
The American President

Interesting... I was on the phone with the McCain campaign yesterday discussing New Mexico issues and the Hispanic vote. Today I see in a press release that the McCain campaign chose New Mexico to air their first "general election" campaign ad for television. This is all coincidental but it is encouraging to see the good Senators campaign taking a highlighted interest in our swing state. The ad is impressive and announces the arrival of, "the American president Americans have been waiting for."



I had the pleasure of speaking to Ivette Barajas this afternoon. She is the new Spanish Communications Director for the New Mexico GOP. A native of Los Angeles and recent graduate of Cal State-Northridge, Ms. Barajas has worked for the Republican Party of California for the last five years. New Mexico welcomes her and we wish her the best of luck here in the Land of Enchantment.

I am encouraged to see our state party employing more individuals such as Ms. Barajas to help court more Hispanic voters. She will bring a voice and smiling face to the many Hispanic New Mexicans who are disenchanted by the "old" Republican party and the growing liberalism of the Democratic party.

NM GOP Executive Director, Adam Feldman ,remarked, “As New Mexico embarks into a historic election season, we are committed to engaging Hispanic voters in a conversation about the future of our state and country. We are excited to have Ivette on board to lead that conversation and to talk about the Republican Party’s commitment to strengthening our nation’s moral fabric and family unit, lowering taxes to create jobs and greater opportunity, and standing behind our troops who are valiantly battling terrorists overseas.”

I look forward to working with Ms. Barajas in developing an attractive, efficient message of outreach; Young Hispanics throughout New Mexico need to realize that the GOP is closer to home than many of them think.


Work For New Mexico

I was back in New Mexico this past weekend for Easter and to work on some business for the New Mexico Politico. I have decided to move back home in May to work on a couple campaigns and to make the New Mexico Politico a leading weblog for both conservative and liberal minds to read youth commentary and to debate the real issues of our state. Many of my family and friends believe in my endeavor but some are not too fond of me taking the rest of the year off from school. I understand their concern but this election year is too important to just watch.

The youth of New Mexico have an invested interest in the future and this is our year to make our voices heard. It is important for young minds to collectively work for our beloved state this year by attaining leadership positions on campaigns, volunteering,and more importantly making sure the real issues are heard.

So I have five more weeks left in the semester here at Loyola. On May 3rd I will be driving my packed U-Haul truck back to New Mexico to start my endeavors and hopefully shed some light on the real issues, opinions, and interests of New Mexico. The candidates need to hear the voice of La Gente and a group of young New Mexicans will make sure they do.


Happy Easter

Happy Easter New Mexico! Our Lord Jesus Christ has risen! Have a good Sunday.


Time For Reflection

I am back in Las Cruces for Easter this weekend. I was lucky to fly into El Paso Wednesday night because Chicago's last winter storm is supposed to hit tonight. The bitter breeze off of Lake Michigan and repugnant rain, sleet, snow are now intolerable for me... Thank you Lord for bringing me back home to New Mexico.

I plan on working with my web developer to get the new site designed and functional by the end of May. The new site will be the same New Mexico Politico with Aaron Henry Diaz just with some new thoughts, faces, and interactive functions. Many people are excited and I have numerous bright young conservatives and liberals ready to talk about real issues that real New Mexicans and Americans should be concerned with.

On a religious note, Holy Thursday and Good Friday are two very sacred and personal days for me; I will be spending most of my time in prayer, meditation, and with family. It is good to be back home on the range to recharge my batteries, clear my head, and reconnect with God. My faith is just as important to me as my politics. I am blessed to have attended some exceptional Catholic universities where my faith has been challenged and encouraged to flourish. I wish you all a very blessed Easter.


The Honeymoon Is Over

In the latest Gallup Daily tracking poll, Sen. Clinton has the most significant lead over Sen. Obama since February 7th. Clinton's 49% to Sen. Obama's 42% shows that her momentum is increasing quickly. While the battle for the super delegates is the most important game, these numbers show the shifting attitudes of Democrats across the nation who are sure to influence the super delegate votes. The super delegate system is set up to benefit a candidate like Clinton anyway. I have repeatedly stated that Hillary Clinton is from the house that built the modern day Democratic party. The Clinton's are the Democratic party and it will take some extreme measures to tare the nomination away from her. These numbers mean everything, Democrats are getting over the 'honeymoon' period with Obama and are starting to realize that he is just another politician willing to make all the promises in the world to get elected. His gilded image has been tarnished and the Clinton campaign has benefited; The real winner here is Senator John McCain. McCain leads both Clinton and Obama in the Gallup Daily Poll. McCain has a 47% to 43% lead over Obama and 48% to 45% lead over Clinton. McCain has been very presidential in the last couple weeks refusing to go negative on Obama and handling his own controversies like a true gentleman. The 'hope' for a socialized America is losing taste with many Americans. I am confident that if the Democrats do not get their act together soon, the Presidency will be wrapped in a red, white, and blue bow for Senator John McCain.

