
New Mexico Politico Endorses....

I doubt those of you who read my blog haven't voted already. The citizen who reads political blogs by nature is an engaged member of the community and would take the opportunity of voting early enthusiastically. If you did not take the opportunity to vote early this year please do in 2010. Your candidate of choice would deeply appreciate it.

On to the endorsements. While I receive emails of interest in my ballot I am always cautious to reveal who I am actually voting for. Here are probably the most important endorsements I can give.

State Senator Lee Rawson is a native New Mexican that understands the real issues affecting his constituency. I admire that he believes his job is not to introduce more government to New Mexico but better efficiency. He is the tax payers best friend by opposing tax increases even when the Governor and 'Patron' try to sneak one by us. His opponent is an in genuine liberal from San Francisco who thought he run to teach us ignorant, archaic New Mexicans how to govern. He is the epitome of progressive liberals trying to take control of New Mexico and impose an Obama, socialist model of government.

While I think Harry Teague is a genuinely good man with a distinct New Mexico story, his conservative tendencies would be overshadowed by the line vote in Pelosi's House of Representatives. In order for the freshman congressman to develop any political gravitas he would have to follow the party line. A Pelosi agenda is grave news for New Mexico and America. This is why I am supporting Ed Tinsley, a conservative we can count on.

Congressman Udall comes from a long line of leadership in this state. His family has been called the Kennedy's of the West. For this very reason I could never vote for him. We do not need a privileged few to govern and influence New Mexico politics. I know Udall is a respectable man but I think he has sold out to the elitist, progressive entities in the state. Congressman Pearce, at the core is a good man. He will be loyal to the real people of New Mexico and not the progressive, non-native fat cats in Santa Fe. While I have my disagreements with Pearce, I think he would better serve New Mexico than Udall.

I am a conservative because of Goldwater and Reagan, I am a Republican because of John McCain. I have supported John McCain since I was an 8th grader at Zia Middle School in 2000. His western pragmatism, tenacity, and commitment to our nation first attracted me to him. I wanted him to be President in 2000 and I want him to be president in 2008. John McCain is a transitional figure in my party and especially for our country.

Barack Obama is not who the media paints him to be. He is far from moderate, far from the constitution, and far from what the American people need. He is a die hard socialist with a hidden agenda. John McCain is real reformer and will be the true agent of change in Washington. McCain will continue to serve this great nation unlike Obama who has always served his own personal ambition.

An Obama nation is an Obamination.

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New Mexico Politicos