A commentary on news, politics, culture, and current events here in the Land of Enchantment.
Heather Wilsons War
The Republican pre-primary convention in Dona Ana last Saturday was interesting in character and substance. I attended mainly to hear the candidates speak and to try and rock the boat a bit in my ward delegation. I was pleased to hear Heather Wilson speak and ultimately lose Dona Ana supporters. The Congresswoman is probably one of the most intelligent candidates in all of New Mexico but her "common sense" conservative bit is getting a bit annoying. A common sense conservative doesn't receive a 42% rating from the National Right To Life Committee. A common sense conservative votes for tax cuts and remembers to vote against excessive spending. A common sense conservative doesn't receive a 39% or D rating from the National Taxpayers Union. A true common sense conservative receives a 100% rating from Americans for Tax Reform organization and not a mediocre 73%. A common sense conservative realizes that immigration is a complex issue and a concrete wall on our border will not solve the problem once and for all. I understand Heather Wilson is waging her war of idealism but she is far from conservative; the true common sense conservative would be Congressman Steve Pearce. A common sense conservative will understand Heather Wilson likes to vote to the left here and there... Congressman Pearce doesn't. PERIOD.
Chasing Windmills
Don oscar vasquez butler. His campaign slogan is apparently " Time for a change". What an original slogan for an original man. He sure isn't riding on the coat tails of another substantive Democrat, Sen. Obama. I hope Sen. Mary Jane Garcia chastises the aspiring vaquero in the June primary. He is clearly a single issue candidate and ignores the real issues that our community has concerns for. He is doing his party and community a disfavor by running against such an active and genuinely substantive Sen. Mary Jane Garcia. Sen. Mary Jane Garcia and I do not agree on every issue but her record of service to Dona Ana County is admirable. If a time for change entails ultra liberal agendas and anti business rhetoric, don butler better not be counting on moderate and conservative Democrats (who are the majority) to vote for him. This race will be a delight to watch.
The Accomplished Sen. Obama
This represents what the Obama campaign is all about... puppy dogs, lollipops, and stuffed animals. He offers no content to his empty rhetoric and I hope Sen. Clinton rips Texas and Ohio away from him. If she does'nt Sen. McCain will teach him a lesson or two.
First Generation New Mexican, RIP Grandpa Robert Benavidez 1912-2008
I received a phone call this morning from my Father informing me that my Great-Grandfather, Robert Benavidez of La Mesa, New Mexico passed away at his home early this morning; he was 95. He has been sick since Thanksgiving but the old man had stuck it out. He was born, raised, and lived in the small farming community on the Rio Grande all his life. He lived his life as a farmer, landowner, and good father. I was thinking about how my grandpa Robert grew up simultaneously with New Mexico. He was a first generation American New Mexican, our family has been in and around the La Mesa community since before New Mexico was called NEW Mexico. He witnessed the expansion of New Mexico's population, the evolution of agriculture, and the true assimilation of our people into full bred Americans. I remember my grandpa being a good man always happy to have visitors stop by his house off of old highway 28. I was very lucky to have known my great grandfather and have the limited conversations I remember with him, it is important to live proudly from one generation to the next and I honor my Great Grandfather today. Vayan Con Dios Abuelo and I'll see you on the other side. This photo was taken at his home Christmas Eve 2005, he is in his famous blue chair. Robert Benavidez 1912-2008.
New Mexico Congressional District Dos!
Take a look at Earl Greer. He is running for Pearce's seat in District 2. I'll write more about him soon but I like this guy. He is genuine, lives in the district, has been a life long Republican, proud New Mexican and more importantly he is not a Bill Richardson Republican. We need one of us in Congress, Earl just may be that guy!
Don't be insane, Vote McCain!
Senator McCain has the nomination in the bag. With 1,191 delegates needed to win the nomination, Sen. McCain has nearly 927 pledged delegates and in the far distance Governor Huckabee's 245. It is time that Gov. Huckabee drop out and work with McCain for the sake of party unity. The right wing of the party is still complaining about McCain not being conservative enough but the right wing needs to be reminded that America needs a John McCain and the days of evangelical rule of our party is over. John McCain is the Democrats greatest threat and I guarantee you little obama is shaking; he is playing with the big boys now. John McCain emphasized what most of us are concerned with and that is national security and our economy. McCain can deliver for us and we must be aware that "an eloquent but empty call for change" in this country is dangerous to our nation. We are faced with epic problems developing in this world; it is naive and harmful to the future of this country to walk in an illustrious daze of hope and lament of the days of tranquility in America. NO candidate can deliver us back to the times of comfort but John McCain can protect America and our near divine principles. John McCain will also strive to preserve our economic integrity and volatility through fiscal conservatism and confidence in the American free enterprise spirit. In his victory speech last night, Sen. McCain cleverly but softly asked the million dollar question, whether the next president will have the experience and correct judgment to counter the world's growing threats or "will we risk the confused leadership of an inexperienced candidate, who once suggested bombing our ally Pakistan and sitting down without pre-conditions or clear purpose with enemies(Iran) who support terrorists and are intent on destabilizing the world by acquiring nuclear weapons?". His point is a clear reference to Sen. Obama who has advocated for military action toward Pakistan and courting Iran like a high school sweet heart to formulate his very own "peace in our time". The United States needs a strong figure with practical principles to protect, promote, and preserve everything that we are. McCain has these principles and more importantly Democrats and Republicans will vote for him. We need a professional not a bat boy to run our country. Don't Be Insane, Vote McCain!
