
The Truth About Specter

By Jordan Lieberman

Everything they say about Sen. Arlen Specter is true. I know this because Arlen Specter’s 1998 reelection campaign was my first full time job.

Staffers say he’s a bastard. True. But in a good way—like a drill sergeant. After working on that campaign, I was ready for anything. The Specter alumni network includes thousands who have gone through the political equivalent of Parris Island.

Conservatives say he’s not one of them. True. Let me say it more clearly than he did in his speech: Conservatives, Arlen Specter does not care about you. He does not like you, and he considered you a necessary evil in maintaining his Senate seat.

Pennsylvania liberals think he may be in for a hard-fought primary, but that’s unlikely. Democratic Gov. Rendell will ensure he gets a relatively safe ride through primary season. One of my jobs during the 1998 race was to advance different video shoots. Rendell, then Philadelphia’s mayor, was filmed for one of Specter’s TV spots, which later helped him easily beat Democratic state Rep. Bill Lloyd.

Don’t expect Pennsylvania’s junior senator, Bob Casey, to be an impediment. His dad, former Democratic Gov. Bob Casey, had a deep, lasting friendship with Specter, one that transcended politics. In 1998 another Casey son, Pat, ran for Congress, and I had strict instructions not to help his Republican opponent, Don Sherwood.

National Republicans are rejoicing at the opportunity to replace a liberal Republican with a conservative Republican. These are mostly people who either (a) prefer to be a minority party rather than governing majority or (b) do not understand Pennsylvania’s changing demographics, particularly in the four voter-rich swing counties outside of Philadelphia.

In the end, we all get what we want: RHINO-haters get to nominate a conservative. Democrats get a safe U.S. Senate seat. And Sen. Arlen Specter gets to add another six years to the nearly 30 he has served the public.


Barney Frank and Company

More on Sen. Specter later this week....

Flat Tax, National Sales Tax from CATO

This video may be a little late but another great one from CATO.



Libertarian Congressman Ryan: http://libertarianrepublican.blogspot.com/2009/04/meet-ayn-rand-congressman-republican.html

Republican Struggle: http://www.politicsmagazine.com/magazine-issues/april-2009/whither-the-republican-party/

The End of Mainstream Media: http://www.texasinsider.org/?p=8260

Libertarian Tea Parties: http://www.fivethirtyeight.com/2009/04/were-tea-parties-really-libertarian.html

More GOP Struggle: http://voices.washingtonpost.com/thefix/parsing-the-polls/21-percent.html?wprss=thefix

Summer Time

Hey Politicos -

This week is the commencement of final exams for me. I'll be finishing up on my studying and taking care of business before I head home in a week. I have various goals I need to accomplish this summer and I plan on expanding the NMP as well.

Those who follow me on Twitter may know that I've decided to review wine and cigars ( a little hobby of mine) in addition to writing about whatever intrigues this young mind. I'll probably write a couple restaurant and sight reviews since I will be traveling throughout the Land of Enchantment this summer. If any of you have suggestions of where to go and when let me know.

If I have time I'll post some articles or videos I find interesting that I would recommend reading. Wish me luck and see you all soon!




Republican Governor 2010?

Allen Weh, Heather Wilson, Steve Pearce, and Greg Zanetti.

New Mexico knows these Republicans have expressed interest in running for Governor but do any of them really have a chance at beating a Democrat in 2010?

It depends.

The Republican party has significantly shifted to the right. While some are content with this move, the American people are not. For this reason staunchly conservative Steve Pearce would lose by epic proportions. I don't think the former Congressman is electable state wide because he only received 38% in the 2008 Senate race against Tom Udall. He does have a chance at beating Congressman Teague, although that race would ask Southern New Mexico to do a great deal of soul (identity) searching. I would also like to know if Pearce is running to genuinely fight for all New Mexicans or to further his time in the political game?

It's in the history books now, the Republican party took massive loses in 2006 and 2008. Was it bad timing or maybe the wrong message? Did too much power corrupt the conservative movement and move the party away from their Goldwater foundation (yes)? Was it bad leadership? Allen Weh was chairman of the NM GOP from 2004 to earlier this year. Besides losing the 2006 and 2008 elections what did Chairman Weh do? He failed to actively recruit more Hispanics, Catholics, young people and better candidates. He failed to make the GOP an efficient party capable of fighting the Democrat dictatorship of New Mexico. He also caused a high amount of internal friction which further weakened the minority party of NM. Will a partisan who made a long list of enemies with Democrats and fellow Republicans even have a chance at winning an election? Mr. Weh quit kidding yourself.

