Hola Politicos! I am back from my much needed ski trip. There was a nice preseason snow base in Breckenridge and I look forward to this years season. The trip provided me some time to balance my thoughts while in the middle of God's winter wonderland.
Today I celebrated Thanksgiving with my family at my grandparents house. It has been a tough year for us but it is encouraging and inspiring to see my brothers, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents healthy and moving forward in life.
Thanksgiving is a profound day in my families calendar because we come together and share what we are thankful for. I find it moving and inspiring to hear my families personal testimonies at the dinner table every year. This year the first thing my grandpa stated was that he was thankful for being an American. He noted that things are going well for our country right now but we are better off than most in other parts of the world.
Grandpa is dead on. America is blessed by God to have the quality people, minds, resources, and leadership that make this country great. The shadows of economic gloom, political uncertainty, and social division have been cast over our resilient nation but we should not fear. We are a strong, tenacious nation ready to face the challenges of our day. The shadows of our modern era are temporary, the light will soon shine upon us again.
Happy Thanksgiving!
A commentary on news, politics, culture, and current events here in the Land of Enchantment.
Hitting The Ski Slopes!
Blue skies touching the snow caped peaks of the righteous Rocky mountains, the fresh evergreens sharing their wisdom of life with every breath one takes in, and the firm yet forgiving powder snow anticipating the skiers next move...yes this is heaven. Ski season is probably the second most anticipated time of year for me (only second to election season). It is a passion of mine because, like when I'm at the ranch, it allows me to reconnect with my natural setting and realize how very small I am in the grand scheme of God's universe. I will be skiing at Breckenridge in Colorado for the next couple of days, I should be back Tuesday. It will also allow me some good time to read, write, and think. I am working on the Postmortem series still but I need to be more thorough in my thoughts. I think hitting the slopes for the weekend will help clear my mind and provide me with some inspiration. Have a great weekend ya'll!
Pro Palin PAC
According to the Washington Wire a group of conservatives have organized to curtail the negative attacks made on Gov. Sarah Palin. While I refuse to support her for president in the future I do believe she is a good woman, mother, and American. The attacks made on her have been tasteless, especially involving her family. I am glad to see regular Americans take a stand for Gov. Palin...here's the video.
Secretary of Commerce: Bill Richardson
If the chatter about Gov. Bill Richardson becoming Commerce Secretary in Obama's administration is true, we are all in debt to those who voted for Obama. The final days of Richardson's faux governorship and neglect of New Mexico are approaching. Thanks be to the messiah Obama!
Postmortem III Coming soon.
A work in progress. Need some extra time to think about the upcoming state GOP elections. From what I've read, heard, and seen the new GOP leadership is already beginning to stink. Will somebody please take last weeks garbage out.
Gobble, Gobble, Gulp 2012?
I'll say it now, I will not be supporting Gov. Palin for president in 2012. Why? No politician has provided the amount of material to Tina Fey and SNL that Sarah Palin has. While Palin discusses here future plans, keep your eye on the turkey in the background. Priceless.
I like the Governor but I think her serious 15 minutes are up. She should lay low for a while, maybe move to Alaska or something....oh ya.
I like the Governor but I think her serious 15 minutes are up. She should lay low for a while, maybe move to Alaska or something....oh ya.
Postmortem II
Gov. Jeb Bush offers the blunt truth in his recent thoughts about the future of the GOP.
Republicans, it is time to wake up! Bush has the gravitas within the party to make such a bold statement. I have voiced a similar opinion many times before but some fellow Republicans chastised me for making such statements. One Republican even suggested that I had wondered off the reservation.
The only ones that have wondered off the reservation are those in Republican leadership...especially here in New Mexico. Their poor organization, leadership, and internal politics contributed to the worst election for Republicans since the Watergate era. They refuse to recognize their failures, evaluate their mistakes, and offer new pragmatic ideas. The party will remain insignificant if they continue their business as usual mentality.
The GOP is suffering from a deadly identity crisis. The Republican image is tainted and the well of ideas have turned stagnant. Republicans must continue to evolve certain policy initiatives in order to effectively compete with Democrats. They should seriously address issues pertaining to the environment, health care, and education. Pragmatic solutions, rooted in conservative principles, must be proposed to the American people.
Leaders must engage the issues of our time and convince Americans that their solutions are attainable, efficient, and best for the country. The resolution of problems must take precedent over rhetorical opposition to all things Democrat. Leaders and operatives must adopt zero tolerance for corruption, practice to limit government and spending, put working families and small business first, and spearhead reform. This will improve the image of the party and renew a partnership of trust with the American people.
The party has the opportunity to be the true agents of change if they choose to be. Republicans must harness the winds of change to navigate this once great ship of practical idealism back to significance in American politics.
The New Mexico Politico will continue to expand on certain themes addressed in the Postmortem series. It is critical for new ideas to enter the continuing discussion on the future of the Republican party.