It has been one busy week for a political science and economics student such as me. There are so many current events, issues, policy, and plain old dirt to be talking about. I was watching Fox this afternoon and saw that Clinton won New Mexico finally. I knew she would and I knew her margin of victory would be small. New Mexico congratulations you finally came through and embarrassed the state again by the lack of organization and efficiency we are all too famous for. Heck Florida ran a really smooth primary and their votes don't even count! I hear and read everyone blaming everyone but ultimately it is Gov. Richardson's fault. He wanted to move up the primary caucus to favor him and he can't even properly have it run! Governor I doubt you will, or ever have read my blog but I want to say that you sir are a lame duck and the legislature with the help of the native New Mexican Lt. Governor you have your days numbered. Ok back on topic. Clinton winning New Mexico and California, it is probable to say that she will win Texas. Her campaign may be weak, but she is still fighting. I would caution Obama's campaign to not get too confident just yet. It is clear, the Democrats brought race into this RACE and race will be a huge issue in Texas. Latinos, Hispanics, and Chicanos whatever the media is calling us these days are a swing vote and can move left or right. I think they will swing to Clintons favor and give her some momentum and take this fight to the convention. There the magic ozone tooth fairy Al Gore will be the rock star in the house and coronate the nominee. I still think John McCain will beat either Democrat but if Obama does get the nomination he will be challenge to our good Senator. I do love me some politics. Just about the only love I have on this St. Valentines Day... sad yes I know, but I have a good book by Machiavelli to read tonight so all is good. Hast luego!
Early California Projections...
Fox News just reported that they are projecting California to go to Senators McCain and Clinton. If this is true, things are looking very good for Clinton and Sen. McCain will be the nominee of the Republican Party. We are taking back the party!
Super Tuesday... eat your Wheaties my fellow Politicos!
Politicos across the country will be humming the kind Christmas tune in their head, "it's the most wonderful time of the year" all day long as today Super Tuesday takes off. Black Friday (the day following Thanksgiving) is to retail business, what Super Tuesday is to as Joe Monahan puts it, "La Politica". At the end of the day we may have both party nominations lined up and we may not! As I had previously written in yesterdays post, I am predicting a Clinton win in New Mexico but Obama's rise is popping charts! In Gallup’s most recent poll Obama is in arms length from Clinton’s 48% and his 46%. I do not like the man, I would never vote for him, or shake his hand but I do respect his hard fought campaign. I think the Super Tuesday contest for Democrats will end in a split with either Clinton or Obama ahead by a slim margin. I will surely enjoy seeing them fight it out to the end. Please no more civil debates, it gives these liberal, beret wearing Loyolans a reason to be proud.
The Republican field is getting rather hot for a party including an elderly statesmen, Baptist minister, and a Mormon who can't drink. They had to kick the guy from Texas out, he was getting belligerent. Ha-ha. Romney supposedly has a lead in the polls in California now according Reuters but McCain still has a commanding lead across the nation. The February 2nd poll from Gallup has McCain at 43%, Romney at 24%, and Huckabee has 18%. I think it is clear that Huck Finn is keeping Romney at bay for McCain, at least with conservative voters. I see McCain winning this super day but Romney will pull an upset at least in one state. The right wing of the Republican Party will not go down with out a fight and McCain welcomes it. The days are numbered for the neo-conservatives who were elected to office to get the job done. Well they have some accomplishment, but they let spending get out of control and they are snooping into Americans private lives where they don't belong.
I will spend the day going to class, watching and reading the latest news in between to see who's hurting who. I plan on having other politicos over for some beverages and watch the numbers come in. I wish you all a safe and happy Super Tuesday. Vote McCain!
The Republican field is getting rather hot for a party including an elderly statesmen, Baptist minister, and a Mormon who can't drink. They had to kick the guy from Texas out, he was getting belligerent. Ha-ha. Romney supposedly has a lead in the polls in California now according Reuters but McCain still has a commanding lead across the nation. The February 2nd poll from Gallup has McCain at 43%, Romney at 24%, and Huckabee has 18%. I think it is clear that Huck Finn is keeping Romney at bay for McCain, at least with conservative voters. I see McCain winning this super day but Romney will pull an upset at least in one state. The right wing of the Republican Party will not go down with out a fight and McCain welcomes it. The days are numbered for the neo-conservatives who were elected to office to get the job done. Well they have some accomplishment, but they let spending get out of control and they are snooping into Americans private lives where they don't belong.
