
Gary Johnson's Our America Initiative

I am looking forward to hearing more from the Our America Initiative. Gary Johnson is now expressly propelling himself into the national liberty movement, a move clearly designating himself as a possible presidential candidate. Liberty is always the true hope and the most essential change.

1 comment:

Elwar said...

According to http://www.garyjohnson2012.com
-He didn't raise taxes as Governor once.
-He vetoed over 1,000 spending items.
-He cut taxes 14 times.
-In a state dominated 2 to 1 by Democrats he served two terms.
-He left New Mexico with a balanced budget.
-He competed in the Bataan Death March, a 25 mile desert run in combat boots wearing a 35-pound backpack.
-He climbed to the top of Mount Everest, despite a broken leg.

New Mexico Politicos