico boy. I have been working on my transition to Texas this past week along with helping the family get ready for our Christmas party this Wednesday.
As most of you have noticed I am not a prolific blogger per say. I engage a topic I find interesting and try to present my thoughts in a quality piece that will challenge others to explore their own thoughts. Presently, I am working on introducing an improved New Mexico Politico format that will include daily, weekly, columnists offering different perspectives on different topics. I envision the New Mexico Politico serving as a place for the future Politicos to read and contribute. This venture will probably not be complete until the end of next year because of web design, production, and assembling of writers.
If any of you have ideas you'd like to see the New Mexico Politico explore let me know. Have good Monday Politicos!
Throwin' A Boot...
While I disagree with President Bush on his big government, neo-conservative tendencies I like and respect the guy. Apparently this Iraqi reporter thought otherwise. Bush's reaction was funny, he dodges the shoe then seems to chuckle. I couldn't stop laughing when I saw this. I wonder if New Mexico reporters will show Richardson the boot during his farewell appearances in the coming month.
Have a good week politicos.
GOP Alert!
Chairman Weh has cancelled the state central committee meeting that was to take place on Saturday. The order of business was to amend the rules establishing state office elections in February and not in January. Some Politicos believe Weh & Company were trying to buy more time for their candidate to campaign. There has been speculation that Mr. Padoven (the only official candidate) is being supported by Weh and Sen. Rod Adair. Padoven is a relatively unknown candidate and would have needed the extra month to gain some votes. Dr. Allen McCulloch and Congressman Steve Pearce are the only other possible candidates interested in the job. Both McCulloch and Pearce have been actively asking central committee members to oppose Weh's previous proposal; it looks like their efforts proved to be successful. The elections will be held on January 10th in Albuquerque. To my knowledge only McCulloch, Pearce, and Padoven have expressed interest in the job. Padoven may now drop out of the race due to the lack of time to run an effective campaign. Keep reading for my next post on McCulloch and Pearce, this could shape out to be a real rumble in the jungle. It should be published by the end of the day.
RNC on Obama-Blagojevich
Chairman Mike Duncan weighs in on the corruption in Chicago and President Elect Obama.
President-elect Barack Obama’s carefully parsed and vague statements regarding his own contact and that of his team with Governor Rod Blagojevich are unacceptable. Considering the severity of the allegations against Governor Blagojevich, the President-elect should immediately disclose any and all communications his transition team has had with the governor’s office along with any Service Employees International Union (SEIU) officials involved in the matter. Obama’s promise of transparency to the American people is now being tested.Well said Mr. Chairman, this incident will definitely tarnish the gilded image of the 'change' presidency. Obama is a product of the very same Democratic machine that Blagojevich is involved in. Change? come on....
New Poll
I want to know who you all think should be the next Chair of the Republican party here in New Mexico. Can an ultra-conservative unite a broken party? Does the Doctor have the right remedy for the sick elephant? Can an old timer bring together all the new factions? Let your voices be heard Politicos!
Go Bulldawgs!
I played for the Las Cruces Bulldawg football team from 2001-2004, my brother Isaac played from 2003-2006, and my brother Zach, #20, is currently playing for the Dawgs. Zach is starting safety and kicker. The Dawgs will face El Dorado for the 2008 state championship game tomorrow. I am very proud of my brother and his team; win or lose they will always be champions in whatever they do. Last time LCHS was in the championship was my sophomore year when we played Mayfield and won in 2002. Zach and the Bulldawgs deserve this ring and I hope ya'll will wish them luck. Go Dawgs!
Pearce Pushing or Pulling Out?
While the race for state GOP chair is flying under the radar of many other bloggers there is a melodrama developing within this contest. Allen McCulloch of Farmington is quietly putting together a coalition of supporters for his run for the chair and it is no secret Steve Pearce has expressed interest in the job. The addition of John Padoven (hasn't been active in New Mexico since the late 70's) in the race raises some questions for many astute Republican observers. There is also speculation that Earl Greer of T or C might be making a run as well. Padoven is the only candidate to announce officially that he is a candidate.
It seems everyone is waiting to to see what will the self described "very conservative" Pearce do. Apparently Steve Pearce met with a group of county chairmen and other state central committee members this week to discuss their concerns for his candidacy. One of those concerns was how long would Pearce, if elected, serve as chair? It is also no secret Pearce is interested in running again for his seat in congress that is soon to be occupied by Harry Teague. Paraphrased in the email is Pearce's response:
Party unity also came up in discussion with Pearce.
Pearce also states that we need to redefine who we are; how can we redefine who we are when we have the same old failed leadership and ideals guiding the party? We can't return to our core conservative principles and redefine who we are at the same time. I am enthused to hear him advocate that the party needs to quit eating its own, something I've seen and experienced. Hopefully the local party gets his message.
Congressman Pearce is a good man. I was a loyal and faithful supporter of him since he first ran for congress back in 2002. I would support him if he does decide to run for congress again but not for state chair. He might be an overly ambitious man, his decision to run for senate makes this evident. He is part of the "very conservative" wing of the party that has failed to deliver in leadership.
While I think he intends to lead as a compassionate conservative, his record in congress shows otherwise. The party needs to move forward with some new blood and ideas. Congressman Pearce should do the right thing and allow candidates who are committed to serving a full term and are open to new ideas run for chair. A Pearce candidacy will only widen the great schism and hamper any future success Republicans hope to accomplish.
It seems everyone is waiting to to see what will the self described "very conservative" Pearce do. Apparently Steve Pearce met with a group of county chairmen and other state central committee members this week to discuss their concerns for his candidacy. One of those concerns was how long would Pearce, if elected, serve as chair? It is also no secret Pearce is interested in running again for his seat in congress that is soon to be occupied by Harry Teague. Paraphrased in the email is Pearce's response:
he is looking at running for office, however he also acknowledged the work that needs to be done to unify the Party and that this cannot be done in just one year. He was not definitive in his answer to this question but I sensed that he was aware of the concern.
Party unity also came up in discussion with Pearce.
he was very adamant on the need to bring our party together - he stated that he has no hard feelings toward Heather and would not publicly attack her - he will be meeting with her tomorrow - he did say that he does not support taking our party to the left which he says Heather advocates, but does believe in compassionate conservatism - he is not a one issue politician and believes that we need to bring conservative Democrats back into the fold as well as the independent vote - he believes that in order to do this we need to get back to our core values and redefine who we are - this does not mean to exclude people who are not lock step in every issue - public bashing of other republicans is something that we cannot continue to doSo Congressman Pearce is meeting with Congresswoman Wilson today. What will be discussed? It is my premonition that we will hear Pearce's official announcement soon following this meeting. Pearce is correct in his assessment of bringing back conservative Democrats (Hispanics) but he is wrong in his approach. He is sounding like all "very conservative" Republicans that lost the last two elections but are still advocating a return to our conservative roots.
Pearce also states that we need to redefine who we are; how can we redefine who we are when we have the same old failed leadership and ideals guiding the party? We can't return to our core conservative principles and redefine who we are at the same time. I am enthused to hear him advocate that the party needs to quit eating its own, something I've seen and experienced. Hopefully the local party gets his message.
Congressman Pearce is a good man. I was a loyal and faithful supporter of him since he first ran for congress back in 2002. I would support him if he does decide to run for congress again but not for state chair. He might be an overly ambitious man, his decision to run for senate makes this evident. He is part of the "very conservative" wing of the party that has failed to deliver in leadership.
While I think he intends to lead as a compassionate conservative, his record in congress shows otherwise. The party needs to move forward with some new blood and ideas. Congressman Pearce should do the right thing and allow candidates who are committed to serving a full term and are open to new ideas run for chair. A Pearce candidacy will only widen the great schism and hamper any future success Republicans hope to accomplish.
Jeb Bush Has It Right... PERIOD.
According to the Washington Wire Gov. Jeb Bush is considering a run for Senate. Sen. Mel Martinez R-FL, a one term Senator, has decided not to seek re-election in 2010. Unlike his brother, Gov. Bush remains popular in Florida.
Since the Republican failure in November, Gov. Bush has been extremely vocal about his disagreements with the party. He and I share almost the same view of what the GOP's problem is and what they need to do about it. He makes some astute observations in his recent Newsmax.com interview.
Bush makes a simple statement from a plain observation that many local and state GOP leaders refuse to realize. He advocates that the GOP must broaden its appeal to avoid becoming “the old white-guy party".
This is the 'invitation only' party that I have been talking about. Bush then speaks about the Hispanic vote. He, like others, recognizes that the Hispanic vote is and will continue to make an impact on American politics. Republicans lost this year in part because Hispanics did not give a sustainable amount of votes to them. One reason is the GOP's harsh rhetoric used in the immigration debate. Bush expands on the Hispanic vote and immigration.
In New Mexico we haven't! When I've made statements similar to Gov. Bush's, I am nearly ostracized from a party that doesn't like a 21 year old political light weight making embarrassing observations. Governor Jeb Bush gets it, New Mexico Republicans don't. State leadership must work to remake the 'big tent' party in order to shed their 'invitation only' party image.
Since the Republican failure in November, Gov. Bush has been extremely vocal about his disagreements with the party. He and I share almost the same view of what the GOP's problem is and what they need to do about it. He makes some astute observations in his recent Newsmax.com interview.
Bush makes a simple statement from a plain observation that many local and state GOP leaders refuse to realize. He advocates that the GOP must broaden its appeal to avoid becoming “the old white-guy party".
“You’ve got to do the hard work. That means grass-roots organization. It means listening to the base of the party. It means voter registration. It means turn-out operations. It means recruiting candidates that look like the population we’re trying to attract to our cause. Those things seem to have waned in the last couple years.”
