
Super...Bowl Sunday?

So today is super bowl sunday... amazing. I nearly forgot, but you will have to forgive me. It has been one HELL of week leading up to the real super bowl which is taking place on Tuesday, yes Super Tuesday. It really is moving to realize that all week in my political science courses, coffee shops, cafeteria, and friendly social gatherings my peers and friends were not talking about the Patriots-Giants game today. They were talking about Barack Hussein Obama's "dream" campaign, Sen. McCain's heroic stature and consistent record, Sen. Clinton's husband, and Gov. Romney's flip flop policy. For an aspiring political scientist and future New Mexico Politico this is heaven. I love this campaign year and I love our great democratic process. One alarming observation is that yes not only are more young people talking about politics, MORE are voting. This may be trend but it is a good trend and hopefully it will last for a while. I leave you on this good Super Bowl Sunday with a political cartoon I saw this morning in the Chicago Tribune. It is quite realistic.
Go Cowboys!

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