I am in the thick of studying, completing papers, and packing. It is the end of the semester and I will be making that long 1000 mile drive back home to the land of enchantment. I am ready to go home. I miss my grandma's red chile colorado, my moms salsa, and the mild evenings watching the sunset over the Mesilla Valley. I am also looking forward to getting involved in the local political scene. I have recently attained an opportunity to work with the citizens of Las Cruces in one of the district offices of our representation in Washington D.C. I want to investigate more on this spaceport and the economic and environmental impact study(if one is available). Since I will be on summer break, I will work on this blog and try to give a young New Mexicans perspective to the social, political, and economic climate of our great state and country. I want to discuss why the Democrats have been the superior political party in the state since 1912. I would also like to learn why the Republicans of New Mexico are so inefficient and disunited that in turn allows a one party system in this state. I think Mario Burgos offers a clear commentary on the subject. I want to know who and what is behind the sanctioned urban sprawl of the East Mesa in Las Cruces. I want to endorse my candidate for president by the end of the summer, right now I am leaning towards McCain or Richardson. I also would like to analyze the future of the new Las Cruces downtown. Is immigration really that big of a problem and why do we have these racist vigilantes from back East and up North here on OUR border telling us what is American and what is illegal aliens; if they want aliens they should go to Roswell.
I better get back to my paper on how British Empiricism and Skepticism influenced modern philosophy. Keep checking for new posts in a couple weeks. Carpe Diem!
I'm looking forward to hearing what you have to say.
I'm a blogger in New Mexico, but I'm not from here so I don't say much about the state when I blog so I'm not sure I count as a New Mexico blogger. ;-)
I'll get you, and while I'm at it get Mario, blog rolled.
I just found your blog by way of Synova, by way of Wizbang.
I spent 14 years in El Paso (1977-1991) and I enjoyed the times I would visit Las Cruces, Old Mesilla, and other places in the Mesilla Valley.
I wish I had the time and money to go back there for a visit.
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