
Why I dislike carpetbaggers

The secret is out! New Mexico has the best culture, cuisine, natural wonders, and more importantly to our carpetbagging socialist adversaries, political opportunity. The election of Governor Richardson galvinized the importation of ultra-liberal ideology and other carpetbagging individuals to our pragmatic state. The Democratic party has been taken over by liberal enviromentalists, social progressives, and plain ol' ultra liberals with a bounty of money and time. This change in the Democratic party has spurred some in my own family to leave the party which they have been loyal to for years. There is no longer enough room in the Democratic party for conservative, moderate, and libertarian leaning people to have a true voice in their party. The common people are being drowned out by the carpetbaggers money, time, and liberal whinning. New Mexico is not a priority for these people who are driven by idealism and ambition. They will do more harm to our state in a year than what the patron did in the last 90 years! Liberal politicians like Nathan Small, Oscar Vasquez Butler, Bill McCamley, Tom Udall, and others must be monitored and defeated.



Mesquite Community Action said...

What happened? So much going on NM political landscape and this is what you come up with from your hiatus> Weak.

AHD said...

yes it is weak in comparison to the other full time politicos and bloggers who are getting paid to write all day about these great issues that are happening now! I must remind you that I am a full time student in the thick of finals preparation and an operator of small business... so cut me some slack. I will not disappoint again.


WestsideVoter said...

I totally agree with you! However, you and your family should not leave the party... that is what the liberals want! You should wake up and team up the other families and fight back! We can take our party back! There will be new precinct elections for Delegates to the PrePrimary Convention. That is the way to get back! I know that you are out of town in school, but email me and I will get to work for you locally and help to bring our Party back in line with the mainstream NM beliefs.

Mesquite Community Action said...

Right On, look forward to future posts. Stay focused on school.

New Mexico Politicos