
Brushfire in New Mexico

Torch of Liberty
Alamogordo - Modern (especially well financed) political campaigns usually invest more resources on spreading a candidate's message and name 'ID' by utilizing conventional broadcast media and viral internet mediums like Facebook, Vine, YouTube, Podcasts and Twitter. In a state where the physical size of congressional districts are larger than most New England states one can easily understand why it is a necessity for campaigns to utilize mass broadcast methods to touch voters. It is rare for statewide candidates to campaign out of a handbook from eras past where visits to favored local coffee shops, hardware stores or (New) Mexican restaurants often present opportunities to meet the real influencers of elections in this 121, 298.15 square miles we call New Mexico. 

 Our capital city Santa Fe is nicknamed the 'City Different', this can also describe our Land of Enchantment. This is the West, voters require more than just a mailer, television commercial or persistent presence on the internet... they want to meet a candidate face to face and leave with a confident handshake. Successful grassroots efforts connect with voters at a sobering, personal level.

 A political movement that effectively articulates what the masses are thinking is a powerful one. Young people are disenchanted with the process because the elaborate complexity of the system is oppressing any viable opportunity for future economic prosperity, the 'game' is rigged. Our Communities and families are increasingly mandated orders by a technocratic social engineer in Washington D.C. while our privacy rights are being violated every day on the pretense of national security. The Constitution that protects our natural rights and liberties is defecated on in the same name of bi-partisanship.

David Clements
Congressional approval ratings are tanking like the Titanic in the north Atlantic, only 9% of Americans approve of their supposed leadership. The once guilded candidate of hope, President Obama has the lowest approval ratings of his career at 40%, Americans have lost confidence in his leadership. Main street is tired of Wall Street and K Street running the show, the environment for a grassroots velvet revolution is fertile in this country. Regular individuals like you and I are concerned about the economic future of our families, communities, and country.

Too often are the people payed lip service by opportunist career minded political swine who only represent the highest bidder and the economic elite who directly benefit from the expansive leviathan of federal prowess. Because of this sentiment we're seeing grassroots candidates like David Clements earning enthusiastic support in every part of New Mexico because the people are demanding a leader that understands their concerns and the root of our nation's political and economic problems.

Coffee houses and campaign events across the state are filling to capacity to learn more about the little known attorney from Dona Ana county and his message of liberty and the restoration of individual sovereignty to all New Mexicans. Embers of Freedom are igniting 'brushfires' in the hearts and minds of a concerned few that will spread to all of New Mexico. The political establishment is on alert and has made concerted efforts to thwart Clements and the liberty movement from speaking the truth.  Freedom can be restricted but cannot be contained.

Our Founders were keen on this over two hundred years ago, perhaps Samuel Adams says it best "It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men." Keep an eye on U.S. Senate candidate David Clements but more so on the grassroots movement catapulting him to the front. A wildfire of liberty grounded in the principles of our U.S. Constitution is the only movement that can restore our country as the 'shining city on the hill' that it once was.


'The Cop Should've Been Arrested': Judge Napolitano Analyzes Wild New Mexico Traffic Stop

Judge Andrew Napolitano
Fox News - Judge Andrew Napolitano stopped by Fox and Friends this morning to analyze the wild New Mexico traffic stop that has made national headlines. In the shocking dash cam video, a policeman can be seen firing at a fleeing minivan that contained a mother and her five children. Prior to the shots being fired, the woman and her teenage son had argued and scuffled with the arresting officer, who had originally pulled the woman over for speeding.

Napolitano said the question for prosecutors is going to be whether to pursue charges against the mother and boy or the police officers. He stated emphatically that the police officer who fired at the minivan had no right to use deadly force. "The law is that the police can't use deadly force unless deadly force has been used on them," said Napolitano, adding that clearly the teenage boy committed a felony by attempting to hit the policeman.

"The woman was unarmed, the boy was unarmed. The police had no right to shoot," he said. Brian Kilmeade asked whether the police, in the heat of the moment, may have had a suspicion that there were guns in the car. "The 'what ifs' do not justify the use of deadly force. The police would have to know, not have a hunch but know, that there was a weapon in the car that could have been used on them," said Napolitano.  