It was an ugly year for Heather Wilson in 2008. She had to pretend to be a right wing hack in the GOP primary against Pearce. The moderate northern Congresswoman never had a chance, that primary was all about who was more conservative. Things will be different in 2010, hopefully. The GOP needs to recognize that their ultra conservative darlings don't attract the moderate Republican and conservative Democrat vote. The right wingers also send Hispanic votes directly to the Democrats. 50% of registered NM voters are Democrats while only 32% are Republicans. This is a tough number to swallow for any Republican candidate but Wilson is a hard campaigner and a sobering moderate voice that can attract the 15% DTS voters. Democrat Denish would find Heather Wilson to be a real thorn in her...well you know. Two women running for Governor in New Mexico for the first time would be a fight to see. I think the seasoned vet could take the Lt. Gov right on.

Ironically, one problem Wilson could face in 2010 is that she is a seasoned Republican campaign vet, she is a well known good ol' bo...gal. The GOP may need a less familiar face with fresh ideas and a genuine intent to serve the people. Greg Zanetti is the only official candidate in the the Republican primary so far. Zanetti has a financial background and is a former brigadier general in the NM Army National Gaurd. Politicos close to me say that he's probably the most libertarian out of the GOP crowd. In a recent interview he gave to the Clovis News Journal he offered some quick takes on state issues. You can read his answers there but I think the General from Albuquerque has a clear head when approaching policy, not a bad start. Zanetti should take some pointers from Gov. Gary Johnson and DW Turner on how to win this thing.

Can he beat Denish? At this point he's an obvious long shot but it's still early.

In New Mexico anything can happen, I mean look at Ben Ray Lujan.


GOP Initiative

I think the GOP is finally figuring out how to combat the Dem's. The GOP energy plan is open to all options, while the Democrats are closed them. The Dem's are so focused on their lofty idealism that they are blinded to what their plans will do to struggling American families. Why can't Dem's be open to all options for energy independence? The kickbacks from campaign contributions and support are beginning to kick in.


Minutemen Attack McCain

According to MSNBC (forgive me) Chris Simcox, founder of the controversial minutemen, will challenge Sen. John McCain next year in the 2010 primary.

I hope Sen. McCain kicks the (explicit) out of him.


I really like this song Dean Martin and Ricky Nelson sing in the movie Rio Bravo. It strikes a little piece of nostalgia in me. I'm looking forward to heading back to New Mexico this summer to work, ride, and play. New Mexico really does the body...mind... soul good.


U.S. Drug Policy and More

I've been studying and observing Mexico's drug war since Gen. Barry R. McCaffrey released his Mexico After Action Report back in December. I am currently working on a primer advocating for increased U.S. support for Mexico and a possible means of effective intervention. I hope to post this paper once my semester is complete in a couple weeks. Growing up in Dona Ana county, which borders Mexico, I was aware of the grave danger that the drug cartels posed to the Mexican state. When President Calderon of Mexico increased pressure on the lawless 'fronteras' ruled by the cartels, the federal government experienced a backlash of violence and corruption not witnessed in years. Mexico's struggle is our struggle as well. Our neighbors home is on fire, our home is in danger of catching a flame too! The U.S. can increase monetary aid, military training, and weapons to the Mexican government but we cannot continue to finance the enemy drug cartels as well. The U.S. consumes most of the drugs that the cartels produce and/or transport to our border. We can't be fighting a futile drug war while we remain the largest consumers of the cartels product, this doesn't make any sense! It is time for the United States government to review U.S. Drug Policy and produce a comprehensive plan to improve relations with the rest of the Americas. We must produce pragmatic solutions that effectively combat drugs, violence, corruption, poverty and terrorism in our hemisphere. This task has been ignored and neglected by the U.S. for far too long. The time has come to truly be a 'better' neighbor.


Texas Secession

Governor Perry and these crazy Texans keep talking about secession. While I respect my host state this talk about secession is more bravado than anything else. Last month Gov. Perry joined my Texas Tech College Republicans group and one of my peers asked him about Texas secession. Gov. Perry stroked all the Texan egos in the room but stated that Texas is a proud member of the union and will always be. He even warned us about getting too involved in the matter. Below is Congressman Ron Paul talking about the secession question. I respect and admire Dr. Paul but his secession talk is even more bravado and quite entertaining.


YouTube Symphony

I began exploring the world of classical music when I was in the 3rd grade. Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 was my first infatuation but I have grown to appreciate many epic composers. Bach is currently my all time favorite. I was amazed when I saw that YouTube produced a symphonic piece over the web. I wanted to share with you this grand international work of art.


