In a state like New Mexico where the red chile is hot and the political scene is hotter there is never a dull moment.
Something interesting was reported on Heath Haussamen's blog concerning a couple new candidacy announcements. Earlier this week County Commissioner Oscar Vasquez Butler announced he will challenge Sen. Mary Jane Garcia for the District 36 Senate seat she has held for over 20 years. I was alarmed because both candidates are old time members of the Patron; this could get dirty but it is primary season.
Haussamen later reports that Jesus Caro, Mesilla Mayor Pro Tem, will seek the seat held by Joni Gutierrez in District 33; she has served for three years. This did not bring such a surprise to me because Gutierrez has a less than stellar reputation as a legislator; she has only sponsored one popular bill that abolished expiration dates on gift cards for consumers. Sounds simple, an older guard of the party challenging a young naive politico who seems to have had her chance and has not pleased her constituency and party.
One detail in Haussamen's blog caught my attention. He reported that Caro had been "pushed by a group of activists" to run against Gutierrez. The same group, Haussamen writes, pushed Butler to run against Garcia as well. Do we really want candidates that are "pushed" to run? In the respective articles Haussamen points that both Garcia and Gutierrez were in favor of the tax increase for the spaceport: Caro and Butler were not.
Who is this "group of activists" and what is their agenda? Why do they have such influence with both Butler and Caro? I think they are either a group of anti-tax constituents from both districts or a leftist anti-business activist group. This matter must be looked into, the Democratic party must find what private interest groups are influencing their Mr. POPULACE candidate Oscar Butler with a history in leftist activism in California. I do not know Mr. Caro or his affiliations but I will research him. I hope the people of those respective districts ask these candidates who this group of activists are.
I may be a young naive college student but someone may be spoiling and splitting the chile crop for the Democrat's patrons this next year.
The anti-business New Mexico Wildneress Alliance is most assuredly pushing their local "plant" Nathan Small to run for City Council. Thanks to McCamley, they already managed to get Small put on County Planning & Zoning. Small was moved here to work on the wilderness land grab effort. He was educted at one of the most liberal colleges in Ohio and embraces all things liberal and socialist. They certainly could be the ones behind these other candidates as well. They have very deep funding sources with all their enviro associations.
We did not push them, we asked. They agreed and now we will work hard on getting the votes. No revenge, no leftist bullshit, just the desire for respectable and strong candidates that will represent us in Santa Fe. The spaceport did galvanize us, and Caro and Butler are looking wiser everyday. Keep Up your postings the revolution will be blogged.
Arturo Uribe
haha the revolution? I have heard of this "revolution" and I ask does one need to carry a membership card to be part of this revolution?
Mr. Caro was quoted on Haussamen's blog that he was pushed to run along with Oscar Butler.
I would like to write more about this "revolution" because many Crucenos of both parties are alarmed by the leftist progressive tendencies of your candidates who would publicly espouse this revolutionary political thought.
Aaron Henry Diaz
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