
Were all intellectuals evidently

In the wake of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's visit to Columbia University in New York, protesters old and young gathered to voice their discontent with his presence. I initially was angered over the invitation the university offered him. They were clearly promoting themselves on behalf of liberal dialogue with the enemy. Mahmoud is a joke, a lackey to the religious leaders of Iran, he claims himself to be an intellectual. In his speech he gives this long, sophomoric explanation of why science is so important and how God gave it to us to be inquisitive. Obviously it was a set up for his argument and defense of his widely publicized denial of the holocaust; Mahmoud believes that with this inquisitive mind we must look into the actual numbers of the holocaust. He plays the numbers game that modern anti-Semitic holocaust denying idiots use. This tactic gives them some intellectual ground to portray their true convictions as mere pursuit of academic truth. Ill brand this the big BULLSHIT! How can Columbia invite a widely known idiot to have some sort of academic forum? This forum not only displayed Mahmouds kindergarten doctorates degree in propaganda but Columbia's own stupidity in sanctioning this an academic dialogue. The fact they took him seriously and legitimized his intellectualism by allowing his BS to further deplete our ozone layer is a sorry situation. If Mahmoud is an intellectual I guess were all intellectuals... actually I would rather be dumb and ignorant if that is the standard according to Columbia. God Bless America and New Mexico!


New Mexican Supreme Court

The legacy of Justice Pamela Minzner will be one of great civil service to the people of New Mexico. Her unfortunate passing last month has left a vacancy on the New Mexico Supreme Court and today I have confirmed news that Chief Judge Robert E. Robles has applied for the vacant seat.

I am happy to see Judge Robles file for the job. I agreed with Governor Richardson's remarks at the swearing in ceremony for Judge Fernando Macias that Judge Robles "looks like a Supreme Court Judge". See the video on Heath Haussamen's site. Judge Robles has set a standard to follow in the New Mexico Judicial system. His strict interpretation of the law but fair judicial mind has made him one the most respected Judges in the area. He will be a great asset to the New Mexico Supreme Court and more importantly to the people of New Mexico.

I encourage the Governor to remember what he said and make it happen. Southern New Mexico needs more representation in Santa Fe and the addition of Judge Robles to the bench in Santa Fe is a great start.


Left wing push or anti-tax revenge?

In a state like New Mexico where the red chile is hot and the political scene is hotter there is never a dull moment.

Something interesting was reported on Heath Haussamen's blog concerning a couple new candidacy announcements. Earlier this week County Commissioner Oscar Vasquez Butler announced he will challenge Sen. Mary Jane Garcia for the District 36 Senate seat she has held for over 20 years. I was alarmed because both candidates are old time members of the Patron; this could get dirty but it is primary season.

Haussamen later reports that Jesus Caro, Mesilla Mayor Pro Tem, will seek the seat held by Joni Gutierrez in District 33; she has served for three years. This did not bring such a surprise to me because Gutierrez has a less than stellar reputation as a legislator; she has only sponsored one popular bill that abolished expiration dates on gift cards for consumers. Sounds simple, an older guard of the party challenging a young naive politico who seems to have had her chance and has not pleased her constituency and party.

One detail in Haussamen's blog caught my attention. He reported that Caro had been "pushed by a group of activists" to run against Gutierrez. The same group, Haussamen writes, pushed Butler to run against Garcia as well. Do we really want candidates that are "pushed" to run? In the respective articles Haussamen points that both Garcia and Gutierrez were in favor of the tax increase for the spaceport: Caro and Butler were not.

Who is this "group of activists" and what is their agenda? Why do they have such influence with both Butler and Caro? I think they are either a group of anti-tax constituents from both districts or a leftist anti-business activist group. This matter must be looked into, the Democratic party must find what private interest groups are influencing their Mr. POPULACE candidate Oscar Butler with a history in leftist activism in California. I do not know Mr. Caro or his affiliations but I will research him. I hope the people of those respective districts ask these candidates who this group of activists are.

I may be a young naive college student but someone may be spoiling and splitting the chile crop for the Democrat's patrons this next year.


A struggle worth fighting for!

Las Cruces, New Mexico; home to the most delicious red and green chile, the tenacious Las Cruces Bulldawgs, and New Mexico State University the mecca of higher learning in New Mexico and surrounding areas(sorry Isaac UNM has a long way to go). Within a couple of weeks from my departure of the land of enchantment I remember why I vow to come back.... the influx of new transplanted citizens who decide to start changing the socio-political make up to what they and their Eastern and California liberal school told them what to do.

As a native son with roots in New Mexico dating back to the early 1800's it is my duty to return and fight this radical liberalism plaguing our state. Direct leaders of this movement are the members of New Mexico Wilderness Alliance, Dona Ana Wilderness, Rep. Steinborn and the Eco terrorists of Earth First. Before my move back to college in Chicago, the Dona Ana Wilderness designation was getting hotter than the best green chile from Chavez farms. I was a little irritated with the fact that I could not stay and really take an active role in this fight. I am happy to know and endorse the great New Mexicans like Jim Scarantino and the People For Preserving Our Western Heritage who are combating these pinko idealists.

The politicians who are giving legitimacy to this liberal cause are Rep. Steinborn, Commissioner Osc...OH wait REP. STEINBORN!! He is the head of Dona Ana Wilderness and Southern New Mexico Director for New Mexico Wilderness Alliance, son of one of the most repsected individuals and past mayors of our great city David Steinborn(rolling the eyes) who would never use the power of his office to see the city plans for development way back when and then go and buy those proposed lands( East Mesa anyone?) to make a quick buck. Maybe it is because I am young and naive and that's what I grew up learning from the vast majority of loyal Democrats. I think there is something fishy with his involvement in this issue. He is the link to NMWA, which has been linked to the radical and idealist Earth First. There is more to this agenda; its not just about saving a couple of mesquite bushes and lizards. Go to http://www.peopleforwesternheritage.com/ and read more!

Oh as I was saying Commissioner Oscar Vasquez Butler is not shy in his support of this liberal push for wilderness. I watched his smug populace smile while putting on a pro wilderness pin on his shirt at one of the meetings sponsored by Congressman Pearce. Mr. Butler has to have an opinion about everything and let everyone know about it because he is force to be dealt with... his hat is rather intimidating, A real John Wayne. heh.

I wish all my luck to the good folks fighting the good fight and hope that the people of Las Cruces see the real politics behind this issue. There is more to it than preserving the Organs, Robledos etc... These liberals want to rid any human existence on the land. Cattle ranching, agriculture, and the simple outdoor recreation we all enjoyed in high school will be eventually phased out if we let the left get their way. Fight on friends!

New Mexico Politicos