
Public Eductation and Teachers Unions

The Truth about Teachers Unions from Union Facts on Vimeo.

This subject which I know very little about interests me very much. I believe education should be the most important topic, subject, agenda for our elected officials to advocate for. Education is directly linked to our economy, national security, and a prosperous future. I found this video on teachers unions and thought it provided important perspective from teachers that may be overlooked in the ongoing unions and education debate.


ched macquigg said...

This post is labeled "The Truth about Teachers Unions". At best it is part of the truth.

Realizing that everyone is entitled to their opinion, that does justify one of these people saying, "the union says, ..."
At that point it becomes dishonest to then present only part of what they actually say.

AHD said...

This post is labeled "Public Education and Teachers Unions".

New Mexico Politicos