Perhaps most importantly, Bush said, the party must confront the nation’s changing demographics.
“We can’t ignore large segments of our population and expect to win,” Bush said. “We can’t be the ‘old white-guy’ party. It’s just not going to work, the demographics go against us in that regard.
This is the 'invitation only' party that I have been talking about. Bush then speaks about the Hispanic vote. He, like others, recognizes that the Hispanic vote is and will continue to make an impact on American politics. Republicans lost this year in part because Hispanics did not give a sustainable amount of votes to them. One reason is the GOP's harsh rhetoric used in the immigration debate. Bush expands on the Hispanic vote and immigration.
“Among Hispanic voters, I think we need to change the tone of the conversation as it relates to immigration. In Florida, we’ve not participated much in the chest pounding and the yelling and the screaming. I mean, it just drives me nuts when there are substantive policy differences that we can show mutual respect on, but the tone needs to change. And I think we need to recruit more candidates who share our values in the Hispanic community. In Florida we’ve done that.”
In New Mexico we haven't! When I've made statements similar to Gov. Bush's, I am nearly ostracized from a party that doesn't like a 21 year old political light weight making embarrassing observations. Governor Jeb Bush gets it, New Mexico Republicans don't. State leadership must work to remake the 'big tent' party in order to shed their 'invitation only' party image.
The Politics of Resentment
Jim Scarantino has a quality piece discussing the 'spread the wealth' topic between John McCain and Barack Obama this past election. The GOP must keep their ears open to such analysis in order to truly understand the expanding working class electorate. It makes some sense, check it out.
It's Official!
King Bill will be leaving New Mexico to become an Obama bureaucrat! Richardson will be Secretary of the Commerce once confirmed by Congress. This is good news for us all, Republican and Democrat. Richardson used New Mexico as a presidential spring board during the bleak Bush era. He failed in his presidential run, vice-presidential run, and secretary of state run... commerce secretary is a conciliatory prize. Vayan con Obama Governor!
New Kid On The Block... Sort Of
A new candidate is making a run for GOP chairman. Former State Representative John Padoven has forwarded an email announcing his candidacy. Padoven was elected to the New Mexico House of Representatives in 1977 and served two terms. He then moved to California to work in computer software and later business consulting. The following seems to be his platform.
I do not know Mr. Padoven but I am glad to see he is running. At this point I am not supporting anyone because I am not a state central committee member. If I was a member I don't know who I would support, the other two candidates are same old business party insiders. The state GOP is continuing to be the invitation only party that loses election after election. Real smart.
During the following weeks before the Chairman’s election on January 10th, you will receive information answering questions on why John Padoven is running for State Chairman. You will also receive very specific information on where he would like the party to evolve in the years ahead.
John knows fully well that he cannot act alone. A partnership with the Republican State Central Committee is essential for our Party’s success. It will be a democratic partnership based on ideas and how ideas should be implemented.
If elected, John will open a telephone hot line for Central Committee members to use in sharing their ideas and concerns. Active and open communications will hopefully diminish internal conflicts that only harm our party casting shadows over our common goal, which is to become the majority party in New Mexico.
John will also meet with every Central Committee member, in the members home town where he can visit not only with you, but your families. Doing so will allow John to know who you are and what motivates you personally and politically. It will also give you a chance to know him.
I do not know Mr. Padoven but I am glad to see he is running. At this point I am not supporting anyone because I am not a state central committee member. If I was a member I don't know who I would support, the other two candidates are same old business party insiders. The state GOP is continuing to be the invitation only party that loses election after election. Real smart.
Happy Thanksgiving
Hola Politicos! I am back from my much needed ski trip. There was a nice preseason snow base in Breckenridge and I look forward to this years season. The trip provided me some time to balance my thoughts while in the middle of God's winter wonderland.
Today I celebrated Thanksgiving with my family at my grandparents house. It has been a tough year for us but it is encouraging and inspiring to see my brothers, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents healthy and moving forward in life.
Thanksgiving is a profound day in my families calendar because we come together and share what we are thankful for. I find it moving and inspiring to hear my families personal testimonies at the dinner table every year. This year the first thing my grandpa stated was that he was thankful for being an American. He noted that things are going well for our country right now but we are better off than most in other parts of the world.
Grandpa is dead on. America is blessed by God to have the quality people, minds, resources, and leadership that make this country great. The shadows of economic gloom, political uncertainty, and social division have been cast over our resilient nation but we should not fear. We are a strong, tenacious nation ready to face the challenges of our day. The shadows of our modern era are temporary, the light will soon shine upon us again.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Today I celebrated Thanksgiving with my family at my grandparents house. It has been a tough year for us but it is encouraging and inspiring to see my brothers, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents healthy and moving forward in life.
Thanksgiving is a profound day in my families calendar because we come together and share what we are thankful for. I find it moving and inspiring to hear my families personal testimonies at the dinner table every year. This year the first thing my grandpa stated was that he was thankful for being an American. He noted that things are going well for our country right now but we are better off than most in other parts of the world.
Grandpa is dead on. America is blessed by God to have the quality people, minds, resources, and leadership that make this country great. The shadows of economic gloom, political uncertainty, and social division have been cast over our resilient nation but we should not fear. We are a strong, tenacious nation ready to face the challenges of our day. The shadows of our modern era are temporary, the light will soon shine upon us again.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hitting The Ski Slopes!
Blue skies touching the snow caped peaks of the righteous Rocky mountains, the fresh evergreens sharing their wisdom of life with every breath one takes in, and the firm yet forgiving powder snow anticipating the skiers next move...yes this is heaven. Ski season is probably the second most anticipated time of year for me (only second to election season). It is a passion of mine because, like when I'm at the ranch, it allows me to reconnect with my natural setting and realize how very small I am in the grand scheme of God's universe. I will be skiing at Breckenridge in Colorado for the next couple of days, I should be back Tuesday. It will also allow me some good time to read, write, and think. I am working on the Postmortem series still but I need to be more thorough in my thoughts. I think hitting the slopes for the weekend will help clear my mind and provide me with some inspiration. Have a great weekend ya'll!
Pro Palin PAC
According to the Washington Wire a group of conservatives have organized to curtail the negative attacks made on Gov. Sarah Palin. While I refuse to support her for president in the future I do believe she is a good woman, mother, and American. The attacks made on her have been tasteless, especially involving her family. I am glad to see regular Americans take a stand for Gov. Palin...here's the video.
Secretary of Commerce: Bill Richardson
If the chatter about Gov. Bill Richardson becoming Commerce Secretary in Obama's administration is true, we are all in debt to those who voted for Obama. The final days of Richardson's faux governorship and neglect of New Mexico are approaching. Thanks be to the messiah Obama!
Postmortem III Coming soon.
A work in progress. Need some extra time to think about the upcoming state GOP elections. From what I've read, heard, and seen the new GOP leadership is already beginning to stink. Will somebody please take last weeks garbage out.
Gobble, Gobble, Gulp 2012?
I'll say it now, I will not be supporting Gov. Palin for president in 2012. Why? No politician has provided the amount of material to Tina Fey and SNL that Sarah Palin has. While Palin discusses here future plans, keep your eye on the turkey in the background. Priceless.
I like the Governor but I think her serious 15 minutes are up. She should lay low for a while, maybe move to Alaska or something....oh ya.
I like the Governor but I think her serious 15 minutes are up. She should lay low for a while, maybe move to Alaska or something....oh ya.
Postmortem II
Gov. Jeb Bush offers the blunt truth in his recent thoughts about the future of the GOP.
Republicans, it is time to wake up! Bush has the gravitas within the party to make such a bold statement. I have voiced a similar opinion many times before but some fellow Republicans chastised me for making such statements. One Republican even suggested that I had wondered off the reservation.
The only ones that have wondered off the reservation are those in Republican leadership...especially here in New Mexico. Their poor organization, leadership, and internal politics contributed to the worst election for Republicans since the Watergate era. They refuse to recognize their failures, evaluate their mistakes, and offer new pragmatic ideas. The party will remain insignificant if they continue their business as usual mentality.
The GOP is suffering from a deadly identity crisis. The Republican image is tainted and the well of ideas have turned stagnant. Republicans must continue to evolve certain policy initiatives in order to effectively compete with Democrats. They should seriously address issues pertaining to the environment, health care, and education. Pragmatic solutions, rooted in conservative principles, must be proposed to the American people.
Leaders must engage the issues of our time and convince Americans that their solutions are attainable, efficient, and best for the country. The resolution of problems must take precedent over rhetorical opposition to all things Democrat. Leaders and operatives must adopt zero tolerance for corruption, practice to limit government and spending, put working families and small business first, and spearhead reform. This will improve the image of the party and renew a partnership of trust with the American people.
The party has the opportunity to be the true agents of change if they choose to be. Republicans must harness the winds of change to navigate this once great ship of practical idealism back to significance in American politics.
The New Mexico Politico will continue to expand on certain themes addressed in the Postmortem series. It is critical for new ideas to enter the continuing discussion on the future of the Republican party.
I would suggest the conservatives need to do the math of the new demographics of the United States. We can't be anti-Hispanic, anti-young person, anti-many things and be surprised when we didn't win.
Republicans, it is time to wake up! Bush has the gravitas within the party to make such a bold statement. I have voiced a similar opinion many times before but some fellow Republicans chastised me for making such statements. One Republican even suggested that I had wondered off the reservation.
