
Pearce-Wilson Debate

Some thoughts on the GOP Senate debate in Los Alamos this past Friday. Who designates a win for Wilson? Northern 'common sense' conservatives? oh please... I will concede to Wilson's excellent performance and preparedness in the debate but she did not win the debate. There was no winner in the debate, in fact the Republican party lost as a whole. Why? Heather Wilson's attack on Congressman Pearce's nay vote on the DOE budget and Los Alamos funding doesn't help her campaign, it helps the Democrats and Tom Udall. It will now be difficult for the Pearce camp to attack Udall's anti-DOE and DOD funding this fall.

There is no doubt that Pearce will win the primary this June. Wilson does the party and the state a disservice by staying in the race. I have a great respect for the Congresswoman, she is one of the most intelligent members of Congress but her personal ambition is hurting the parties chances of defeating liberal 'tree hugging' Udall this fall. Pearce's vote in the DOE budget was one that involved true 'common sense'. There were numerous million dollar earmarks attached to the budget by Democratic representatives. Congressman Pearce is the 'common sense' conservative because he believes in halting wasteful earmark spending by our federal government.

Congresswoman Wilson, like Congressman Pearce supports our national laboratories and common defense but she doesn't support the conservative staple to being fiscally conservative. The DOE budget needed to be returned to committee, sub-committee, and joint committee to fix the over spending in the budget. Congressman Pearce's unwavering dedication to fiscal conservatism and the American tax payer should be applauded not attacked by a 'common sense' conservative. Again, Congresswoman Wilson is highly intelligent but she may not have much common sense in this case.

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