Some thoughts on the GOP Senate debate in Los Alamos this past Friday. Who designates a win for Wilson? Northern 'common sense' conservatives? oh please... I will concede to Wilson's excellent performance and preparedness in the debate but she did not win the debate. There was no winner in the debate, in fact the Republican party lost as a whole. Why? Heather Wilson's attack on Congressman Pearce's nay vote on the DOE budget and Los Alamos funding doesn't help her campaign, it helps the Democrats and Tom Udall. It will now be difficult for the Pearce camp to attack Udall's anti-DOE and DOD funding this fall.
There is no doubt that Pearce will win the primary this June. Wilson does the party and the state a disservice by staying in the race. I have a great respect for the Congresswoman, she is one of the most intelligent members of Congress but her personal ambition is hurting the parties chances of defeating liberal 'tree hugging' Udall this fall. Pearce's vote in the DOE budget was one that involved true 'common sense'. There were numerous million dollar earmarks attached to the budget by Democratic representatives. Congressman Pearce is the 'common sense' conservative because he believes in halting wasteful earmark spending by our federal government.
Congresswoman Wilson, like Congressman Pearce supports our national laboratories and common defense but she doesn't support the conservative staple to being fiscally conservative. The DOE budget needed to be returned to committee, sub-committee, and joint committee to fix the over spending in the budget. Congressman Pearce's unwavering dedication to fiscal conservatism and the American tax payer should be applauded not attacked by a 'common sense' conservative. Again, Congresswoman Wilson is highly intelligent but she may not have much common sense in this case.
A commentary on news, politics, culture, and current events here in the Land of Enchantment.
Cowboy from California
Las Cruces and our state is under attack! We are being invaded by progressive idealism that dilutes the New Mexico we know and love. A brief description of an invader has been provided to me. Have any of you seen this individual?
He is a 61 year old retiree who just recently moved to OUR hometown from the West Coast. The man is a 'cowboy from California' and has a pair of shiny calfskin boots (has to 'blend' in with the locals although he will never use them properly), a ponytail (a flower child to the end), and an over sized straw Mexican sombrero he bought in Santa Fe the previous weekend (he needs lots of shade from this hot New Mexico sun). His daily routine begins with drinking a cup of organic Starbucks coffee that costs $8 while reading the New York Times to see how President Bush is personally adding poison to the water sources in New Orleans. He then makes his way down to COAS bookstore to check out Marx, Rousseau, and Kant. To his delight he finds a used copy of Obama's communist manifesto. He then drives his new Honda back to his Miranda Street bungalow located near pioneer park and shuts off his neighbors sprinklers because of wasteful watering. He makes his way inside, grabs some tropical infusion fruit drink and sinks into his authentic leather couch he bought on sale at Sam's Club. He grabs his eco-friendly laptop that he donated a tree in place of his sin against the liberal commandment, "thou shall not waste electricity unless you buy a tree to make up for your carbon foot print." As he checks in on the Sierra Club's website he scrolls over to Haussamen's blog to read how Bill McCamley is going to save the Mesilla Valley from greedy capitalist pigs that develop all these haciendas for the part time 'cowboys from California'. He then checks his fellow baby boomers site, what's his name? He was handed a heavy defeat by Pat Lyons in the last election...hmmm, he's real liberal, whines too much about losing, and has short man's syndrome... his name escapes me. He then stumbles upon this fine entity of a blog/rant/perspective piece and is horrified that a young Hispanic can be conservative and articulate. What an atrocity to Che Guevara's legacy! He writes 20 editorials to the Sun-News, lefty blogs, and attacks the young conservative in the heat of his illogical emotions. He then picks up his anti-war, anti-baby, anti-American poster sign and makes his way down to the courthouse on Main Street to protest just like he did in the summer of '68!
This individual is multiplying at a significant rate and claims to be the last 'cowboy from California'. He even tries to make things better for us by organizing with other golden heroes to close the gates of prosperity to others, reform our values and system, and promote his doctrine of progressive liberalism even though we don't want it. He buys city councilmen, mayors, congressional candidates, and worships five times a day to his gilded savior Barack Obama.
Time is crucial in apprehending this individual. Hide your impressionable children, your pesticides, SUV's and then contact your local sheriff.