The only ones that have wondered off the reservation are those in Republican leadership...especially here in New Mexico. Their poor organization, leadership, and internal politics contributed to the worst election for Republicans since the Watergate era. They refuse to recognize their failures, evaluate their mistakes, and offer new pragmatic ideas. The party will remain insignificant if they continue their business as usual mentality.
The GOP is suffering from a deadly identity crisis. The Republican image is tainted and the well of ideas have turned stagnant. Republicans must continue to evolve certain policy initiatives in order to effectively compete with Democrats. They should seriously address issues pertaining to the environment, health care, and education. Pragmatic solutions, rooted in conservative principles, must be proposed to the American people.
Leaders must engage the issues of our time and convince Americans that their solutions are attainable, efficient, and best for the country. The resolution of problems must take precedent over rhetorical opposition to all things Democrat. Leaders and operatives must adopt zero tolerance for corruption, practice to limit government and spending, put working families and small business first, and spearhead reform. This will improve the image of the party and renew a partnership of trust with the American people.
The party has the opportunity to be the true agents of change if they choose to be. Republicans must harness the winds of change to navigate this once great ship of practical idealism back to significance in American politics.
The New Mexico Politico will continue to expand on certain themes addressed in the Postmortem series. It is critical for new ideas to enter the continuing discussion on the future of the Republican party.
The election of Barack Obama two weeks ago ushered in a new political and social age for our country. He ran an efficient, smart campaign that captivated voters from all walks of life. John McCain was right on the issues but failed to win the trust and support of the majority of the American people. I've waited to write my post election thoughts to see who the Republicans blamed for their failures nation wide. As I suspected they blamed everything and everyone besides themselves.
The nation wide election loss should signify to the party that significant change in leadership and approach to 21st century issues are needed in order for the GOP to survive and be successful once again. The party needs to find its identity in this emerging brave new world. Republicans speak of being a 'big tent' party but two weeks ago at a Republican 'big tent' BBQ I only saw a handful of Hispanics and youth. The majority of people under that tent were old, white, and their politics outdated...much like the party as a whole.
In response to the nation wide slaughter, party leadership is advocating for Republicans to return to their core conservative principles. This is such an easy and inferior excuse for them to offer because they used this same excuse two years ago when congress was lost. Returning to core principles is a small component to polishing the GOP brand, not the whole. They continue to use old excuses to solve old problems; for this very reason leadership needs to change.
Republicans have allowed different spheres of the party to redefine what a conservative is. This has alienated a significant amount of voters and contributed to the Democratic victory. Republicans need to define who they are and offer pragmatic solutions to modern day problems. While the base of the party is white, old, and evangelical the face of the nation is not.
John McCain lost this election because he played to this base just to solidify their wary support. His time and strategy spent on energizing these supporters (the so called base) allowed other groups of voters to fall through the cracks. President Bush won his base but what won him the presidency was independent and Hispanic voters. McCain lost these two groups overwhelmingly.
If the so called base of the party will only support candidates that pander solely to their ideological beliefs, the party is in store for a long exile into the desert of American politics.
This is the first entry in the New Mexico Politico's Postmortem thoughts. Check back tomorrow for Postmortem II.
The nation wide election loss should signify to the party that significant change in leadership and approach to 21st century issues are needed in order for the GOP to survive and be successful once again. The party needs to find its identity in this emerging brave new world. Republicans speak of being a 'big tent' party but two weeks ago at a Republican 'big tent' BBQ I only saw a handful of Hispanics and youth. The majority of people under that tent were old, white, and their politics outdated...much like the party as a whole.
In response to the nation wide slaughter, party leadership is advocating for Republicans to return to their core conservative principles. This is such an easy and inferior excuse for them to offer because they used this same excuse two years ago when congress was lost. Returning to core principles is a small component to polishing the GOP brand, not the whole. They continue to use old excuses to solve old problems; for this very reason leadership needs to change.
Republicans have allowed different spheres of the party to redefine what a conservative is. This has alienated a significant amount of voters and contributed to the Democratic victory. Republicans need to define who they are and offer pragmatic solutions to modern day problems. While the base of the party is white, old, and evangelical the face of the nation is not.
John McCain lost this election because he played to this base just to solidify their wary support. His time and strategy spent on energizing these supporters (the so called base) allowed other groups of voters to fall through the cracks. President Bush won his base but what won him the presidency was independent and Hispanic voters. McCain lost these two groups overwhelmingly.
If the so called base of the party will only support candidates that pander solely to their ideological beliefs, the party is in store for a long exile into the desert of American politics.
This is the first entry in the New Mexico Politico's Postmortem thoughts. Check back tomorrow for Postmortem II.
New Mexico: Center of the Money Hole?
In The Know: Should The Government Stop Dumping Money Into A Giant Hole?
Did ya'll catch the shout out for New Mexico? Exactly where is this money hole? Two words: rail runner.
Obama Supporters In Perile
Thanks Garrett from Texas for sending this news clip my way. New Mexico Politicos have been wondering what will happen to all the Obama supporters after the election. Is rehab an option?
I'm Back...The GOP Will Join Us Shortly
What an arduous journey to the present. I have been working for certain Republican candidates since February 2008 and my duties expired (much like our party did) on Tuesday November 4th. This election has consumed every facet of my life since the day I decided to engage politics more aggressively and assume an operatives role. I could not write election day (most of the year) because I was neck deep in campaign business. I decided not to write the last couple days because I simply had nothing to say. The beating my candidates and I have taken necessitated some monastic time of solitude.
I will be writing in the coming days my thoughts on the election outcome, the state of the GOP, enemies of New Mexico, the 'new' Democrats, and our future GOP President. Now that the horror film is over and the nightmare is about to begin, I pledge to you my daily notations on La Politica, arguments against socialist tyranny, and heck maybe a weekly review of cigars, bars, & wine... conservatives still need a place to drink the red cool aide.
yours truly,
I will be writing in the coming days my thoughts on the election outcome, the state of the GOP, enemies of New Mexico, the 'new' Democrats, and our future GOP President. Now that the horror film is over and the nightmare is about to begin, I pledge to you my daily notations on La Politica, arguments against socialist tyranny, and heck maybe a weekly review of cigars, bars, & wine... conservatives still need a place to drink the red cool aide.
yours truly,
New Mexico Politico Endorses....
I doubt those of you who read my blog haven't voted already. The citizen who reads political blogs by nature is an engaged member of the community and would take the opportunity of voting early enthusiastically. If you did not take the opportunity to vote early this year please do in 2010. Your candidate of choice would deeply appreciate it.
On to the endorsements. While I receive emails of interest in my ballot I am always cautious to reveal who I am actually voting for. Here are probably the most important endorsements I can give.
State Senator Lee Rawson is a native New Mexican that understands the real issues affecting his constituency. I admire that he believes his job is not to introduce more government to New Mexico but better efficiency. He is the tax payers best friend by opposing tax increases even when the Governor and 'Patron' try to sneak one by us. His opponent is an in genuine liberal from San Francisco who thought he run to teach us ignorant, archaic New Mexicans how to govern. He is the epitome of progressive liberals trying to take control of New Mexico and impose an Obama, socialist model of government.
While I think Harry Teague is a genuinely good man with a distinct New Mexico story, his conservative tendencies would be overshadowed by the line vote in Pelosi's House of Representatives. In order for the freshman congressman to develop any political gravitas he would have to follow the party line. A Pelosi agenda is grave news for New Mexico and America. This is why I am supporting Ed Tinsley, a conservative we can count on.
Congressman Udall comes from a long line of leadership in this state. His family has been called the Kennedy's of the West. For this very reason I could never vote for him. We do not need a privileged few to govern and influence New Mexico politics. I know Udall is a respectable man but I think he has sold out to the elitist, progressive entities in the state. Congressman Pearce, at the core is a good man. He will be loyal to the real people of New Mexico and not the progressive, non-native fat cats in Santa Fe. While I have my disagreements with Pearce, I think he would better serve New Mexico than Udall.
I am a conservative because of Goldwater and Reagan, I am a Republican because of John McCain. I have supported John McCain since I was an 8th grader at Zia Middle School in 2000. His western pragmatism, tenacity, and commitment to our nation first attracted me to him. I wanted him to be President in 2000 and I want him to be president in 2008. John McCain is a transitional figure in my party and especially for our country.
Barack Obama is not who the media paints him to be. He is far from moderate, far from the constitution, and far from what the American people need. He is a die hard socialist with a hidden agenda. John McCain is real reformer and will be the true agent of change in Washington. McCain will continue to serve this great nation unlike Obama who has always served his own personal ambition.
An Obama nation is an Obamination.
Listen to Rev. Wright one more time!
Ad is by the Pennsylvania GOP. I hope people will also note Obama's entry into his church was politically motivated and had nothing to do with Christ.
The Californians have invaded...
Read Mario Burgos today. He has a good post about the subject.
As for me I have spent most of the weekend and today fighting a progressive liberal from California. The elitist has lived here for two minutes and thinks he can be our next State Senator. Who the hell does he think he is?
Read more about California Obama staffers voting in New Mexico right here. Shelby Holliday, from Palestra.net has done a muy bueno job on this story.
As for me I have spent most of the weekend and today fighting a progressive liberal from California. The elitist has lived here for two minutes and thinks he can be our next State Senator. Who the hell does he think he is?
Read more about California Obama staffers voting in New Mexico right here. Shelby Holliday, from Palestra.net has done a muy bueno job on this story.
Obama Zombies
It's Halloween and the zombies are out in force. The brainless, savage followers of the snake charmer himself are poised to call themselves the early victors. I would like to remind the faithful McCain supporter that it is always the darkest hour before dawn. So on this Halloween night let the ghouls, goblins, and zombies bask in their tricks and treats of a future socialist agenda...in the morning McCain and all the saints will have the final victory.
