
Kokesh: The Triumph of Divine Rights


Governor Johnson on KUNM

Governor Johnson was on KUNM's call in show last Thursday November 19. He discussed his position on Drug reform, his new 527, and his plans for 2012. He was featured from 8 AM to 9 am on November 19th, simply enter those times to hear the Governor.


Ayn Rand and A New Culture War


Fiscal Cost of Government Run Health Care

Bingaman on Health Care Reform

Mike Huckabee on the GOP


Ron Paul on Monetary Policy

America need to improve their economic literacy. Our future does not solely rely on our military strength but on the solvent strength of our economic policies. As a young American it is becoming more apparent that it is my generations responsibility to wage the economic warfare that will save this country.

Kokesh Update

Here is the latest video from the Kokesh Campaign. I really like how they make it a point to keep voters updated via multimedia. I wish more candidates would do so.


Democrats and Republicans for Kokesh

So it's no secret that I, AHD, support Adam Kokesh for Congress. I don't agree with him on all the issues but he best represents liberty, fiscal responsibility, and intelligence, something I think Rep. Lujan lacks. Adam is also a new face surging with the type of energy this country needs. In the following video an Obama Democrat registers as a Republican to vote for Adam in the primary. While this may be an isolated incident, I think there are numerous Democrats who would vote for Adam in the general election. The GOP should take notice of this and throw their complete support behind him. Ben Ray Lujan will not lose to a typical GOP robot, he'll lose to a movement. Adam Kokesh is a man with a movement behind him.

Denish and Ethics? Sure....

New Mexico Watch Dog dug up some interesting dirt on the 'ethical' Diane Denish. According to the Watch Dog Denish used $225,000 of federal funds for some personal 'honey do' jobs. It looks like Denish has certainly taken a few lessons from King Bill on how to profit on the peoples dime. Read more about it at the New Mexico Watch Dog. Good job Jim!


Lugar's Profound Points

I have always been a fan of the legendary statesman, Indiana's Sen. Richard Lugar. He is dead on when he points out that Obama's top priority should be the economy and our foreign policy/war efforts over sea's. Obama is shoving his so called health care reform and revenue killing environmental reform (cap and trade) down the throats of New Mexicans and the rest of America. Listen closely politicos.

Kokesh Fundraising Update

Good Luck Adam! Be sure to support Liberty & Adam Kokesh for Congress at www.thisnovember5th.com

Ron Paul on Michael Moore and Healthcare

New Mexico Politicos