
Thoughts on McCain victory in Florida

The days leading into the Florida primary Sen. McCain and Gov. Romney had exchanged multiple political jabs at eachother. Gov. Romney calling Sen. McCain a liberal and Sen. McCain refering to the slick haired governor a flip flop on issues. There is a reality to the candidacy of Sen. McCain, he has growing support from more moderate and conservative Republicans. Florida being a closed primary state only available to registered Republicans to vote(who are most likely to be conservatives) signifies that the McCain victory gives a breath of confidence in obtaining the long sought nomination from the party that once alientated him. I give credit to his recent popularity and victory in Florida to the shifting demographic within the Republican party. With rumors of a Giuliani endorsement this victory just may designate Sen. John McCain as the man to beat Sen. Obama or Sen. Clinton. In the national polls he is the only Republican who can beat the liberal, democratic emotional machine. I credit Sen. McCains growing support from the Republican party to the changing demographic and realignment of the party. No longer the days of emotionalist neo-conservatism will govern the great party of Lincoln. It is time that this party be lead by a great American patriot, Sen. McCain and restore the principles of Lincoln, Roosevelt, and Reagan! Sen. McCain is the best candidate to protect America from enemies foreign and domestic, improve our economy through conservative fiscal policy, sponsor and pass true bi-partisan legislation that strengthens domestic America, and a man who will responsibly execute pragmatice foreign affairs. I support the great Senator and I ask my fellow New Mexicans to support him as well. The man from Arizona deserves the support of pragmatic New Mexicans to save our country from the potential disaster of an Obama/Clinton administration. Viva McCain!


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