Happy All Saints Day November 1st, 2008.
John McCain: The Beginning or End?
Peace, Reform, Prosperity. These three words are standard in the McCain lexicon. In a year where inherent 'change' was inevitable, is John McCain the beginning of a new chapter in the Republican party or the end of 20Th century Republican politics? Honestly, we won't know for another ten to 20 years. I am confident that the good Senator is neither, he is in fact a transitional figure embarking on a new horizon for other Republicans to follow.
While we know the 'new' Democrats have a highly visible hate for John McCain the conservative Democrats and moderate Republicans love the man. The ultra-conservative, evangelical 'Bush' Republicans have had a hard time accepting John McCain. This harsh acceptance has left morale for the biggest base of the party low and has allowed Obama's hype to surge. John McCain, because of his pragmatic views on modern problems and policy may be the beginning of a new chapter in Republican politics.
John McCain is a conservative, with a 21st century approach to the issues. He believes in protecting the core conservative values of the constitution while pragmatically dealing with a very dangerous world. He believes in individual freedoms but also advocates for personal responsibility. These are the core Republican principles that the party must retain in order to be successful.
The question of survival is another matter. If the party had nominated Romney, Huckabee, or the ultra right Tancredo the party would face complete defeat. John McCain was the only real hope for the party and the nation. McCain is survival; His story, life, and western pragmatism is pure survivalist in nature. McCain is able to maintain our conservative principles while also appealing to a broader, more diverse electorate in the 21st century. His candidacy, regardless if he wins or loses, sets precedent for an improved GOP.
McCain represents the GOP in the 21st century, guardians of American conservatism and the return of the big tent party. He is transitional in nature, in a position to lead our country into this brave new world we call the 21st century. Peace, Reform, and Prosperity are attainable but it is our decision to elect the man who can make it a reality. That is John McCain.
While we know the 'new' Democrats have a highly visible hate for John McCain the conservative Democrats and moderate Republicans love the man. The ultra-conservative, evangelical 'Bush' Republicans have had a hard time accepting John McCain. This harsh acceptance has left morale for the biggest base of the party low and has allowed Obama's hype to surge. John McCain, because of his pragmatic views on modern problems and policy may be the beginning of a new chapter in Republican politics.
John McCain is a conservative, with a 21st century approach to the issues. He believes in protecting the core conservative values of the constitution while pragmatically dealing with a very dangerous world. He believes in individual freedoms but also advocates for personal responsibility. These are the core Republican principles that the party must retain in order to be successful.
The question of survival is another matter. If the party had nominated Romney, Huckabee, or the ultra right Tancredo the party would face complete defeat. John McCain was the only real hope for the party and the nation. McCain is survival; His story, life, and western pragmatism is pure survivalist in nature. McCain is able to maintain our conservative principles while also appealing to a broader, more diverse electorate in the 21st century. His candidacy, regardless if he wins or loses, sets precedent for an improved GOP.
McCain represents the GOP in the 21st century, guardians of American conservatism and the return of the big tent party. He is transitional in nature, in a position to lead our country into this brave new world we call the 21st century. Peace, Reform, and Prosperity are attainable but it is our decision to elect the man who can make it a reality. That is John McCain.
I'm Voting Democrat...If I Was Dead
The truth is wicked spooky!
Catholic Vote
'Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness', our forefather had it right when they described these essential inalienable rights. As a Catholic and American these principles are more than words but a way of life. It is essential for every Catholic to vote with conscious and logic; not to be carried away by sharp rhetoric that churns the human emotion. I encourage you all to show this video to all your Catholic friends and family. Keep the faith and stay strong.
McCain in Mesilla
My brother Zachariah decided to join me for the McCain event this past Saturday in Mesilla. Zach, a fellow Young Republican, was excited to see Sen. McCain for the first time, he was even able to shake hands with the Senator. There was well over 2,000 people in attendance. I saw numerous Hispanics, Veterans, and young people. There was also a Democratic presence at the event... no not protesters but Democrats for McCain.
McCain delivered an animated speech that spoke of real reform, peace, and prosperity for America. While McCain's crowd in Mesilla and Albuquerque on Saturday was dwarfed by Obama's 45K at UNM, the nation knows the silent majority is still voting for a real American hero, statesman, and conservative. Obama has the media, students, young people, and affluent liberals who live in Albuquerque/ Santa Fe. The hard working Joe the Plumbers, Art the Contractors, Maddie the Nurses, and George the Farmers are supporting one of their own, John McCain.
He knows our issues and values; he has the record to prove it unlike the unknown Obama. He has served his country with honor and dedication for a greater part of his life. Senator Graham put it best when he stated, "John McCain has been working his whole life for us, it is time that we work for him!" My family and many others are united to defeat a 'new socialist' government proposed by Obama and elect a genuine American hero to the White House. Won't you join us?
Vote Early
Early voting began today and I encourage all of you to do so. Voting early reduces the risk of your ballot being lost, stolen, or hidden by crooks working in our elections. You can vote early here in Dona Ana county at the county government center on 845 N. Motel BLVD. If you witness any suspicious activities please report it to the authorities (election and police). Dead people are known to vote for many Democrats here in this county.
Harvard Educated Huh?
He just lost the geographers votes. Why aren't we hearing about this in the national news? They hit McCain on not knowing how many houses or cars he has but give a pass to their novice messiah on his constant mistakes. Sorry, if Obama doesn't know how many states there are in the Union he should join his brother George back in Africa and run for village idiot.
Pitbulls, Hockey Moms, and Republicans
That breath of fresh air I've been gasping for finally came when Governor Palin stated that the only difference between hockey moms and pit bulls was lipstick. Her speech last night was witty, strong, and most importantly GENUINE. Like 38 million other people, my family gathered around the TV to see who Sarah Palin was. I'll be one of the first to admit my doubts about her but they are laid to rest. Palin went all the way, the women scored a hat trick her hockey player sons would be proud of. She connected with my family and the American people. Her addition to the Republican ticket was and still is a master stroke from the McCain campaign. She is a perfect compliment to Senator McCain because two genuine reformers are taking on Washington this fall for a real CHANGE. Liberals and socialists can't touch her, in fact they are now cautious to attack her because she will give it right back just like many real, hard working Americans would...NO BS! That is what the McCain-Palin ticket for Reform, Prosperity, and Peace is all about. You won't find empty rhetoric, false promises, and weak articulation of ones love of country on the Republican tickets. Palin illustrated that she is one of us, she is a mother, small business owner, wife of a union man, sportsman (or woman), and a real AMERICAN. Small town America is energized to follow McCain and Palin with our guns and religion to secure our future and our white house.
Mr. Espinosa couldn't have said it better. My family, like his, is Hispanic, Catholic, and Democrat (with the exception of my mother, father, and self). Espinosa eloquently and correctly conveys the truth and reason behind our support for Senator McCain. I know Democrats like Mr. Espinosa will support the Senator.
True Colors From A True Leader
I agree with Senator McCain and also congratulate Senator Obama for this historical event. I share with my fellow countrymen a moment of pride in witnessing the nomination of a man of color to the presidency. This will open doors to minorities in both the Republican and Democratic party to really strive for their highest goals. It is unfortunate though that this monumental achievement is given to the most undeserving minority in the Democratic party.
Senator McCain is a class act and will continue to gain cross over support from Democrats who realize Obama is nothing but a man in the right place at the right time. Kudos to you Senator McCain for continuing to show us your true colors
Democrats for McCain
Pay close attention, Clinton says it best in the end!
McCain is Back!
In my last post I advocated that John McCain would have to come back to New Mexico very soon... McCain's campaign thought so too! Senator McCain will be in Las Cruces on Wednesday for a town hall meeting. This is a good move on behalf of the McCain campaign. With Obama and Democrats focused on the more liberal Northern part of the state, McCain can personally appeal to 'on the fence' Republicans and conservative Democrats here in Southern New Mexico. While there are more voters in the Albuquerque/ Santa Fe area, there are a bounty of crossover votes here in Las Cruces and energy rich businessmen located throughout Southern New Mexico who might be more inclined to donate to McCain's campaign. The event is expected to have well over 500 people attend at the NMSU sports annex. Hope to see you there McCainiacs!
McCain in New Mexico
John McCain needs to make another trip back to New Mexico. With Hillary Clinton visiting Espanola next week along with the anointed one Obama, McCain needs to stress the importance New Mexican voters have in his campaign. His efforts in New Mexico have been average with a presence on television and radio but he needs more. His campaign in New Mexico is lukewarm at best and unorganized. Instead of following the intensity of grassroots efforts like Obama (opening a whopping 23 campaign offices across the state) his campaign is too busy handing out honorary titles to large donors who do what they do best, donate. McCain needs an active and engaged campaign that allows energized supporters to really take a public face in their respective communities. I support Senator McCain and will do what I will continue to do what I can for the good Senator. I just hope McCain's leadership in this state get their act together and get organized. People are seeing the difference.
True Voice, True Leader
Viva McCain! This is a worthy outreach to Hispanics by McCain. He has done an excellent job working to court more Hispanic voters. I recently was named Chairman of his Hispanic Coalition here in Dona Ana. I will be working diligently to make sure Hispanics understand why John McCain shares their values in God, Family, and Country. Our community must ask themselves intelligent yet simple questions of what they look for in a leader. I hear the BS Democrats feed my people, "he's too old" or "he is for war"; these are both lies. Age is wisdom and commands respect in the Hispanic community, especially here in New Mexico. John McCain knows what war is and is a proven leader when it comes to the national security of this country. Obama has no clue what war is or about, all he knows is what CNN tells to think. Hispanics have become the fourth leg in American body politic... it is our time for true representative leadership.
