
Republican Governor 2010?

Allen Weh, Heather Wilson, Steve Pearce, and Greg Zanetti.

New Mexico knows these Republicans have expressed interest in running for Governor but do any of them really have a chance at beating a Democrat in 2010?

It depends.

The Republican party has significantly shifted to the right. While some are content with this move, the American people are not. For this reason staunchly conservative Steve Pearce would lose by epic proportions. I don't think the former Congressman is electable state wide because he only received 38% in the 2008 Senate race against Tom Udall. He does have a chance at beating Congressman Teague, although that race would ask Southern New Mexico to do a great deal of soul (identity) searching. I would also like to know if Pearce is running to genuinely fight for all New Mexicans or to further his time in the political game?

It's in the history books now, the Republican party took massive loses in 2006 and 2008. Was it bad timing or maybe the wrong message? Did too much power corrupt the conservative movement and move the party away from their Goldwater foundation (yes)? Was it bad leadership? Allen Weh was chairman of the NM GOP from 2004 to earlier this year. Besides losing the 2006 and 2008 elections what did Chairman Weh do? He failed to actively recruit more Hispanics, Catholics, young people and better candidates. He failed to make the GOP an efficient party capable of fighting the Democrat dictatorship of New Mexico. He also caused a high amount of internal friction which further weakened the minority party of NM. Will a partisan who made a long list of enemies with Democrats and fellow Republicans even have a chance at winning an election? Mr. Weh quit kidding yourself.

It was an ugly year for Heather Wilson in 2008. She had to pretend to be a right wing hack in the GOP primary against Pearce. The moderate northern Congresswoman never had a chance, that primary was all about who was more conservative. Things will be different in 2010, hopefully. The GOP needs to recognize that their ultra conservative darlings don't attract the moderate Republican and conservative Democrat vote. The right wingers also send Hispanic votes directly to the Democrats. 50% of registered NM voters are Democrats while only 32% are Republicans. This is a tough number to swallow for any Republican candidate but Wilson is a hard campaigner and a sobering moderate voice that can attract the 15% DTS voters. Democrat Denish would find Heather Wilson to be a real thorn in her...well you know. Two women running for Governor in New Mexico for the first time would be a fight to see. I think the seasoned vet could take the Lt. Gov right on.

Ironically, one problem Wilson could face in 2010 is that she is a seasoned Republican campaign vet, she is a well known good ol' bo...gal. The GOP may need a less familiar face with fresh ideas and a genuine intent to serve the people. Greg Zanetti is the only official candidate in the the Republican primary so far. Zanetti has a financial background and is a former brigadier general in the NM Army National Gaurd. Politicos close to me say that he's probably the most libertarian out of the GOP crowd. In a recent interview he gave to the Clovis News Journal he offered some quick takes on state issues. You can read his answers there but I think the General from Albuquerque has a clear head when approaching policy, not a bad start. Zanetti should take some pointers from Gov. Gary Johnson and DW Turner on how to win this thing.

Can he beat Denish? At this point he's an obvious long shot but it's still early.

In New Mexico anything can happen, I mean look at Ben Ray Lujan.

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