I will spend the day going to class, watching and reading the latest news in between to see who's hurting who. I plan on having other politicos over for some beverages and watch the numbers come in. I wish you all a safe and happy Super Tuesday. Vote McCain!
Super Tuesday Prediction For New Mexico
Super Tuesday Candidate Predictions
New Mexico
The state of New Mexico is holding its Democratic primary early this year like many of its counterparts on February 5th 2008. The state is regarded as swing state to both the Republican and Democratic parties. New Mexico is one of the most culturally diverse states in the union and has the “highest proportion” of Hispanics in the United States as CNN points out. While many national polls have been taken in most states, New Mexico has been ignored. The lack of polling may be due to the single party primary on Tuesday February 5th 2008; but the Democratic Candidates, Sen. Hillary Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama have both made noteworthy visits to New Mexico this past week. New Mexico offers 38 total delegates to the Democratic convention with 26 directly tied to the outcome of the primary which is closed.
Although New Mexico’s delegation is nothing compared to California or New York, it does give the winner a referendum on Hispanic support. New Mexico has a population of roughly 2 million people and 44% of them are Hispanic according to the United States Census Bureau. Of the 2 million people 1,088, 977 of them are registered to vote according to the 2006 New Mexico Secretary of State’s web site. There are 538,471 registered Democrats in New Mexico eligible to vote on Super Tuesday, making up 49% of registered voters in New Mexico.
New Mexico has a high concentration of Hispanics and transplants living in Northern part of the state and is the base of the Democratic Party, while the South East is a major Republican stronghold, and the South West is a marginal Democratic hold with a high Hispanic population as well. In the last Democratic Presidential Primaries of 2004, John Kerry won with 42%, Wes Clark with 21%, and John Edwards holding onto 16%. It should be noted John Kerry was probably the most liberal of candidates comparable to Barack Obama today. While the southern part of the state is marginally Democratic, they tend to vote conservatively. In the general election of 2004 President Bush claimed New Mexico with 49.84% while John Kerry received 49.05% of the popular vote.
In the national polls as of January 30th 2008 Hillary Clinton is ahead with 48% to Obama’s 41%, as reported by Gallup. Obama’s recent and significant climb in the polls since January 20th from 28% to 41% shows his growing popularity amongst likely Democratic primary voters. That trend may be evident in New Mexico as well because in the latest poll conducted by New Mexico State University Obama is ahead with 48% to Clinton’s 42%. The poll is significant because it is the newest poll done since the popular Governor and ex presidential hopeful Bill Richardson dropped out; in previous polls he was ahead with high numbers. I believe the NMSU poll is questionable because amongst the 409 New Mexican voters polled only 51% were Democrats and 57% of them were women(50% are actual population); I think the poll was over sampled.
It is evident of Sen. Obama’s growing popularity in the country and the state of New Mexico but one fact from the polls was even more significant. In the Gallup poll published February 1st 2008 Sen. Clinton had a 30 point margin lead over Sen. Obama amongst Hispanics. It should also be noted that both Nevada and Florida have a high amount of Hispanic populations and both were won by Sen. Clinton. With gender becoming less a factor in Sen. Clinton’s campaign, race has become a strong factor amongst Hispanic voters. It is clear that more Hispanics are willing to support Clinton over Obama. With New Mexico’s 44% Hispanic population and Governor Richardson’s close ties to the Clintons I am willing to predict a victory in New Mexico for Sen. Clinton.
New Mexico is interesting as well because with its near majority of Hispanics, the Richardson factor plays a strong part. In the New Mexico State University poll over 50% of those polled had a favorable approval of Richardson. He has not endorsed a candidate yet but he has a long line of allegiance to the Clintons and President Clinton spent Super Bowl Sunday with Governor Richardson in Red River, NM. Although he has not publicly endorsed, many in the state (me included) have heard high remarks of Sen. Clinton from the Governor. The victory will be a close victory for Clinton because according to the NMSU poll, amongst Hispanic voters in New Mexico 48% would vote for Clinton compared to Obama’s 46%.
New Mexican voters are most concerned with the Economy, War, and Healthcare. Clinton and Obama’s stances are quite similar thus not influencing much polarization for voters when it comes to issues. On that note I believe the issue and strength for each candidate will be race and popularity. With New Mexico’s high Hispanic population, an influential Governor, and Clinton’s national strength amongst Hispanics I will predict a Clinton victory but only by a margin of 6 points (guess for extra credit?). Sen. Obama has paid New Mexico a lot of attention with his endorser Sen. Kennedy speaking in Albuquerque and Santa Fe last week and himself in those respective cities as well. His wife will be in the Southern city of Las Cruces on Monday and because of his high appearance in New Mexico I think he will give Clinton a hot contest but because of factors stated he will fall just short of winning New Mexico’s delegation.
