
McCain in Mesilla

My brother Zachariah decided to join me for the McCain event this past Saturday in Mesilla. Zach, a fellow Young Republican, was excited to see Sen. McCain for the first time, he was even able to shake hands with the Senator. There was well over 2,000 people in attendance. I saw numerous Hispanics, Veterans, and young people. There was also a Democratic presence at the event... no not protesters but Democrats for McCain.

McCain delivered an animated speech that spoke of real reform, peace, and prosperity for America. While McCain's crowd in Mesilla and Albuquerque on Saturday was dwarfed by Obama's 45K at UNM, the nation knows the silent majority is still voting for a real American hero, statesman, and conservative. Obama has the media, students, young people, and affluent liberals who live in Albuquerque/ Santa Fe. The hard working Joe the Plumbers, Art the Contractors, Maddie the Nurses, and George the Farmers are supporting one of their own, John McCain.

He knows our issues and values; he has the record to prove it unlike the unknown Obama. He has served his country with honor and dedication for a greater part of his life. Senator Graham put it best when he stated, "John McCain has been working his whole life for us, it is time that we work for him!" My family and many others are united to defeat a 'new socialist' government proposed by Obama and elect a genuine American hero to the White House. Won't you join us?

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