A commentary on news, politics, culture, and current events here in the Land of Enchantment.
The oldest trick in the book...Emotionalism
I find it comedic when I hear Democratic candidates speaking of change, hope, and a divided America. In their blind idealism they appeal to the emotional liberals and socialists to help them change for the greater good; if anyone needs to change it is their false rhetoric. Their candidacies represent everything that is wrong with the Democratic Party and the ultra-liberal thought that has hijacked the party of Thomas Jefferson and John F. Kennedy. The two Senators of change need to quit using such a strong word and quit acting like they are the risen Jesus Christ! America is a living, breathing, healthy country that has endured bruises and broken bones but armed with the near divine constitution and spirit of free enterprise we carry one. Do we need to change that? No, the Democrats are running this campaign on the liberal discontent for the current President and the party that makes logical sense not emotional. Is America perfect? No, but it is the leading Republic in the world and the identity of freedom in this new world. I would like to ask these Democrats how much would this "change" cost the average American tax payers, middle class business owners, and free capitalists? Through taxes and more business regulation obviously... it is the liberal Democratic way. Our country does not need change, it needs improvement if anything and most importantly it needs leaders. The Democratic senators cannot offer change, they cannot offer improvement, and they are most certainly not leaders. They are both polarizing figures in the modern world of politics. They have appealed to emotionalism rather than logic. Their base is the liberals and socialists of the Democratic Party and the major media outlets of print and television. Emotionalism feels good, but if it feels good is it good for me? No, but it sells newspapers and commercial time. It garners votes from irrational people and opens a dangerous door to a chapter of defeat. Sure the Democratic Senators are quite gifted speakers, but so was Adolph Hitler and by the way he appealed to the emotions just as well. So I warn those of you who "feel good" after you hear a speech from these two oracles of modern time. I appeal to you the voters of New Mexico and the nation to think logically before you act on thy irrational measures. We have entered the new world, the age of emotionalism dictated humanity in the old, let us improve but do not destroy the concepts once lost and shadowed by weak stoic philosophy of the old.
Thoughts on McCain victory in Florida
The days leading into the Florida primary Sen. McCain and Gov. Romney had exchanged multiple political jabs at eachother. Gov. Romney calling Sen. McCain a liberal and Sen. McCain refering to the slick haired governor a flip flop on issues. There is a reality to the candidacy of Sen. McCain, he has growing support from more moderate and conservative Republicans. Florida being a closed primary state only available to registered Republicans to vote(who are most likely to be conservatives) signifies that the McCain victory gives a breath of confidence in obtaining the long sought nomination from the party that once alientated him. I give credit to his recent popularity and victory in Florida to the shifting demographic within the Republican party. With rumors of a Giuliani endorsement this victory just may designate Sen. John McCain as the man to beat Sen. Obama or Sen. Clinton. In the national polls he is the only Republican who can beat the liberal, democratic emotional machine. I credit Sen. McCains growing support from the Republican party to the changing demographic and realignment of the party. No longer the days of emotionalist neo-conservatism will govern the great party of Lincoln. It is time that this party be lead by a great American patriot, Sen. McCain and restore the principles of Lincoln, Roosevelt, and Reagan! Sen. McCain is the best candidate to protect America from enemies foreign and domestic, improve our economy through conservative fiscal policy, sponsor and pass true bi-partisan legislation that strengthens domestic America, and a man who will responsibly execute pragmatice foreign affairs. I support the great Senator and I ask my fellow New Mexicans to support him as well. The man from Arizona deserves the support of pragmatic New Mexicans to save our country from the potential disaster of an Obama/Clinton administration. Viva McCain!
New Website for Dona Ana Republicans!
The Dona Ana Republican Party has a new website that went up at the beginning of the year. It is much more user friendly and offers general but necessary information and opportunities for local Republicans to get involved in. The county Republicans have been making some great improvements this past year with a new headquarters located on Wyatt and a devoted staff to serve Dona Ana county and the local party more efficiently. Is this a sign of a changing demographic of the local party? More Hispanics are registering Republican in recent times and there is a number of new Republican businesses taking a more proactive stance on issues from wilderness to taxes here. This is tell tale sign of new blood, new ideas, and new competition for Democrats. A new website is a great start! Check it out...www.gopdac.org
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