1st Vice Chair: Nina Martinez (Santa Fe)
2nd Vice Chair: Rod Montoya (Farmington)
CD-1 Vice Chair: John Rockwell (ABQ)
CD-2 Vice Chair: Mike Kakuska (Chavez)
CD-3 Vice Chair: Andrew Bailey (Farmington)
Secretary: Robert Perea (ABQ)
Treasurer: Bill Redmond (Farmington)
This is the new GOP leadership in New Mexico. Change obviously did not resonate with the state central committee. It appears that leadership may stick with their business as usual mentality and recommit their pledge to serve as a limited minority power in the state of New Mexico. New leaders, faces, and ideas were desperately needed to rebuild the demolished Republican label. Instead it seems that party insiders see no wrong and do no wrong.
I'm not surprised.
The new leadership is challenged with rebuilding a party that has grown to be insignificant in New Mexico politics. They must also work to mend the increasing divisions found within the party and increase membership in a state that has become overwhelmingly blue.
A fellow politico provided the NMP with this observation of the Republican meeting on Saturday.
While there is a minority of Hispanics on the state central committee, only a handful of members were under the age of 50.This is a huge problem the GOP needs to attempt to correct.
A younger GOP will attract more members and the participation of those members. I have observed that those most involved in GOP politics here in NM are either extremely neo-conservative, evangelical, or transplants looking to teach us ignorant New Mexicans how to do politics the right way. This is one of the key reasons young people and Hispanics do not flock to the GOP.
Mr. Harvey Yates and company need to go beyond their promised internal house cleaning, a return to Reagan, and other ceremonial bull. They need to offer improved policy, candidates that mirror the people of New Mexico, and a serious Hispanic outreach program.
It is time for New Mexico Republicans to take a stand for something and not against everything. They must cease to act like the reactionary minority that they are and spearhead a practical agenda for New Mexico. They must lead by example and be champions of reform.
It is time for a new generation of leaders to emerge from the shadows of the 20Th century GOP and evolve into a superior party of depth, pragmatism, and the 21st century. We are living in a new era where new solutions and alternatives are needed. I am not convinced that the NM GOP understands this. GOP leadership represents a party of old and past glories.
Reagan's morning in America has turned into Bush's sunset. Obama's morning is upon us but his sun shall set too. Will the GOP be ready to be effective leaders and offer significant solutions for New Mexico and America? I hope Mr. Yates and company realize that the future is now. Let's get to work......
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