Barack Hussein Obama is no JFK or Jesus Christ...
This man is not enchanting me like my home state does, and to most of you that is a surprise. He speaks of change, hope, lollipops, and puppy dogs which have set many of my peers in a weird socialist trance. It is all the sudden "in" to be a socialist, aid to Africa, anti-capitalist Democrat these days. This fake from Illinois speaking of how he snubs lobbyist Washington and special interest is a load of plain ol' BS. Today in the New York Times (yes I read it because it is important to know what ones adversaries are thinking) there was an interesting article on a piece of legislation that the mysterious Senator touts as a milestone accomplishment in sticking it to the man. I won't go into details but Exelon Corporation of Illinois had a minimal leak of nuclear material at one of its plants in rural Illinois. Citizens who were naturally alarmed of the minimal leak gained Obama's attention and he wrote legislation requiring all nuclear plants to alert authorities and civilians of any type of leak, major or minor. This legislation has become a cornerstone to his stump speech on how he has stood up to the "man" (corporations, capitalists, anyone who is a free enterpriser really) and worked to get it passed. What is peculiar is that while constructing this legislation Senate Republicans, Exelon and other corporations pleaded with Obama to tone the legislation down and make changes that they wanted... we'll he did and the bill never passed because he dropped the issue. It is rather ironic to see that amongst the millions of middle class Americans that are funding his race against the "man" and special interests groups of Washington, Exelon Corporation employees and executives(yes the same one from Illinois) have contributed 227,000 dollars; One of his biggest block of contributors. So to all of you out there that want to maintain barack HUSSEIN obama's innocence from Washington, quit being so damn naive. He takes money from special interests and lobbyists just like any politician does. How else do you think he arrived at the position he is. Read more at CNN.
A tale of two Schwarzeneggers
The Governator may have endorsed Sen. McCain but on CSPAN this evening his wife Maria Shriver (a Kennedy) appeared on stage with Oprah, Caroline Kennedy, and Mrs. Obama to endorse Barack Hussein Obama. I guess a memo went out to camelot to get this man in office. Yah not going to happen...
Super...Bowl Sunday?
So today is super bowl sunday... amazing. I nearly forgot, but you will have to forgive me. It has been one HELL of week leading up to the real super bowl which is taking place on Tuesday, yes Super Tuesday. It really is moving to realize that all week in my political science courses, coffee shops, cafeteria, and friendly social gatherings my peers and friends were not talking about the Patriots-Giants game today. They were talking about Barack Hussein Obama's "dream" campaign, Sen. McCain's heroic stature and consistent record, Sen. Clinton's husband, and Gov. Romney's flip flop policy. For an aspiring political scientist and future New Mexico Politico this is heaven. I love this campaign year and I love our great democratic process. One alarming observation is that yes not only are more young people talking about politics, MORE are voting. This may be trend but it is a good trend and hopefully it will last for a while. I leave you on this good Super Bowl Sunday with a political cartoon I saw this morning in the Chicago Tribune. It is quite realistic.
Go Cowboys!
Enemies foreign and DOMESTIC
Why is Barack Hussein Obama not properly saluting during the pledge of allegiance to the flag of our nation? This man wants to be the president of this nation but does not salute or state his allegiance. If Barack Hussein Obama is elected President of our Nation will he pledge his allegiance and sware to protect this country from enemies foreign and domestic? He is not a good candidate, not a good American, and his allegiance is questionable. Be warned youth of America, this man is speaking of change but what kind of change does he want to implement? We must unite to defeat our enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC.
Funny Friday
Before I resume my studies....
-If The Clintons, Barack Hussein Obama, and Osama Bin Laden are all on a sinking ship who gets saved?
-We do!
I have to get back to my texts on Socrates, Machiavelli, and Monetary Policy.
-If The Clintons, Barack Hussein Obama, and Osama Bin Laden are all on a sinking ship who gets saved?
-We do!
I have to get back to my texts on Socrates, Machiavelli, and Monetary Policy.
John McCain ahead of Democrats
In the latest poll from Rasmussen Reports Sen. John McCain leads Democratic front runners Barack Hussein Obama and Sen. Hillary Clinton. Sen. McCain is ahead of Sen. Clinton 48% to 40%, and 47% to Barack Hussein Obama's 41%. I also thought something interesting came from their report: Sen. McCain does significantly better with unaffiliated voters (independents) than either Democratic candidate. So to all you right wingers out there, take a chill pill, Sen. John McCain is our man!
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