Dollars and Change
Sen. Barack Obama is running his campaign on change. He taps into the illogical depths of human emotionalism and broadcasts his message of puppy dogs, rainbows, and candy canes...items which his supporters feel the world is lacking under this administration and what they would lack under McCain. When I am asked if I desire change I honestly respond, "I'd rather have dollars than change." It seems like a smart ass response but America is safe, growing, and strong.
Correct me if I am wrong but how many terrorist attacks have happened on our soil since 9/11? Regardless of this years slowing economy, small business is still providing 60-80 percent of new jobs and continues to grow. It may be tough workers, small business owners, and the elderly but America has seen worst. We are a tenacious nation that can weather ANY storm, fight any battle, and work towards a general progress.
I like my America. It is a fact that there are negative aspects to our society but on a whole we have it allot better than most people around the world. I don't want change, I desire progress and only John McCain can effectively deliver it. I want small business to continue growing, I want taxes lowered for business and the middle class, I want conservative judges who will interpret the constitution as is, I want America to remain safe and continue to support the young democracies in Iraq and Afghanistan, and most importantly I want America to remain a country where 'In God We Trust'.
Obama and his messianic change is nothing revolutionary. Politicians have been promising change for years. Heck the Democratic party of New Mexico has been promising change for years and the only real change would be a Republican Roundhouse and Governors mansion (I continue to dream, believe, and hopefully achieve). All the change an elected Obama would bring is higher taxes, socialized health care, socialized schools, and a socialized society... say good bye to the American Dream because 'morning in America' will briskly turn to dusk.
Call me a capitalist pig (which many Obama supporters already do) but I really would rather have dollars than change. I blame the uncertainty of our markets and economy on this epic presidential election and the prospect of an Obama administration. John McCain will not provide a false sense of security in an ugly world, he will bring attainable peace, progress, and stability.
Correct me if I am wrong but how many terrorist attacks have happened on our soil since 9/11? Regardless of this years slowing economy, small business is still providing 60-80 percent of new jobs and continues to grow. It may be tough workers, small business owners, and the elderly but America has seen worst. We are a tenacious nation that can weather ANY storm, fight any battle, and work towards a general progress.
I like my America. It is a fact that there are negative aspects to our society but on a whole we have it allot better than most people around the world. I don't want change, I desire progress and only John McCain can effectively deliver it. I want small business to continue growing, I want taxes lowered for business and the middle class, I want conservative judges who will interpret the constitution as is, I want America to remain safe and continue to support the young democracies in Iraq and Afghanistan, and most importantly I want America to remain a country where 'In God We Trust'.
Obama and his messianic change is nothing revolutionary. Politicians have been promising change for years. Heck the Democratic party of New Mexico has been promising change for years and the only real change would be a Republican Roundhouse and Governors mansion (I continue to dream, believe, and hopefully achieve). All the change an elected Obama would bring is higher taxes, socialized health care, socialized schools, and a socialized society... say good bye to the American Dream because 'morning in America' will briskly turn to dusk.
Call me a capitalist pig (which many Obama supporters already do) but I really would rather have dollars than change. I blame the uncertainty of our markets and economy on this epic presidential election and the prospect of an Obama administration. John McCain will not provide a false sense of security in an ugly world, he will bring attainable peace, progress, and stability.
My Fellow Americans
I have one simple message, VOTE!!!! Today we must exercise our liberty to vote for those whom we want to represent us in our necessary government. I will spare you the civics course rhetoric and patriotic flag waving but the right to vote is a cornerstone to our epic Republic! Democrats and Republicans all seek to implement their respective principles in government and yes the only way they can is to convince the electorate to vote for them. This is a simple dirty/respectable fact.
My work on the campaign trail this past month has rejuvenated my commitment to serve God, Family, and Country. This CD-2 race has been tough but I have inherited a cornucopia of campaign knowledge. Yes I have been supporting specific Republicans in this primary and most of you have figured out whom; in the general election I vow to support my nominees to the fullest extent actively or through other means.
I know that I may be exiled from particular candidates and persons but that is just the cold hard fact in campaigning. I picked my battles and today we will see if I won the war. Either way I gave it my all and now on to the voters crap shoot.
My work on the campaign trail this past month has rejuvenated my commitment to serve God, Family, and Country. This CD-2 race has been tough but I have inherited a cornucopia of campaign knowledge. Yes I have been supporting specific Republicans in this primary and most of you have figured out whom; in the general election I vow to support my nominees to the fullest extent actively or through other means.
I know that I may be exiled from particular candidates and persons but that is just the cold hard fact in campaigning. I picked my battles and today we will see if I won the war. Either way I gave it my all and now on to the voters crap shoot.
By: Carly Fiorina
May 5, 2008
Mexican Americans have contributed to the cultural fiber of the United States in so many ways - and today we celebrate those contributions as well as our common visions. It's important that we continue this rich combination by electing a president who is the best choice for Americans and who will share their values and interests.
We mark the anniversary of the Battle of Puebla by celebrating the hope and courage of an outnumbered band of Mexican soldiers. Under the leadership of Gen. Ignacio Zaragoza, these soldiers fought and won in the name of freedom for their people. That same spirit is very much alive today in our Armed Forces - in which many brave Latino Americans serve - whose great sacrifices are very much appreciated by Sen. John McCain. Though we are fighting a very different war, we do so under the banner of freedom that led Gen. Zaragoza's troops as well.
As the largest minority group in the U.S., many Hispanic Americans have followed the American Dream, an ideal Sen. McCain highly believes in and endorses. It is also worth noting Sen. McCain's strong leadership on immigration issues. He wants to bring our country forward, providing opportunity for all who are willing to achieve this dream.
As I've said before, the American Dream starts with a home and a job - with the proper tools, everything else will fall into place. To get started on that mission, Sen. McCain has proposed a number of initiatives to put an end to the current housing crisis and make sure it doesn't happen again by targeting predatory lenders and creating transparency in the lending system. His HOME plan will bring targeted relief to families affected by the current housing crisis. Under the plan, all deserving homeowners will be able to trade cumbersome mortgages for a manageable loan comparable to the home's market value.
Sen. McCain also has made innovative proposals to improve the economic climate for small businesses to succeed. With over two million Hispanic-owned businesses generating nearly $300 billion annually for the economy, there is potential under Sen. McCain's economic plan for these businesses to grow even stronger.
The pro-growth tax agenda that Sen. McCain endorses is very much in line with the needs of many Hispanic-American families. His plans to keep taxes low, cut taxes for middle-class families, and free up more money for hardworking Americans. You see, Sen. McCain believes that power and choice should be in the hands of the people, not the government. It is the American people, not the government, who work hard to earn their paychecks and deserve to manage their money without government influence.
To ensure that our children are able to continue our legacy and be afforded opportunities we weren't, our education system must provide them with the skills to succeed. As the achievement gap continues to narrow, we must hold our schools to the highest standards and push for continued improvements.
Sen. McCain is the right choice for all Americans because he will keep their best interests at heart - in the business sector, in the classroom, and at the dinner table, because he shares similar values. That's why it's important that John McCain has the support of the Latino community, because they have his support.
Carly Fiorina - RNC Victory Chairman and Economic Advisor To Sen. John McCain
May 5, 2008
Mexican Americans have contributed to the cultural fiber of the United States in so many ways - and today we celebrate those contributions as well as our common visions. It's important that we continue this rich combination by electing a president who is the best choice for Americans and who will share their values and interests.
We mark the anniversary of the Battle of Puebla by celebrating the hope and courage of an outnumbered band of Mexican soldiers. Under the leadership of Gen. Ignacio Zaragoza, these soldiers fought and won in the name of freedom for their people. That same spirit is very much alive today in our Armed Forces - in which many brave Latino Americans serve - whose great sacrifices are very much appreciated by Sen. John McCain. Though we are fighting a very different war, we do so under the banner of freedom that led Gen. Zaragoza's troops as well.
As the largest minority group in the U.S., many Hispanic Americans have followed the American Dream, an ideal Sen. McCain highly believes in and endorses. It is also worth noting Sen. McCain's strong leadership on immigration issues. He wants to bring our country forward, providing opportunity for all who are willing to achieve this dream.
As I've said before, the American Dream starts with a home and a job - with the proper tools, everything else will fall into place. To get started on that mission, Sen. McCain has proposed a number of initiatives to put an end to the current housing crisis and make sure it doesn't happen again by targeting predatory lenders and creating transparency in the lending system. His HOME plan will bring targeted relief to families affected by the current housing crisis. Under the plan, all deserving homeowners will be able to trade cumbersome mortgages for a manageable loan comparable to the home's market value.
Sen. McCain also has made innovative proposals to improve the economic climate for small businesses to succeed. With over two million Hispanic-owned businesses generating nearly $300 billion annually for the economy, there is potential under Sen. McCain's economic plan for these businesses to grow even stronger.
The pro-growth tax agenda that Sen. McCain endorses is very much in line with the needs of many Hispanic-American families. His plans to keep taxes low, cut taxes for middle-class families, and free up more money for hardworking Americans. You see, Sen. McCain believes that power and choice should be in the hands of the people, not the government. It is the American people, not the government, who work hard to earn their paychecks and deserve to manage their money without government influence.
To ensure that our children are able to continue our legacy and be afforded opportunities we weren't, our education system must provide them with the skills to succeed. As the achievement gap continues to narrow, we must hold our schools to the highest standards and push for continued improvements.
