
My Fellow Americans

I have one simple message, VOTE!!!! Today we must exercise our liberty to vote for those whom we want to represent us in our necessary government. I will spare you the civics course rhetoric and patriotic flag waving but the right to vote is a cornerstone to our epic Republic! Democrats and Republicans all seek to implement their respective principles in government and yes the only way they can is to convince the electorate to vote for them. This is a simple dirty/respectable fact.

My work on the campaign trail this past month has rejuvenated my commitment to serve God, Family, and Country. This CD-2 race has been tough but I have inherited a cornucopia of campaign knowledge. Yes I have been supporting specific Republicans in this primary and most of you have figured out whom; in the general election I vow to support my nominees to the fullest extent actively or through other means.

I know that I may be exiled from particular candidates and persons but that is just the cold hard fact in campaigning. I picked my battles and today we will see if I won the war. Either way I gave it my all and now on to the voters crap shoot.

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