I would suggest the conservatives need to do the math of the new demographics of the United States. We can't be anti-Hispanic, anti-young person, anti-many things and be surprised when we didn't win.
Republicans, it is time to wake up! Bush has the gravitas within the party to make such a bold statement. I have voiced a similar opinion many times before but some fellow Republicans chastised me for making such statements. One Republican even suggested that I had wondered off the reservation.
The only ones that have wondered off the reservation are those in Republican leadership...especially here in New Mexico. Their poor organization, leadership, and internal politics contributed to the worst election for Republicans since the Watergate era. They refuse to recognize their failures, evaluate their mistakes, and offer new pragmatic ideas. The party will remain insignificant if they continue their business as usual mentality.
The GOP is suffering from a deadly identity crisis. The Republican image is tainted and the well of ideas have turned stagnant. Republicans must continue to evolve certain policy initiatives in order to effectively compete with Democrats. They should seriously address issues pertaining to the environment, health care, and education. Pragmatic solutions, rooted in conservative principles, must be proposed to the American people.
Leaders must engage the issues of our time and convince Americans that their solutions are attainable, efficient, and best for the country. The resolution of problems must take precedent over rhetorical opposition to all things Democrat. Leaders and operatives must adopt zero tolerance for corruption, practice to limit government and spending, put working families and small business first, and spearhead reform. This will improve the image of the party and renew a partnership of trust with the American people.
The party has the opportunity to be the true agents of change if they choose to be. Republicans must harness the winds of change to navigate this once great ship of practical idealism back to significance in American politics.
The New Mexico Politico will continue to expand on certain themes addressed in the Postmortem series. It is critical for new ideas to enter the continuing discussion on the future of the Republican party.
The election of Barack Obama two weeks ago ushered in a new political and social age for our country. He ran an efficient, smart campaign that captivated voters from all walks of life. John McCain was right on the issues but failed to win the trust and support of the majority of the American people. I've waited to write my post election thoughts to see who the Republicans blamed for their failures nation wide. As I suspected they blamed everything and everyone besides themselves.
The nation wide election loss should signify to the party that significant change in leadership and approach to 21st century issues are needed in order for the GOP to survive and be successful once again. The party needs to find its identity in this emerging brave new world. Republicans speak of being a 'big tent' party but two weeks ago at a Republican 'big tent' BBQ I only saw a handful of Hispanics and youth. The majority of people under that tent were old, white, and their politics outdated...much like the party as a whole.
In response to the nation wide slaughter, party leadership is advocating for Republicans to return to their core conservative principles. This is such an easy and inferior excuse for them to offer because they used this same excuse two years ago when congress was lost. Returning to core principles is a small component to polishing the GOP brand, not the whole. They continue to use old excuses to solve old problems; for this very reason leadership needs to change.
Republicans have allowed different spheres of the party to redefine what a conservative is. This has alienated a significant amount of voters and contributed to the Democratic victory. Republicans need to define who they are and offer pragmatic solutions to modern day problems. While the base of the party is white, old, and evangelical the face of the nation is not.
John McCain lost this election because he played to this base just to solidify their wary support. His time and strategy spent on energizing these supporters (the so called base) allowed other groups of voters to fall through the cracks. President Bush won his base but what won him the presidency was independent and Hispanic voters. McCain lost these two groups overwhelmingly.
If the so called base of the party will only support candidates that pander solely to their ideological beliefs, the party is in store for a long exile into the desert of American politics.
This is the first entry in the New Mexico Politico's Postmortem thoughts. Check back tomorrow for Postmortem II.
The nation wide election loss should signify to the party that significant change in leadership and approach to 21st century issues are needed in order for the GOP to survive and be successful once again. The party needs to find its identity in this emerging brave new world. Republicans speak of being a 'big tent' party but two weeks ago at a Republican 'big tent' BBQ I only saw a handful of Hispanics and youth. The majority of people under that tent were old, white, and their politics outdated...much like the party as a whole.
In response to the nation wide slaughter, party leadership is advocating for Republicans to return to their core conservative principles. This is such an easy and inferior excuse for them to offer because they used this same excuse two years ago when congress was lost. Returning to core principles is a small component to polishing the GOP brand, not the whole. They continue to use old excuses to solve old problems; for this very reason leadership needs to change.
Republicans have allowed different spheres of the party to redefine what a conservative is. This has alienated a significant amount of voters and contributed to the Democratic victory. Republicans need to define who they are and offer pragmatic solutions to modern day problems. While the base of the party is white, old, and evangelical the face of the nation is not.
John McCain lost this election because he played to this base just to solidify their wary support. His time and strategy spent on energizing these supporters (the so called base) allowed other groups of voters to fall through the cracks. President Bush won his base but what won him the presidency was independent and Hispanic voters. McCain lost these two groups overwhelmingly.
If the so called base of the party will only support candidates that pander solely to their ideological beliefs, the party is in store for a long exile into the desert of American politics.
This is the first entry in the New Mexico Politico's Postmortem thoughts. Check back tomorrow for Postmortem II.