Sen. McCain is the right choice for all Americans because he will keep their best interests at heart - in the business sector, in the classroom, and at the dinner table, because he shares similar values. That's why it's important that John McCain has the support of the Latino community, because they have his support.
Carly Fiorina - RNC Victory Chairman and Economic Advisor To Sen. John McCain
Pearce-Wilson Debate
Some thoughts on the GOP Senate debate in Los Alamos this past Friday. Who designates a win for Wilson? Northern 'common sense' conservatives? oh please... I will concede to Wilson's excellent performance and preparedness in the debate but she did not win the debate. There was no winner in the debate, in fact the Republican party lost as a whole. Why? Heather Wilson's attack on Congressman Pearce's nay vote on the DOE budget and Los Alamos funding doesn't help her campaign, it helps the Democrats and Tom Udall. It will now be difficult for the Pearce camp to attack Udall's anti-DOE and DOD funding this fall.
There is no doubt that Pearce will win the primary this June. Wilson does the party and the state a disservice by staying in the race. I have a great respect for the Congresswoman, she is one of the most intelligent members of Congress but her personal ambition is hurting the parties chances of defeating liberal 'tree hugging' Udall this fall. Pearce's vote in the DOE budget was one that involved true 'common sense'. There were numerous million dollar earmarks attached to the budget by Democratic representatives. Congressman Pearce is the 'common sense' conservative because he believes in halting wasteful earmark spending by our federal government.
Congresswoman Wilson, like Congressman Pearce supports our national laboratories and common defense but she doesn't support the conservative staple to being fiscally conservative. The DOE budget needed to be returned to committee, sub-committee, and joint committee to fix the over spending in the budget. Congressman Pearce's unwavering dedication to fiscal conservatism and the American tax payer should be applauded not attacked by a 'common sense' conservative. Again, Congresswoman Wilson is highly intelligent but she may not have much common sense in this case.
There is no doubt that Pearce will win the primary this June. Wilson does the party and the state a disservice by staying in the race. I have a great respect for the Congresswoman, she is one of the most intelligent members of Congress but her personal ambition is hurting the parties chances of defeating liberal 'tree hugging' Udall this fall. Pearce's vote in the DOE budget was one that involved true 'common sense'. There were numerous million dollar earmarks attached to the budget by Democratic representatives. Congressman Pearce is the 'common sense' conservative because he believes in halting wasteful earmark spending by our federal government.
Congresswoman Wilson, like Congressman Pearce supports our national laboratories and common defense but she doesn't support the conservative staple to being fiscally conservative. The DOE budget needed to be returned to committee, sub-committee, and joint committee to fix the over spending in the budget. Congressman Pearce's unwavering dedication to fiscal conservatism and the American tax payer should be applauded not attacked by a 'common sense' conservative. Again, Congresswoman Wilson is highly intelligent but she may not have much common sense in this case.
Cowboy from California
Las Cruces and our state is under attack! We are being invaded by progressive idealism that dilutes the New Mexico we know and love. A brief description of an invader has been provided to me. Have any of you seen this individual?
He is a 61 year old retiree who just recently moved to OUR hometown from the West Coast. The man is a 'cowboy from California' and has a pair of shiny calfskin boots (has to 'blend' in with the locals although he will never use them properly), a ponytail (a flower child to the end), and an over sized straw Mexican sombrero he bought in Santa Fe the previous weekend (he needs lots of shade from this hot New Mexico sun). His daily routine begins with drinking a cup of organic Starbucks coffee that costs $8 while reading the New York Times to see how President Bush is personally adding poison to the water sources in New Orleans. He then makes his way down to COAS bookstore to check out Marx, Rousseau, and Kant. To his delight he finds a used copy of Obama's communist manifesto. He then drives his new Honda back to his Miranda Street bungalow located near pioneer park and shuts off his neighbors sprinklers because of wasteful watering. He makes his way inside, grabs some tropical infusion fruit drink and sinks into his authentic leather couch he bought on sale at Sam's Club. He grabs his eco-friendly laptop that he donated a tree in place of his sin against the liberal commandment, "thou shall not waste electricity unless you buy a tree to make up for your carbon foot print." As he checks in on the Sierra Club's website he scrolls over to Haussamen's blog to read how Bill McCamley is going to save the Mesilla Valley from greedy capitalist pigs that develop all these haciendas for the part time 'cowboys from California'. He then checks his fellow baby boomers site, what's his name? He was handed a heavy defeat by Pat Lyons in the last election...hmmm, he's real liberal, whines too much about losing, and has short man's syndrome... his name escapes me. He then stumbles upon this fine entity of a blog/rant/perspective piece and is horrified that a young Hispanic can be conservative and articulate. What an atrocity to Che Guevara's legacy! He writes 20 editorials to the Sun-News, lefty blogs, and attacks the young conservative in the heat of his illogical emotions. He then picks up his anti-war, anti-baby, anti-American poster sign and makes his way down to the courthouse on Main Street to protest just like he did in the summer of '68!
This individual is multiplying at a significant rate and claims to be the last 'cowboy from California'. He even tries to make things better for us by organizing with other golden heroes to close the gates of prosperity to others, reform our values and system, and promote his doctrine of progressive liberalism even though we don't want it. He buys city councilmen, mayors, congressional candidates, and worships five times a day to his gilded savior Barack Obama.
Time is crucial in apprehending this individual. Hide your impressionable children, your pesticides, SUV's and then contact your local sheriff.
He is a 61 year old retiree who just recently moved to OUR hometown from the West Coast. The man is a 'cowboy from California' and has a pair of shiny calfskin boots (has to 'blend' in with the locals although he will never use them properly), a ponytail (a flower child to the end), and an over sized straw Mexican sombrero he bought in Santa Fe the previous weekend (he needs lots of shade from this hot New Mexico sun). His daily routine begins with drinking a cup of organic Starbucks coffee that costs $8 while reading the New York Times to see how President Bush is personally adding poison to the water sources in New Orleans. He then makes his way down to COAS bookstore to check out Marx, Rousseau, and Kant. To his delight he finds a used copy of Obama's communist manifesto. He then drives his new Honda back to his Miranda Street bungalow located near pioneer park and shuts off his neighbors sprinklers because of wasteful watering. He makes his way inside, grabs some tropical infusion fruit drink and sinks into his authentic leather couch he bought on sale at Sam's Club. He grabs his eco-friendly laptop that he donated a tree in place of his sin against the liberal commandment, "thou shall not waste electricity unless you buy a tree to make up for your carbon foot print." As he checks in on the Sierra Club's website he scrolls over to Haussamen's blog to read how Bill McCamley is going to save the Mesilla Valley from greedy capitalist pigs that develop all these haciendas for the part time 'cowboys from California'. He then checks his fellow baby boomers site, what's his name? He was handed a heavy defeat by Pat Lyons in the last election...hmmm, he's real liberal, whines too much about losing, and has short man's syndrome... his name escapes me. He then stumbles upon this fine entity of a blog/rant/perspective piece and is horrified that a young Hispanic can be conservative and articulate. What an atrocity to Che Guevara's legacy! He writes 20 editorials to the Sun-News, lefty blogs, and attacks the young conservative in the heat of his illogical emotions. He then picks up his anti-war, anti-baby, anti-American poster sign and makes his way down to the courthouse on Main Street to protest just like he did in the summer of '68!
This individual is multiplying at a significant rate and claims to be the last 'cowboy from California'. He even tries to make things better for us by organizing with other golden heroes to close the gates of prosperity to others, reform our values and system, and promote his doctrine of progressive liberalism even though we don't want it. He buys city councilmen, mayors, congressional candidates, and worships five times a day to his gilded savior Barack Obama.
Time is crucial in apprehending this individual. Hide your impressionable children, your pesticides, SUV's and then contact your local sheriff.
Pearce: The Pro-Life Candidate
Something all you 'common sense' conservatives may want to know, today the National Right to Life Committee endorsed Congressman Steve Pearce. According to his press release, He was "honored and humbled to have National Right to Life's endorsement, because their values are close to my heart and are shared by so many New Mexicans. Having National Right to Life's support only increases my confidence that we will be successful in November." The National Right to Life Committee is one of the largest pro-life organizations in the country.
In their endorsement letter, the National Right to Life Committee pointed to Congressman Pearce's "strong pro-life record" that has earned him the support of "all voters who are concerned with the right to life and the protection of the most vulnerable members of the human family." Pearce goes on to say "The sanctity of life is a fundamental part of our New Mexico values. I will continue to stand for the protection of innocent life at all stages."
This is a big endorsement for Congressman Pearce because it clearly gives him the status as the genuine pro-life candidate in this Republican primary. He was also endorsed by the Susan B. Anthony List earlier last month as well. The Susan B. Anthony List is an organization that promotes pro-life female candidates. No one can argue about his strong record in support of life and families. Congressman Pearce is with out question the true 'common sense' conservative who has the voting record to back it up.
In their endorsement letter, the National Right to Life Committee pointed to Congressman Pearce's "strong pro-life record" that has earned him the support of "all voters who are concerned with the right to life and the protection of the most vulnerable members of the human family." Pearce goes on to say "The sanctity of life is a fundamental part of our New Mexico values. I will continue to stand for the protection of innocent life at all stages."
This is a big endorsement for Congressman Pearce because it clearly gives him the status as the genuine pro-life candidate in this Republican primary. He was also endorsed by the Susan B. Anthony List earlier last month as well. The Susan B. Anthony List is an organization that promotes pro-life female candidates. No one can argue about his strong record in support of life and families. Congressman Pearce is with out question the true 'common sense' conservative who has the voting record to back it up.
