
Hitting The Ski Slopes!

Blue skies touching the snow caped peaks of the righteous Rocky mountains, the fresh evergreens sharing their wisdom of life with every breath one takes in, and the firm yet forgiving powder snow anticipating the skiers next move...yes this is heaven. Ski season is probably the second most anticipated time of year for me (only second to election season). It is a passion of mine because, like when I'm at the ranch, it allows me to reconnect with my natural setting and realize how very small I am in the grand scheme of God's universe. I will be skiing at Breckenridge in Colorado for the next couple of days, I should be back Tuesday. It will also allow me some good time to read, write, and think. I am working on the Postmortem series still but I need to be more thorough in my thoughts. I think hitting the slopes for the weekend will help clear my mind and provide me with some inspiration. Have a great weekend ya'll!


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