New Mexico: Center of the Money Hole?
In The Know: Should The Government Stop Dumping Money Into A Giant Hole?
Did ya'll catch the shout out for New Mexico? Exactly where is this money hole? Two words: rail runner.
Obama Supporters In Perile
Thanks Garrett from Texas for sending this news clip my way. New Mexico Politicos have been wondering what will happen to all the Obama supporters after the election. Is rehab an option?
I'm Back...The GOP Will Join Us Shortly
What an arduous journey to the present. I have been working for certain Republican candidates since February 2008 and my duties expired (much like our party did) on Tuesday November 4th. This election has consumed every facet of my life since the day I decided to engage politics more aggressively and assume an operatives role. I could not write election day (most of the year) because I was neck deep in campaign business. I decided not to write the last couple days because I simply had nothing to say. The beating my candidates and I have taken necessitated some monastic time of solitude.
I will be writing in the coming days my thoughts on the election outcome, the state of the GOP, enemies of New Mexico, the 'new' Democrats, and our future GOP President. Now that the horror film is over and the nightmare is about to begin, I pledge to you my daily notations on La Politica, arguments against socialist tyranny, and heck maybe a weekly review of cigars, bars, & wine... conservatives still need a place to drink the red cool aide.
yours truly,
I will be writing in the coming days my thoughts on the election outcome, the state of the GOP, enemies of New Mexico, the 'new' Democrats, and our future GOP President. Now that the horror film is over and the nightmare is about to begin, I pledge to you my daily notations on La Politica, arguments against socialist tyranny, and heck maybe a weekly review of cigars, bars, & wine... conservatives still need a place to drink the red cool aide.
yours truly,
New Mexico Politico Endorses....
I doubt those of you who read my blog haven't voted already. The citizen who reads political blogs by nature is an engaged member of the community and would take the opportunity of voting early enthusiastically. If you did not take the opportunity to vote early this year please do in 2010. Your candidate of choice would deeply appreciate it.
On to the endorsements. While I receive emails of interest in my ballot I am always cautious to reveal who I am actually voting for. Here are probably the most important endorsements I can give.
State Senator Lee Rawson is a native New Mexican that understands the real issues affecting his constituency. I admire that he believes his job is not to introduce more government to New Mexico but better efficiency. He is the tax payers best friend by opposing tax increases even when the Governor and 'Patron' try to sneak one by us. His opponent is an in genuine liberal from San Francisco who thought he run to teach us ignorant, archaic New Mexicans how to govern. He is the epitome of progressive liberals trying to take control of New Mexico and impose an Obama, socialist model of government.
While I think Harry Teague is a genuinely good man with a distinct New Mexico story, his conservative tendencies would be overshadowed by the line vote in Pelosi's House of Representatives. In order for the freshman congressman to develop any political gravitas he would have to follow the party line. A Pelosi agenda is grave news for New Mexico and America. This is why I am supporting Ed Tinsley, a conservative we can count on.
Congressman Udall comes from a long line of leadership in this state. His family has been called the Kennedy's of the West. For this very reason I could never vote for him. We do not need a privileged few to govern and influence New Mexico politics. I know Udall is a respectable man but I think he has sold out to the elitist, progressive entities in the state. Congressman Pearce, at the core is a good man. He will be loyal to the real people of New Mexico and not the progressive, non-native fat cats in Santa Fe. While I have my disagreements with Pearce, I think he would better serve New Mexico than Udall.
I am a conservative because of Goldwater and Reagan, I am a Republican because of John McCain. I have supported John McCain since I was an 8th grader at Zia Middle School in 2000. His western pragmatism, tenacity, and commitment to our nation first attracted me to him. I wanted him to be President in 2000 and I want him to be president in 2008. John McCain is a transitional figure in my party and especially for our country.
Barack Obama is not who the media paints him to be. He is far from moderate, far from the constitution, and far from what the American people need. He is a die hard socialist with a hidden agenda. John McCain is real reformer and will be the true agent of change in Washington. McCain will continue to serve this great nation unlike Obama who has always served his own personal ambition.
An Obama nation is an Obamination.
Listen to Rev. Wright one more time!
Ad is by the Pennsylvania GOP. I hope people will also note Obama's entry into his church was politically motivated and had nothing to do with Christ.
The Californians have invaded...
Read Mario Burgos today. He has a good post about the subject.
As for me I have spent most of the weekend and today fighting a progressive liberal from California. The elitist has lived here for two minutes and thinks he can be our next State Senator. Who the hell does he think he is?
Read more about California Obama staffers voting in New Mexico right here. Shelby Holliday, from Palestra.net has done a muy bueno job on this story.
As for me I have spent most of the weekend and today fighting a progressive liberal from California. The elitist has lived here for two minutes and thinks he can be our next State Senator. Who the hell does he think he is?
Read more about California Obama staffers voting in New Mexico right here. Shelby Holliday, from Palestra.net has done a muy bueno job on this story.
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