He is a 61 year old retiree who just recently moved to OUR hometown from the West Coast. The man is a 'cowboy from California' and has a pair of shiny calfskin boots (has to 'blend' in with the locals although he will never use them properly), a ponytail (a flower child to the end), and an over sized straw Mexican sombrero he bought in Santa Fe the previous weekend (he needs lots of shade from this hot New Mexico sun). His daily routine begins with drinking a cup of organic Starbucks coffee that costs $8 while reading the New York Times to see how President Bush is personally adding poison to the water sources in New Orleans. He then makes his way down to COAS bookstore to check out Marx, Rousseau, and Kant. To his delight he finds a used copy of Obama's communist manifesto. He then drives his new Honda back to his Miranda Street bungalow located near pioneer park and shuts off his neighbors sprinklers because of wasteful watering. He makes his way inside, grabs some tropical infusion fruit drink and sinks into his authentic leather couch he bought on sale at Sam's Club. He grabs his eco-friendly laptop that he donated a tree in place of his sin against the liberal commandment, "thou shall not waste electricity unless you buy a tree to make up for your carbon foot print." As he checks in on the Sierra Club's website he scrolls over to Haussamen's blog to read how Bill McCamley is going to save the Mesilla Valley from greedy capitalist pigs that develop all these haciendas for the part time 'cowboys from California'. He then checks his fellow baby boomers site, what's his name? He was handed a heavy defeat by Pat Lyons in the last election...hmmm, he's real liberal, whines too much about losing, and has short man's syndrome... his name escapes me. He then stumbles upon this fine entity of a blog/rant/perspective piece and is horrified that a young Hispanic can be conservative and articulate. What an atrocity to Che Guevara's legacy! He writes 20 editorials to the Sun-News, lefty blogs, and attacks the young conservative in the heat of his illogical emotions. He then picks up his anti-war, anti-baby, anti-American poster sign and makes his way down to the courthouse on Main Street to protest just like he did in the summer of '68!
This individual is multiplying at a significant rate and claims to be the last 'cowboy from California'. He even tries to make things better for us by organizing with other golden heroes to close the gates of prosperity to others, reform our values and system, and promote his doctrine of progressive liberalism even though we don't want it. He buys city councilmen, mayors, congressional candidates, and worships five times a day to his gilded savior Barack Obama.
Time is crucial in apprehending this individual. Hide your impressionable children, your pesticides, SUV's and then contact your local sheriff.
Pearce: The Pro-Life Candidate
Something all you 'common sense' conservatives may want to know, today the National Right to Life Committee endorsed Congressman Steve Pearce. According to his press release, He was "honored and humbled to have National Right to Life's endorsement, because their values are close to my heart and are shared by so many New Mexicans. Having National Right to Life's support only increases my confidence that we will be successful in November." The National Right to Life Committee is one of the largest pro-life organizations in the country.
In their endorsement letter, the National Right to Life Committee pointed to Congressman Pearce's "strong pro-life record" that has earned him the support of "all voters who are concerned with the right to life and the protection of the most vulnerable members of the human family." Pearce goes on to say "The sanctity of life is a fundamental part of our New Mexico values. I will continue to stand for the protection of innocent life at all stages."
This is a big endorsement for Congressman Pearce because it clearly gives him the status as the genuine pro-life candidate in this Republican primary. He was also endorsed by the Susan B. Anthony List earlier last month as well. The Susan B. Anthony List is an organization that promotes pro-life female candidates. No one can argue about his strong record in support of life and families. Congressman Pearce is with out question the true 'common sense' conservative who has the voting record to back it up.
In their endorsement letter, the National Right to Life Committee pointed to Congressman Pearce's "strong pro-life record" that has earned him the support of "all voters who are concerned with the right to life and the protection of the most vulnerable members of the human family." Pearce goes on to say "The sanctity of life is a fundamental part of our New Mexico values. I will continue to stand for the protection of innocent life at all stages."
This is a big endorsement for Congressman Pearce because it clearly gives him the status as the genuine pro-life candidate in this Republican primary. He was also endorsed by the Susan B. Anthony List earlier last month as well. The Susan B. Anthony List is an organization that promotes pro-life female candidates. No one can argue about his strong record in support of life and families. Congressman Pearce is with out question the true 'common sense' conservative who has the voting record to back it up.
Disgrace, Distaste, and Liberal Anti-Americanism
I wanted to post this video that Mario Burgos put up on Wednesday. It shows a veteran attempting to stop the desecration of our Flag and being mocked by "know it all" anti-American university officials. What honor is there in mocking a veteran who stood in front of that flag many times to defend this nation and all that it stands for? This act is just a prime example that the left is still willing to spit on our veterans and our country in the name of their disgraceful liberal doctrine. Damn them.
Where's Waldo...or Wilson?
Here is an editorial you may see in New Mexico print media. John Billingsly, campaign manager for Pearce, expands on the recent issue of Heather Wilson missing over 22 votes in Washington this week. There was important legislation that she missed and where her votes would have made a significant difference.