Disgrace, Distaste, and Liberal Anti-Americanism
I wanted to post this video that Mario Burgos put up on Wednesday. It shows a veteran attempting to stop the desecration of our Flag and being mocked by "know it all" anti-American university officials. What honor is there in mocking a veteran who stood in front of that flag many times to defend this nation and all that it stands for? This act is just a prime example that the left is still willing to spit on our veterans and our country in the name of their disgraceful liberal doctrine. Damn them.
Where's Waldo...or Wilson?
Here is an editorial you may see in New Mexico print media. John Billingsly, campaign manager for Pearce, expands on the recent issue of Heather Wilson missing over 22 votes in Washington this week. There was important legislation that she missed and where her votes would have made a significant difference.
Dear Editor:
Where's Waldo was fun. Where's Heather is not. Heather Wilson has missed critical votes on stripping sanctuary cities' tax exempt status, making college loans more accessible and even on wiretapping terrorists this week. She has put her political needs above the people's needs. We need a Senator who will work for us, not for her own advantage. I'm proud to be Steve Pearce's campaign manager. He didn't take the week off to campaign. He was in the nation's capital doing the people's business.
John Billingsley
Campaign Manager
People for Pearce
We Shall Perservere
I have come upon an arduous path in my life. I am having trouble staying healthy, focusing, applying myself, and succeeding. My health is at an all time low, my grades are not what they should be, and the pressure of stress is taking its toll on me. I was at our student mass tonight and the Second Reading of the First Letter of Saint Peter (1Pt 2:20b-25) struck me with clarification.
"Beloved: If you are patient when you suffer for doing what is good, this is a grace before God. For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example that you should follow in his footsteps.
He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth
When he was insulted, he returned no insult: when he suffered, he did not threaten; instead, he handed himself over to the one who judges justly. He himself bore our sins in his body upon the cross, so that, free from sin, we might live for righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. For you had gone astray like sheep, but you have now returned to the shepherd and guardian of your souls."
I do believe God works in mysterious ways; for I have returned to my shepherd and guardian. He gives me life everyday to do his will, live in his mercy, and praise him for his gifts he has given to me. I am a student right now, I must labor extra hours to finish this semester honorably and with God this is not impossible.
Many of you are wondering, "I thought this was a political blog?". You are right this is a political blog. We must discuss issues that are political in nature. Well my friends as a Catholic and a Christian I am compelled to stand for certain principles I believe in; principles of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. We may disagree in what context these principles encompass but we all agree these are original and worthy pursuits of truth we must take.
Some people in this country are in pain, confusion, and solitude but they must know that the American soul of perseverance is at work. I do believe God blessed America and in this election year, we as nation of principles are faced with pressing decisions; how do we preserve that "shining city upon a hill"? America is great, America is strong, and I will let no candidate question that.
Religion in America is not a bad thing. In fact, it is religion in America that provided certain hopes and principles that our founders drew upon for inspiration in the formulation of our divinely inspired Constitution. We must remind politicians that God blessed this country and they are entrusted with our confidence and support to protect, preserve, and abide by the principles given to us by God and the Constitution.
I am inspired to do more good in this second and much need breath of conviction. I will work to help elect the right men and women to higher office. Once my studies are over I give my full self to this blog, my campaigns, and God to help protect and preserve that America in which we all know and love. I warn you my young peers, do not be enchanted by the empty rhetoric of liberal and secular ideology. They make government the healer of all woes that infect humanity, for only God, through men of faith and acts, can a better world come.
Believe in smaller government, fiscal responsibility, strong national security, the sovereignty of our nation, and most importantly God. This will be an epic election year, there will be good and bad, but in the end truth will prevail. I look forward to this year and ask God to continue blessing America and give his mercy and strength to our military, candidates, and families.
I Hear The Train A-Comin'
My apartment is right next to the Chicago red line train. Try to picture the scene from Blues Brothers and their apartment next to the elevated train in Chicago, ya it's similar to that. I have just about had it with this urban environment. Thank God I have New Mexico to go home to.
I have spent most of this week sick in bed with an ear infection, head cold, sore throat, and fever. It has been hell for my health and academics. I better get well this weekend in order to finish school strong. I have taken a break from most of my business, this site, and the new one because it is crunch time for me here at Loyola.
It has been one of the most difficult semesters I have had in a while. While intellectually stimulating I hate writing about Rousseau, Kant, and Nietzsche. Now Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Hobbes, Smith and Machiavelli have been an enjoyment. I have come to realize that I am much more of a realist than I thought. Although I am far from being the best student I find the pursuit of theories, definitions, and truth more enjoyable than many of my peers.
Any way I'll be back in full force in May once the semester is over. The new New Mexico Politico will be up in May as well. There may be a slight shake up in format and management but we will see how our trial period goes.
Have a good weekend politicos!
Burnt Out
Friends and Foes,
I apologize for my absence in recent days. My business, school, and politics are finally catching up to me... I am burnt out. I crashed out a couple nights ago and have not been feeling well since then. I am taking some time off from business and politics to concentrate on my academics and health. I will be going to the doctors next week for a long overdue check up. I will still be here working on the new site. I will be back next Tuesday replenished and ready for the long stretch to June!
PS. someone should tell liberals up North and the Wilson camp to quit whining... it gets annoying.
The American President
Interesting... I was on the phone with the McCain campaign yesterday discussing New Mexico issues and the Hispanic vote. Today I see in a press release that the McCain campaign chose New Mexico to air their first "general election" campaign ad for television. This is all coincidental but it is encouraging to see the good Senators campaign taking a highlighted interest in our swing state. The ad is impressive and announces the arrival of, "the American president Americans have been waiting for."
I had the pleasure of speaking to Ivette Barajas this afternoon. She is the new Spanish Communications Director for the New Mexico GOP. A native of Los Angeles and recent graduate of Cal State-Northridge, Ms. Barajas has worked for the Republican Party of California for the last five years. New Mexico welcomes her and we wish her the best of luck here in the Land of Enchantment.
I am encouraged to see our state party employing more individuals such as Ms. Barajas to help court more Hispanic voters. She will bring a voice and smiling face to the many Hispanic New Mexicans who are disenchanted by the "old" Republican party and the growing liberalism of the Democratic party.
NM GOP Executive Director, Adam Feldman ,remarked, “As New Mexico embarks into a historic election season, we are committed to engaging Hispanic voters in a conversation about the future of our state and country. We are excited to have Ivette on board to lead that conversation and to talk about the Republican Party’s commitment to strengthening our nation’s moral fabric and family unit, lowering taxes to create jobs and greater opportunity, and standing behind our troops who are valiantly battling terrorists overseas.”
I look forward to working with Ms. Barajas in developing an attractive, efficient message of outreach; Young Hispanics throughout New Mexico need to realize that the GOP is closer to home than many of them think.
Work For New Mexico
I was back in New Mexico this past weekend for Easter and to work on some business for the New Mexico Politico. I have decided to move back home in May to work on a couple campaigns and to make the New Mexico Politico a leading weblog for both conservative and liberal minds to read youth commentary and to debate the real issues of our state. Many of my family and friends believe in my endeavor but some are not too fond of me taking the rest of the year off from school. I understand their concern but this election year is too important to just watch.
The youth of New Mexico have an invested interest in the future and this is our year to make our voices heard. It is important for young minds to collectively work for our beloved state this year by attaining leadership positions on campaigns, volunteering,and more importantly making sure the real issues are heard.
So I have five more weeks left in the semester here at Loyola. On May 3rd I will be driving my packed U-Haul truck back to New Mexico to start my endeavors and hopefully shed some light on the real issues, opinions, and interests of New Mexico. The candidates need to hear the voice of La Gente and a group of young New Mexicans will make sure they do.
Time For Reflection
I am back in Las Cruces for Easter this weekend. I was lucky to fly into El Paso Wednesday night because Chicago's last winter storm is supposed to hit tonight. The bitter breeze off of Lake Michigan and repugnant rain, sleet, snow are now intolerable for me... Thank you Lord for bringing me back home to New Mexico.
I plan on working with my web developer to get the new site designed and functional by the end of May. The new site will be the same New Mexico Politico with Aaron Henry Diaz just with some new thoughts, faces, and interactive functions. Many people are excited and I have numerous bright young conservatives and liberals ready to talk about real issues that real New Mexicans and Americans should be concerned with.
On a religious note, Holy Thursday and Good Friday are two very sacred and personal days for me; I will be spending most of my time in prayer, meditation, and with family. It is good to be back home on the range to recharge my batteries, clear my head, and reconnect with God. My faith is just as important to me as my politics. I am blessed to have attended some exceptional Catholic universities where my faith has been challenged and encouraged to flourish. I wish you all a very blessed Easter.
The Honeymoon Is Over
In the latest Gallup Daily tracking poll, Sen. Clinton has the most significant lead over Sen. Obama since February 7th. Clinton's 49% to Sen. Obama's 42% shows that her momentum is increasing quickly. While the battle for the super delegates is the most important game, these numbers show the shifting attitudes of Democrats across the nation who are sure to influence the super delegate votes. The super delegate system is set up to benefit a candidate like Clinton anyway. I have repeatedly stated that Hillary Clinton is from the house that built the modern day Democratic party. The Clinton's are the Democratic party and it will take some extreme measures to tare the nomination away from her. These numbers mean everything, Democrats are getting over the 'honeymoon' period with Obama and are starting to realize that he is just another politician willing to make all the promises in the world to get elected. His gilded image has been tarnished and the Clinton campaign has benefited; The real winner here is Senator John McCain. McCain leads both Clinton and Obama in the Gallup Daily Poll. McCain has a 47% to 43% lead over Obama and 48% to 45% lead over Clinton. McCain has been very presidential in the last couple weeks refusing to go negative on Obama and handling his own controversies like a true gentleman. The 'hope' for a socialized America is losing taste with many Americans. I am confident that if the Democrats do not get their act together soon, the Presidency will be wrapped in a red, white, and blue bow for Senator John McCain.
