
Where have I been?

Busy with life. 2008 has definitely made its mark on me. I've learned so much about politics, business, and people. Most importantly I learned quite a bit about myself. I need to be closer to my family and loved ones at this point in life thus I will be attending Texas Tech in January. While my time in Chicago was an invaluable experience it was too far, cold, and a bit pricey for this New Mexico boy. I have been working on my transition to Texas this past week along with helping the family get ready for our Christmas party this Wednesday.

As most of you have noticed I am not a prolific blogger per say. I engage a topic I find interesting and try to present my thoughts in a quality piece that will challenge others to explore their own thoughts. Presently, I am working on introducing an improved New Mexico Politico format that will include daily, weekly, columnists offering different perspectives on different topics. I envision the New Mexico Politico serving as a place for the future Politicos to read and contribute. This venture will probably not be complete until the end of next year because of web design, production, and assembling of writers.

If any of you have ideas you'd like to see the New Mexico Politico explore let me know. Have good Monday Politicos!


Throwin' A Boot...

While I disagree with President Bush on his big government, neo-conservative tendencies I like and respect the guy. Apparently this Iraqi reporter thought otherwise. Bush's reaction was funny, he dodges the shoe then seems to chuckle. I couldn't stop laughing when I saw this. I wonder if New Mexico reporters will show Richardson the boot during his farewell appearances in the coming month.

Have a good week politicos.



GOP Alert!

Chairman Weh has cancelled the state central committee meeting that was to take place on Saturday. The order of business was to amend the rules establishing state office elections in February and not in January. Some Politicos believe Weh & Company were trying to buy more time for their candidate to campaign. There has been speculation that Mr. Padoven (the only official candidate) is being supported by Weh and Sen. Rod Adair. Padoven is a relatively unknown candidate and would have needed the extra month to gain some votes. Dr. Allen McCulloch and Congressman Steve Pearce are the only other possible candidates interested in the job. Both McCulloch and Pearce have been actively asking central committee members to oppose Weh's previous proposal; it looks like their efforts proved to be successful. The elections will be held on January 10th in Albuquerque. To my knowledge only McCulloch, Pearce, and Padoven have expressed interest in the job. Padoven may now drop out of the race due to the lack of time to run an effective campaign. Keep reading for my next post on McCulloch and Pearce, this could shape out to be a real rumble in the jungle. It should be published by the end of the day.



RNC on Obama-Blagojevich

Chairman Mike Duncan weighs in on the corruption in Chicago and President Elect Obama.
President-elect Barack Obama’s carefully parsed and vague statements regarding his own contact and that of his team with Governor Rod Blagojevich are unacceptable. Considering the severity of the allegations against Governor Blagojevich, the President-elect should immediately disclose any and all communications his transition team has had with the governor’s office along with any Service Employees International Union (SEIU) officials involved in the matter. Obama’s promise of transparency to the American people is now being tested.
Well said Mr. Chairman, this incident will definitely tarnish the gilded image of the 'change' presidency. Obama is a product of the very same Democratic machine that Blagojevich is involved in. Change? come on....


New Poll

I want to know who you all think should be the next Chair of the Republican party here in New Mexico. Can an ultra-conservative unite a broken party? Does the Doctor have the right remedy for the sick elephant? Can an old timer bring together all the new factions? Let your voices be heard Politicos!



Go Bulldawgs!

I played for the Las Cruces Bulldawg football team from 2001-2004, my brother Isaac played from 2003-2006, and my brother Zach, #20, is currently playing for the Dawgs. Zach is starting safety and kicker. The Dawgs will face El Dorado for the 2008 state championship game tomorrow. I am very proud of my brother and his team; win or lose they will always be champions in whatever they do. Last time LCHS was in the championship was my sophomore year when we played Mayfield and won in 2002. Zach and the Bulldawgs deserve this ring and I hope ya'll will wish them luck. Go Dawgs!

Pearce Pushing or Pulling Out?

While the race for state GOP chair is flying under the radar of many other bloggers there is a melodrama developing within this contest. Allen McCulloch of Farmington is quietly putting together a coalition of supporters for his run for the chair and it is no secret Steve Pearce has expressed interest in the job. The addition of John Padoven (hasn't been active in New Mexico since the late 70's) in the race raises some questions for many astute Republican observers. There is also speculation that Earl Greer of T or C might be making a run as well. Padoven is the only candidate to announce officially that he is a candidate.

It seems everyone is waiting to to see what will the self described "very conservative" Pearce do. Apparently Steve Pearce met with a group of county chairmen and other state central committee members this week to discuss their concerns for his candidacy. One of those concerns was how long would Pearce, if elected, serve as chair? It is also no secret Pearce is interested in running again for his seat in congress that is soon to be occupied by Harry Teague. Paraphrased in the email is Pearce's response:
he is looking at running for office, however he also acknowledged the work that needs to be done to unify the Party and that this cannot be done in just one year. He was not definitive in his answer to this question but I sensed that he was aware of the concern.

Party unity also came up in discussion with Pearce.
he was very adamant on the need to bring our party together - he stated that he has no hard feelings toward Heather and would not publicly attack her - he will be meeting with her tomorrow - he did say that he does not support taking our party to the left which he says Heather advocates, but does believe in compassionate conservatism - he is not a one issue politician and believes that we need to bring conservative Democrats back into the fold as well as the independent vote - he believes that in order to do this we need to get back to our core values and redefine who we are - this does not mean to exclude people who are not lock step in every issue - public bashing of other republicans is something that we cannot continue to do
So Congressman Pearce is meeting with Congresswoman Wilson today. What will be discussed? It is my premonition that we will hear Pearce's official announcement soon following this meeting. Pearce is correct in his assessment of bringing back conservative Democrats (Hispanics) but he is wrong in his approach. He is sounding like all "very conservative" Republicans that lost the last two elections but are still advocating a return to our conservative roots.