Dear Editor:
Where's Waldo was fun. Where's Heather is not. Heather Wilson has missed critical votes on stripping sanctuary cities' tax exempt status, making college loans more accessible and even on wiretapping terrorists this week. She has put her political needs above the people's needs. We need a Senator who will work for us, not for her own advantage. I'm proud to be Steve Pearce's campaign manager. He didn't take the week off to campaign. He was in the nation's capital doing the people's business.
John Billingsley
Campaign Manager
People for Pearce
We Shall Perservere
I have come upon an arduous path in my life. I am having trouble staying healthy, focusing, applying myself, and succeeding. My health is at an all time low, my grades are not what they should be, and the pressure of stress is taking its toll on me. I was at our student mass tonight and the Second Reading of the First Letter of Saint Peter (1Pt 2:20b-25) struck me with clarification.
"Beloved: If you are patient when you suffer for doing what is good, this is a grace before God. For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example that you should follow in his footsteps.
He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth
When he was insulted, he returned no insult: when he suffered, he did not threaten; instead, he handed himself over to the one who judges justly. He himself bore our sins in his body upon the cross, so that, free from sin, we might live for righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. For you had gone astray like sheep, but you have now returned to the shepherd and guardian of your souls."
I do believe God works in mysterious ways; for I have returned to my shepherd and guardian. He gives me life everyday to do his will, live in his mercy, and praise him for his gifts he has given to me. I am a student right now, I must labor extra hours to finish this semester honorably and with God this is not impossible.
Many of you are wondering, "I thought this was a political blog?". You are right this is a political blog. We must discuss issues that are political in nature. Well my friends as a Catholic and a Christian I am compelled to stand for certain principles I believe in; principles of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. We may disagree in what context these principles encompass but we all agree these are original and worthy pursuits of truth we must take.
Some people in this country are in pain, confusion, and solitude but they must know that the American soul of perseverance is at work. I do believe God blessed America and in this election year, we as nation of principles are faced with pressing decisions; how do we preserve that "shining city upon a hill"? America is great, America is strong, and I will let no candidate question that.
Religion in America is not a bad thing. In fact, it is religion in America that provided certain hopes and principles that our founders drew upon for inspiration in the formulation of our divinely inspired Constitution. We must remind politicians that God blessed this country and they are entrusted with our confidence and support to protect, preserve, and abide by the principles given to us by God and the Constitution.
I am inspired to do more good in this second and much need breath of conviction. I will work to help elect the right men and women to higher office. Once my studies are over I give my full self to this blog, my campaigns, and God to help protect and preserve that America in which we all know and love. I warn you my young peers, do not be enchanted by the empty rhetoric of liberal and secular ideology. They make government the healer of all woes that infect humanity, for only God, through men of faith and acts, can a better world come.
Believe in smaller government, fiscal responsibility, strong national security, the sovereignty of our nation, and most importantly God. This will be an epic election year, there will be good and bad, but in the end truth will prevail. I look forward to this year and ask God to continue blessing America and give his mercy and strength to our military, candidates, and families.
I Hear The Train A-Comin'
My apartment is right next to the Chicago red line train. Try to picture the scene from Blues Brothers and their apartment next to the elevated train in Chicago, ya it's similar to that. I have just about had it with this urban environment. Thank God I have New Mexico to go home to.
I have spent most of this week sick in bed with an ear infection, head cold, sore throat, and fever. It has been hell for my health and academics. I better get well this weekend in order to finish school strong. I have taken a break from most of my business, this site, and the new one because it is crunch time for me here at Loyola.
It has been one of the most difficult semesters I have had in a while. While intellectually stimulating I hate writing about Rousseau, Kant, and Nietzsche. Now Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Hobbes, Smith and Machiavelli have been an enjoyment. I have come to realize that I am much more of a realist than I thought. Although I am far from being the best student I find the pursuit of theories, definitions, and truth more enjoyable than many of my peers.
Any way I'll be back in full force in May once the semester is over. The new New Mexico Politico will be up in May as well. There may be a slight shake up in format and management but we will see how our trial period goes.
Have a good weekend politicos!
Burnt Out
Friends and Foes,
I apologize for my absence in recent days. My business, school, and politics are finally catching up to me... I am burnt out. I crashed out a couple nights ago and have not been feeling well since then. I am taking some time off from business and politics to concentrate on my academics and health. I will be going to the doctors next week for a long overdue check up. I will still be here working on the new site. I will be back next Tuesday replenished and ready for the long stretch to June!
PS. someone should tell liberals up North and the Wilson camp to quit whining... it gets annoying.
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