Clinton Momentum
Sen. Clinton in the latest Gallup Daily Tracking poll has inched ahead of Sen. Obama. Clinton has a 47% to 44% lead on Obama among national Democrats in tracking from March 15-17. Obama's connection to Chicago slum boss Tony Rezko and anti-American pastor Rev. Wright have caused some controversy for his campaign in the last week. Clinton's campaign has benefited from the controversy but she is walking on and around the racial egg shells that Democrats have infused in their presidential race.
Pearce, The Pro Life Candidate
Congressman Pearce is a true 'common sense' conservative when it comes to pro-life issues. He has a proven record of supporting pro-life legislation and initiatives. His efforts for the pro-life cause has been recognized by many including the Susan B. Anthony List Candidate Fund. The SBA List Candidate Fund's sole purpose is to endorse, support, and promote pro-life female candidates in key congressional races. Congressman Pearce has received The SBA List's endorsement in his bid to represent New Mexico in the United States Senate.
In the groups press release, Susan B. Anthony List Candidate Fund President Marjorie Dannenfelser states, "The Susan B. Anthony List is proud to endorse Steve Pearce, a strong leader who will represent all Americans, born and unborn, in the U.S. Senate. We are eager to support dedicated pro-life heroes when they need it most. The consequences of disengagement are dire. The lives of the most vulnerable children and their mothers are on the line. Steve Pearce is the best candidate to confirm sound Supreme Court nominees and protect human life in the Senate."
Congressman Pearce has a 100% pro-life voting record as a member of congress. Congresswoman Heather Wilson, who is challenging Pearce in the Republican Primary in June, has a 45% pro-life voting record as a member of congress. Wilson has a mixed voting record on Life issues. The press release went on to describe Wilson's pro-life record, "Throughout her decade in Congress, she has voted in favor of taxpayer funding for embryonic stem cell research, Planned Parenthood, and the United Nations Population Fund, which is linked to China’s coercive family planning programs. She has also voted in favor of FDA approval of the RU-486 abortion pill."
Heather Wilson is wrong when she claims to be a 'common sense' conservative. A genuine conservative will have a solid pro-life voting record and the endorsement of a pro-life group such as the SBA List. It takes common sense to figure that one out.
McCain's Numbers
In the latest Gallup Poll Sen. John McCain has surpassed Sen. Obama with 47% to 44%. Sen. McCain and Sen. Clinton remain in a tie with 46% each. The Gallup Poll Daily tracks preferences of likely general election registered voters. Last Week McCain was behind Obama with 43% to 47%. The latest poll signifies a tough week for Obama's campaign trying to defuse the Rezko indictment and anti-American statements of his mentor and pastor Rev. Wright. McCain was in Iraq on Sunday for a fact finding mission but the trip is a clear indication of his significant experience in foreign policy and relations. More Democrats and Republicans are realizing this key element of McCain and they continue to push him ahead of Obama.
Pearce Wins Genuine Momentum
Now that Congressman Pearce has won 236 delegate votes or a clear 55% majority at today's pre-primary convention, he is the definitive front runner in the Republican senate primary race. The Congressman and his wife Cynthia are "happy and thrilled" by today's victory and he declares, "Today's results clearly show that I am the only candidate who has the momentum to beat Tom Udall in November". In his press release he further states that, "New Mexicans know the importance of steady leadership and genuine conservative values." Pearce points out that, "It also shows this election will be decided on ideas and the right vision for the future of New Mexico" and "Tom Udall and I have significant differences. The people of New Mexico will get a clear choice between policies I believe make us more free, safe and prosperous and the kind of decisions my Democratic colleague in the House has consistently made that are bad for New Mexico and bad for the country. I continue to look forward to that debate." The convention received the good congressman well and were highly receptive to his victory. The huge victory is a referendum to Congressman Udall and the rest of Washington liberals that New Mexico supports genuine conservative values and leaders. A common sense conservative wouldn't need much common sense in electing a real conservative with real momentum.
Greer Gaining Momentum
Earl Greer, the long time Republican and businessman, has an even better chance at winning the primary in June. Winning second place in today's convention gives him a first place chance to take the whole enchilada. "I am extremely pleased with the outcome of this convention" Greer said in his press release. He went on to state that, "The voters of this district believe in my ability to keep New Mexico's values and interests close to heart while serving in Washington." Timera Drake, Communications Director of Grassroots For Greer, pointed out that "he is the people's candidate" and "He doesn't consider this a hobby; he considers it a sacred trust between him and the people of the second district. He isn't financing his campaign with hundreds of thousands of dollars of his own money to 'see' if he can win. All of his money is from true supporters who believe in his abilities to serve New Mexico faithfully." In my youthful opinion Mr. Greer has been gaining more and more 'true supporters' and it was evident today at the convention. New Mexicans need to look at a candidate who can win in November, a real Republican with loyal roots in the land he will be elected to represent with honor, integrity, and diligence.
Dunn Wins, Greer and Tinsley Tie
Aubrey Dunn has won 40 delegate votes or 30% with Earl Greer and Ed Tinsley both winning 33 delegate votes or 24%. Monty Newman came short of qualifying to be on the June ballot with 25 delegate votes or 18.5 votes and Terry Marquardt and Greg Sowards each receiving 2 delegate votes or 1%. Very interesting outcome but Dunn will be at the top of the June primary ballot with Greer placed second and Tinsley third. Who is going to be the kingmaker my friends? More updates and commentary are coming your way!
Pearce Defeats Wilson in Convention
Congressman Pearce has defeated Congresswoman Wilson in today's New Mexico Republican party pre-primary convention. He won 236 votes and Wilson won 197 votes. Pearce will be on the top of the primary ballot in June and be proclaimed the front runner in the remaining primary campaign. Updates with commentary are coming your way!
Good Republican
Mr. Tinsley and Mr. Dunn I have two words for the both of you... STOP IT!!! The Republican party in New Mexico does not need political bickering about who was a Democrat through 1994(what were you thinking?)or who lives in Santa Fe(it's ok we know you don't do the real work on the ranch anyway); please leave the gossip, chatter, and commentary to us polibloggers. The facts are out there and if people will not vote for you because of those facts(no matter how superficial they are) then sour grapes. I expected a Republican candidate to focus on New Mexican issues while entering a dialogue with the people of District 2. Your whiny bickering is giving Democrats enjoyment and cause to question your credibility in holding the honor of being elected a congressman from New Mexico. We need a candidate that has kept the credibility of the party in this race and who is not afraid to reach out to the roots of Southern New Mexico. The big convention is this weekend and some of you will win momentum or lose it. Now in my youthful observation both of you may very well receive an upset by a candidate who has taken higher ground refused to participate in attacking fellow Republicans. Mr. Tinsley and Mr. Dunn beware of Mr. Greer. He is likable, professional, genuine, and has been a loyal lifelong Republican who has engaged in a dialogue with the people, both Democrats and Republicans. The past couple months Mr. Greer has been surveying the real issues New Mexicans are concerned with and has refrained from the bickering. He may be behind in the medias eyes but he has the real people talking. So "cuidate", be careful, and do not underestimate the good Mr. Greer.
La Gente Factor
Aubrey Dunn and Ed Tinsley have two things in common, one that they are ranchers (while my sources say Dunn is the real rancher) and two they are very wealthy. Now I myself hope to be a wealthy full time rancher one day but if I ever run for congress I would never invest so much money into my campaign. The only thing that gives Dunn and Tinsley momentum in the medias eye is that they are the most funded campaigns. Dunn and Tinsley supposedly gave some 300,000 and 200,000 to their respective campaigns but since when does money trump public opinion? Just ask Democrats in Texas and Ohio. In Otero county top candidate Earl Greer beat both Dunn and Tinsley in a straw poll conducted at the Otero County Republican forumn. Now it is well known that Greer is far behind in financial support but if Otero public opinion matters (which it does) Greer is in a good spot. Momentum will begin to build for Greer when voters realize that while Dunn and Tinsley have the money, Greer has "La Gente" and would probably be the only candidate that can retain Southern New Mexico for the Republicans. It is a fragile year for Republicans. Choose wisely.
No I am not ignoring the world
I am not ignoring the world right now. I am focusing on school and setting up the new site nmpolitico.com. I only have six more weeks of class so it is important for me to focus on finishing strong. I have decided to return to New Mexico at the end of the semester to work on a campaign, blog, and various other projects for the remainder of the year. It is election year and I simply can't be on the bench when I can be playing. Also the new site is coming along. I am lining up new columnists and contributors. If anyone is interested in writing or advertising please contact me at aaron@nmpolitico.com, The new site will remain The New Mexico Politico but at nmpolitico.com. Check ya'll later.
I am not ignoring the world right now. I am focusing on school and setting up the new site nmpolitico.com. I only have six more weeks of class so it is important for me to focus on finishing strong. I have decided to return to New Mexico at the end of the semester to work on a campaign, blog, and various other projects for the remainder of the year. It is election year and I simply can't be on the bench when I can be playing. Also the new site is coming along. I am lining up new columnists and contributors. If anyone is interested in writing or advertising please contact me at aaron@nmpolitico.com, The new site will remain The New Mexico Politico but at nmpolitico.com. Check ya'll later.
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