He said the policeman who bashed in the minivan's window should also face charges. "[That] is a criminal act for which he should be prosecuted. He should have been arrested on the spot by his fellow cops. ... You're going to spray glass in the face of children for reasons that you can't explain!" he said. Watch the discussion video here


Republican silence broken on ABQ abortion initiative

Las Cruces - I'm pro-choice... when it comes to answering our state's official question "Red or Green?" Any savy New Mexico Politico should know to always answer 'Christmas' and if they don't, they must have recently moved to our Land of Enchantment. 

I believe life begins at conception and ends at natural death. The Roman Catholicism of my childhood, a belief in Natural Law and the non-aggression principle propel me to be wholly pro-life. I'm against abortion and the death penalty, there are no grey areas in 'Life' for this politico. When it comes to the abortion debate most republican operatives and pro-life politicians are shying away from providing substantive commentary on the subject. I see this as a direct correlation to the perception that when Republicans or any social conservative discusses the abortion debate they carelessly open themselves to relentless left wing attacks in the media with sensationalists headlines like, "candidate X hates women." Preposterous bovine excremant that the emotional left loves to use in lieu of the facts.

The Albuquerque Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance has provided an excellent opportunity to serve as a rallying point for the state's pro-life Republicans to broadcast their message but all there has been is silence. Don't believe me? Has Governor Martinez opened up at length on the subject? Where's Congressman Pearce's op-ed? Pearce is one of the strongest pro-life Republicans in the United States House of Representatives and one of the Governors most memorable campaign zingers to conservative crowds is that she "believes babies should be born!"

The eyes of the nation are on Albuquerque this week. 'Burquenos' will have the opportunity to vote on the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance on Tuesday November 19th. The ordinance seeks to end the gruesome practice of late-term abortion procedures within Albuquerque's city limits. Recent polling data has indicated that the ballot measure may fail, this could be the reason why so many pro-life Republicans are distancing themselves from the controversy. 

David, Roland, Erin Clements
There is one pro-life Republican who's not shying away from offering his take on the ballot initiative. U.S. Senate candidate David Clements has penned a substantive op-ed that shifts the paradigm and debate, not only challenging Democrats but Republicans too. Clements asks pro-life advocates nationwide to reassess their strategy for battling late term abortion in supporting local initiatives like Albuquerque's. While the Albuquerque Journal disagrees with local ballot initiatives, Clements applauds it and believes the same Founders who authored the U.S. Constitution would applaud it too. 

Clements is challenging Senator Tom Udall in the 2014 mid-term election. Udall has a 100% rating from the pro-abortion group NARAL. Udall's wife, Jill Cooper Udall co-hosted an October fundraiser with Texas abortionist Dr. Curtis Boyd to finance the media buys of abortion rights groups.


Another New Mexico Law enFORCEment Embarrasement

Las Cruces - Like any region, New Mexico has some good and bad things of notoriety. Our green and red chile offer the basic ingredients for a humble yet savory and distinct cuisine. Our natural beauty and cultural treasury makes the land of enchantment a destination for many wayward travelers, artists, naturalists, adventurers, writers, and glory seeking explorers. Natives to the state are independent and equally humble in their demeanor, their hospitality and creativity add to the cultural beauty that makes us so attractive to Yankees and foreigners alike. Unfortunately our politics can publicly be corrupt but easily dismissed by the wide swath of apathetic voters who are too busy trying to edge out a living or averting the perpetual economic depression with alcohol and drugs. There's yin and yang, good and bad. 

I respect law enforcement and appreciate those who protect and serve our communities everyday of the year. New Mexico has a long respectable legacy of peace officers and many in the profession are heroes. There are unfortunately some bad apples in the barrel and national headlines have taken notice. 

Law enforcement in southwestern New Mexico has infamously been ridiculed for the unconstitutional anal probing of a citizen who rolled past a stop sign with out braking and was under suspicion of holding drugs in his derriere. The most recent folly in our police state includes officers using deadly force against an unarmed family visiting New Mexico for our cultural and historical entities. While the action of the adult mother was irresponsible and she should not have evaded the officer, the violence used by the officers clearly demonstrates the brutality encouraged and used by some within the state's law enforcement culture. When will this behavior no longer be tolerated by law enforcement administrators and authorities, will our Governor speak up against these continuing embarrassments? Citizens must demand a review of the ethics, protocol and police culture that seems to encourage  and tolerate this 'bad cop' behavior. We deserve better, this is America not NAZI Germany.