Pearce also states that we need to redefine who we are; how can we redefine who we are when we have the same old failed leadership and ideals guiding the party? We can't return to our core conservative principles and redefine who we are at the same time. I am enthused to hear him advocate that the party needs to quit eating its own, something I've seen and experienced. Hopefully the local party gets his message.

Congressman Pearce is a good man. I was a loyal and faithful supporter of him since he first ran for congress back in 2002. I would support him if he does decide to run for congress again but not for state chair. He might be an overly ambitious man, his decision to run for senate makes this evident. He is part of the "very conservative" wing of the party that has failed to deliver in leadership.

While I think he intends to lead as a compassionate conservative, his record in congress shows otherwise. The party needs to move forward with some new blood and ideas. Congressman Pearce should do the right thing and allow candidates who are committed to serving a full term and are open to new ideas run for chair. A Pearce candidacy will only widen the great schism and hamper any future success Republicans hope to accomplish.


Jeb Bush Has It Right... PERIOD.

According to the Washington Wire Gov. Jeb Bush is considering a run for Senate. Sen. Mel Martinez R-FL, a one term Senator, has decided not to seek re-election in 2010. Unlike his brother, Gov. Bush remains popular in Florida.

Since the Republican failure in November, Gov. Bush has been extremely vocal about his disagreements with the party. He and I share almost the same view of what the GOP's problem is and what they need to do about it. He makes some astute observations in his recent Newsmax.com interview.

Bush makes a simple statement from a plain observation that many local and state GOP leaders refuse to realize. He advocates that the GOP must broaden its appeal to avoid becoming “the old white-guy party".

You’ve got to do the hard work. That means grass-roots organization. It means listening to the base of the party. It means voter registration. It means turn-out operations. It means recruiting candidates that look like the population we’re trying to attract to our cause. Those things seem to have waned in the last couple years.”

Perhaps most importantly, Bush said, the party must confront the nation’s changing demographics.

“We can’t ignore large segments of our population and expect to win,” Bush said. “We can’t be the ‘old white-guy’ party. It’s just not going to work, the demographics go against us in that regard.

This is the 'invitation only' party that I have been talking about. Bush then speaks about the Hispanic vote. He, like others, recognizes that the Hispanic vote is and will continue to make an impact on American politics. Republicans lost this year in part because Hispanics did not give a sustainable amount of votes to them. One reason is the GOP's harsh rhetoric used in the immigration debate. Bush expands on the Hispanic vote and immigration.

“Among Hispanic voters, I think we need to change the tone of the conversation as it relates to immigration. In Florida, we’ve not participated much in the chest pounding and the yelling and the screaming. I mean, it just drives me nuts when there are substantive policy differences that we can show mutual respect on, but the tone needs to change. And I think we need to recruit more candidates who share our values in the Hispanic community. In Florida we’ve done that.”

In New Mexico we haven't! When I've made statements similar to Gov. Bush's, I am nearly ostracized from a party that doesn't like a 21 year old political light weight making embarrassing observations. Governor Jeb Bush gets it, New Mexico Republicans don't. State leadership must work to remake the 'big tent' party in order to shed their 'invitation only' party image.


The Politics of Resentment

Jim Scarantino has a quality piece discussing the 'spread the wealth' topic between John McCain and Barack Obama this past election. The GOP must keep their ears open to such analysis in order to truly understand the expanding working class electorate. It makes some sense, check it out.

It's Official!

King Bill will be leaving New Mexico to become an Obama bureaucrat! Richardson will be Secretary of the Commerce once confirmed by Congress. This is good news for us all, Republican and Democrat. Richardson used New Mexico as a presidential spring board during the bleak Bush era. He failed in his presidential run, vice-presidential run, and secretary of state run... commerce secretary is a conciliatory prize. Vayan con Obama Governor!


New Kid On The Block... Sort Of

A new candidate is making a run for GOP chairman. Former State Representative John Padoven has forwarded an email announcing his candidacy. Padoven was elected to the New Mexico House of Representatives in 1977 and served two terms. He then moved to California to work in computer software and later business consulting. The following seems to be his platform.

During the following weeks before the Chairman’s election on January 10th, you will receive information answering questions on why John Padoven is running for State Chairman. You will also receive very specific information on where he would like the party to evolve in the years ahead.

John knows fully well that he cannot act alone. A partnership with the Republican State Central Committee is essential for our Party’s success. It will be a democratic partnership based on ideas and how ideas should be implemented.

If elected, John will open a telephone hot line for Central Committee members to use in sharing their ideas and concerns. Active and open communications will hopefully diminish internal conflicts that only harm our party casting shadows over our common goal, which is to become the majority party in New Mexico.

John will also meet with every Central Committee member, in the members home town where he can visit not only with you, but your families. Doing so will allow John to know who you are and what motivates you personally and politically. It will also give you a chance to know him

I do not know Mr. Padoven but I am glad to see he is running. At this point I am not supporting anyone because I am not a state central committee member. If I was a member I don't know who I would support, the other two candidates are same old business party insiders. The state GOP is continuing to be the invitation only party that loses election after election. Real smart.


New Mexico Politicos