Don't Beat Around the 'Bush'

More wisdom from Jeb Bush here. He is intelligent, articulate, and has a real grasp of reality concerning the GOP. I agree with him 90% of the time, too bad most in the GOP are not listening close enough.

Charitable Obama and Cheap Biden

Read about it here.

I think I've donated more to charity than VP Biden. The fact that the White House issued a press release justifying the Biden's obvious lack of charity is a problem. I hope VP & Mrs. Biden are more charitable this coming year.


Shuttin' Detroit Down

I posted John Rich's lyric video of this song last week. His music video just came out recently. This is an awesome song, it reflects whats really happening out here in the real world. The video is made even better with Kris Kristofferson and Mickey Rourke in it. I encourage ya'll to share this video. I've predicted this will serve as a battle cry in the upcoming midterms.


Holy Week

Greetings Politicos! In observance of Holy Week and my personal devotions I will not be blogging or paying much attention to the blogosphere. This is a solemn time that allows sinners like myself to examine ones conscious, soul, and life. It is important to reflect on ones personal existence and what our vocation in life is. We are all called to follow Christ and live the gospels. I leave you with this.
"He that followeth me, walketh not in darkness, saith Our Lord. These are the words of Christ, by which we are admonished, that we must imitate His life and manners, if we would be truly enlightened, and delivered from all blindness of heart. Let it then be our chief study to meditate on the life of Jesus Christ." — Thomas à Kempis, The Imitation of Christ


America Is An Exceptional Nation!

Rep. Ryan is a rising star in the GOP. He is a highly intelligent individual that presents his thoughts in an effective way. Ryan definitely has a future.

Congressman Ron Paul on the Budget

The Senate passed the budget 55-43.


Open Conference Committees

Governor Richardson,

I am writing to encourage you to please sign HB 393 which would open conference committees to the public. The citizens of New Mexico deserve an open and fair government. Political corruption has an unfortunate tradition in New Mexico. As a student of political science and the legislative process I have learned that much of that corruption takes place in closed conference committees. You have already signed significant ethics legislation but more can be done. It would be an unfortunate disappointment if you decide to join the minuscule minority who oppose furthering the cause of opening government. I urge you to do the right thing and continue to support government transparency. Please join your constituents and support HB 393.


Aaron Henry Diaz, 21
Las Cruces, NM

The White House Sex Line?

Is it amateur hour at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?


You're Playing Baseline Mumbo Jumbo

Why do Democrats seem confused about their own budget? Do they even understand what a tax cut is? Rep. Paul Ryan R-WI does an effective job in highlighting what the Democrats really are doing in their Budget. Here is Ryan speaking about the GOP budget.

Benny the Kid

Rep. Ben Ray Lujan had the "proud honor" of outlining energy initiatives in the Democratic budget. He was surrounded by Democratic leadership including Rep. Hoyer. Lujan looked nervous and sounded like a 'brown nose' for most of the time. I think he is trying too hard in playing the role of 'Mr. Lujan goes to Washington'. I personally think he's full of you know what but if he can actually bring those thousands of green jobs to New Mexico like he promised the more kudos to him.

Lujan has been pushing a green agenda in his rhetoric since the election. Unlike others I don't think this is a bad thing. If Lujan is serious he needs to cut down on the rhetoric and put a little more work into finding practical solutions . A green industry that provides quality jobs to New Mexicans is a smart investment for our future. Now the reality of making it happen is dismal only because too much ideology usually stops pragmatic solutions from developing. This is where most policy and initiatives fail in government.

'Benny the Kid' has a difficult task at hand and he can't do it alone. He needs to be open in his approach to energy and a green economy. There are many Republicans who support the initiatives but do so with more practicality and efficiency. I would rather see an experienced, pragmatic conservative in his seat but if Lujan can succeed New Mexico succeeds. In this case we all win.


Did Democrats Even Read the Stimulus Bill?

Rep. Grayson D-FL can't answer...

No Answer again from Rep. Grayson D-FL...

What about other Democrats of the House? No, They rushed off the floor to hide in the dark lair of Non-Transparency!

Now please explain to me how this behavior is representative of CHANGE? I wonder if Teague, Heinrich, and Lujan read the bill or did they follow their party's referendum on 'legislative ignorance'?

In Your Heart, You Know He's STILL Right

I need to say no more.

Your Daily BS Report (From Time to Time)

Taxpayers money was never intended to be used so irresponsibly. Geithner sounds like a used car salesman selling a 'lemon' to an 78 year old woman.

New Mexico Politicos