Former Abortionist Tells It Like It Is

Albuquerque - The national debate on late term abortions has become more prevalent in recent months because of the upcoming late term abortion ban that the City of Albuquerque will be voting on Tuesday November 19th. Regardless of one's opinion on the subject every voter in Albuquerque should consider what Dr. Anthony Levatino, a former abortionist, has to say about the reality of late term abortion procedures.


Clements Unites Conservative and Liberty Grassroots

Mesilla - Tea Party patriots, Libertarian party members, business owners, Constitutional Conservatives, young liberty activists, Students for Ron Paul, and even disenchanted blue dog Democrats gathered Tuesday evening at Andeles, a popular Mexican restaurant off of New Mexico Highway 28, to learn more about the candidacy of DARP Chairman David Clements young bid for the United States Senate. The campaign had made a limited attempt to publicize the event to the pan-conservative grassroots in Dona Ana county. Clements was not expecting too many people to attend mainly because the high political apathy that many of the county's conservatives seem to espouse, if 20 concerned citizens showed up it would be considered a success. 

Citizens began to trickle into the event 45 minutes before the publicized start time. Chips, salsa, iced teas and coffees accompanied passionate conversations while Clement's nominating petitions were signed. The many factions that attended this liberty meetup mirrored the microcosm of the Republican party nationwide. Minutes after he began his introduction and mission, people were still slipping through the door, I counted 51 people in the seats akwardly surrounding the candidate. Some in attendance were clearly there to serve as the Devil's Advocate but his answers clearly resonated with the room because of the amount of applause he received from the majority in attendance. Young, old, Hispanics, whites, conservatives, and libertarians were all energized by the constitutionally principled and concise message Clement's made. His style is genuine and humble, something voters are starved for and his background in law enforcement as a prosecutor provides pan-conservatism an advocate who can eloquently combat the progressive tyranny found in Washington D.C. 

At the conclusion of the event many pledged support by writing checks to help fund his campaign and those who could not donate signed up as volunteers to help spread the message of Liberty that David cares so much about. This isn't the first time pan-conservatism has organized behind Clements, he was elected DARP chairman in a similar fashion. If he can unite a dysfunctional field of grassroots supporters in Dona Ana county, Clements can do so in every county throughout New Mexico. The state's establishment Republicans who are more comfortable with a compromised status qou and the robotic foot soldiers of the Democratic party better take note, there's a strong southern wind in Liberty's sails with David Clements at the helm.


Veterans Day in Las Cruces

Las Cruces Garrison Flag
Las Cruces - U.S. Senate candidate David Clements attended various Veterans Day memorial services on Monday November 11th to honor those who've served our Republic in supporting and defending the Constitution of United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. David began his day flanked by supporters and veterans for the raising of the Garrison flag at Las Cruces' Veterans Memorial Park.  After the short service David was joined for coffee by Las Cruces vets to discuss their concerns and issues. Among them is healthcare including mental health, chronic homelessness, employment and the rising suicide rates among our young veterans returning from duty in the Middle East. David then attended Mesilla's Veterans Memorial Service with his son Roland where a crowd of 40-50 vets and their families gathered. 

Veterans for Clements in Mesilla
At the conclusion of the Mesilla memorial, David met officers from the local Disabled American Veterans chapter, elected dignitaries and new campaign supporters. New Mexico has a proud heritage of military service and continuing support for the mission of our national defense. When asked about his role as a U.S. Senator in representing vets, Clements stated that "The brave men and women of our military swore an oath to defend and support our Constitution and many have paid the ultimate sacrifice while in service to our Republic. It is one of my highest prerogatives to advocate for our veterans and their issues as they come home. They have given so much, it is now my duty to fight for them and their families here in New Mexico and our nation's Capitol"

New Mexico Politicos