
Don't be insane, Vote McCain!

Senator McCain has the nomination in the bag. With 1,191 delegates needed to win the nomination, Sen. McCain has nearly 927 pledged delegates and in the far distance Governor Huckabee's 245. It is time that Gov. Huckabee drop out and work with McCain for the sake of party unity. The right wing of the party is still complaining about McCain not being conservative enough but the right wing needs to be reminded that America needs a John McCain and the days of evangelical rule of our party is over. John McCain is the Democrats greatest threat and I guarantee you little obama is shaking; he is playing with the big boys now. John McCain emphasized what most of us are concerned with and that is national security and our economy. McCain can deliver for us and we must be aware that "an eloquent but empty call for change" in this country is dangerous to our nation. We are faced with epic problems developing in this world; it is naive and harmful to the future of this country to walk in an illustrious daze of hope and lament of the days of tranquility in America. NO candidate can deliver us back to the times of comfort but John McCain can protect America and our near divine principles. John McCain will also strive to preserve our economic integrity and volatility through fiscal conservatism and confidence in the American free enterprise spirit. In his victory speech last night, Sen. McCain cleverly but softly asked the million dollar question, whether the next president will have the experience and correct judgment to counter the world's growing threats or "will we risk the confused leadership of an inexperienced candidate, who once suggested bombing our ally Pakistan and sitting down without pre-conditions or clear purpose with enemies(Iran) who support terrorists and are intent on destabilizing the world by acquiring nuclear weapons?". His point is a clear reference to Sen. Obama who has advocated for military action toward Pakistan and courting Iran like a high school sweet heart to formulate his very own "peace in our time". The United States needs a strong figure with practical principles to protect, promote, and preserve everything that we are. McCain has these principles and more importantly Democrats and Republicans will vote for him. We need a professional not a bat boy to run our country. Don't Be Insane, Vote McCain!


robles87 said...


John McCain has said before that he doesn't know anything about economics. That's why he dodges this question and just runs off names. Saying McCain will be fiscally conservative is empty rhetoric. McCain said that if it were up to him, interest rates would be 0%. Not only would that mean the end of free enterprise as we know it, it's also impossible to implement. John McCain's knowledge of economics is greatly exaggerated.

AHD said...

If you are looking for empty rhetoric just listen to Obama or Clinton. McCain has had a proven history of fiscal conservancy even voting against tax cuts when the government was not willing to cut spending. Yes he has acknowleged his lack of economic experience but Americans can count on his principles as a fiscal conservative and trusted friedeman free enterprise advisors to make the limited economic decisions should make. Point need to be made is that much of the economy is regulated and influenced by the Fed and not the White House.

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