Clinton Momentum

Sen. Clinton in the latest Gallup Daily Tracking poll has inched ahead of Sen. Obama. Clinton has a 47% to 44% lead on Obama among national Democrats in tracking from March 15-17. Obama's connection to Chicago slum boss Tony Rezko and anti-American pastor Rev. Wright have caused some controversy for his campaign in the last week. Clinton's campaign has benefited from the controversy but she is walking on and around the racial egg shells that Democrats have infused in their presidential race.


Pearce, The Pro Life Candidate

Congressman Pearce is a true 'common sense' conservative when it comes to pro-life issues. He has a proven record of supporting pro-life legislation and initiatives. His efforts for the pro-life cause has been recognized by many including the Susan B. Anthony List Candidate Fund. The SBA List Candidate Fund's sole purpose is to endorse, support, and promote pro-life female candidates in key congressional races. Congressman Pearce has received The SBA List's endorsement in his bid to represent New Mexico in the United States Senate.

In the groups press release, Susan B. Anthony List Candidate Fund President Marjorie Dannenfelser states, "The Susan B. Anthony List is proud to endorse Steve Pearce, a strong leader who will represent all Americans, born and unborn, in the U.S. Senate. We are eager to support dedicated pro-life heroes when they need it most. The consequences of disengagement are dire. The lives of the most vulnerable children and their mothers are on the line. Steve Pearce is the best candidate to confirm sound Supreme Court nominees and protect human life in the Senate."

Congressman Pearce has a 100% pro-life voting record as a member of congress. Congresswoman Heather Wilson, who is challenging Pearce in the Republican Primary in June, has a 45% pro-life voting record as a member of congress. Wilson has a mixed voting record on Life issues. The press release went on to describe Wilson's pro-life record, "Throughout her decade in Congress, she has voted in favor of taxpayer funding for embryonic stem cell research, Planned Parenthood, and the United Nations Population Fund, which is linked to China’s coercive family planning programs. She has also voted in favor of FDA approval of the RU-486 abortion pill."

Heather Wilson is wrong when she claims to be a 'common sense' conservative. A genuine conservative will have a solid pro-life voting record and the endorsement of a pro-life group such as the SBA List. It takes common sense to figure that one out.


McCain's Numbers

In the latest Gallup Poll Sen. John McCain has surpassed Sen. Obama with 47% to 44%. Sen. McCain and Sen. Clinton remain in a tie with 46% each. The Gallup Poll Daily tracks preferences of likely general election registered voters. Last Week McCain was behind Obama with 43% to 47%. The latest poll signifies a tough week for Obama's campaign trying to defuse the Rezko indictment and anti-American statements of his mentor and pastor Rev. Wright. McCain was in Iraq on Sunday for a fact finding mission but the trip is a clear indication of his significant experience in foreign policy and relations. More Democrats and Republicans are realizing this key element of McCain and they continue to push him ahead of Obama.


Pearce Wins Genuine Momentum

Now that Congressman Pearce has won 236 delegate votes or a clear 55% majority at today's pre-primary convention, he is the definitive front runner in the Republican senate primary race. The Congressman and his wife Cynthia are "happy and thrilled" by today's victory and he declares, "Today's results clearly show that I am the only candidate who has the momentum to beat Tom Udall in November". In his press release he further states that, "New Mexicans know the importance of steady leadership and genuine conservative values." Pearce points out that, "It also shows this election will be decided on ideas and the right vision for the future of New Mexico" and "Tom Udall and I have significant differences. The people of New Mexico will get a clear choice between policies I believe make us more free, safe and prosperous and the kind of decisions my Democratic colleague in the House has consistently made that are bad for New Mexico and bad for the country. I continue to look forward to that debate." The convention received the good congressman well and were highly receptive to his victory. The huge victory is a referendum to Congressman Udall and the rest of Washington liberals that New Mexico supports genuine conservative values and leaders. A common sense conservative wouldn't need much common sense in electing a real conservative with real momentum.

Greer Gaining Momentum

Earl Greer, the long time Republican and businessman, has an even better chance at winning the primary in June. Winning second place in today's convention gives him a first place chance to take the whole enchilada. "I am extremely pleased with the outcome of this convention" Greer said in his press release. He went on to state that, "The voters of this district believe in my ability to keep New Mexico's values and interests close to heart while serving in Washington." Timera Drake, Communications Director of Grassroots For Greer, pointed out that "he is the people's candidate" and "He doesn't consider this a hobby; he considers it a sacred trust between him and the people of the second district. He isn't financing his campaign with hundreds of thousands of dollars of his own money to 'see' if he can win. All of his money is from true supporters who believe in his abilities to serve New Mexico faithfully." In my youthful opinion Mr. Greer has been gaining more and more 'true supporters' and it was evident today at the convention. New Mexicans need to look at a candidate who can win in November, a real Republican with loyal roots in the land he will be elected to represent with honor, integrity, and diligence.

Dunn Wins, Greer and Tinsley Tie

Aubrey Dunn has won 40 delegate votes or 30% with Earl Greer and Ed Tinsley both winning 33 delegate votes or 24%. Monty Newman came short of qualifying to be on the June ballot with 25 delegate votes or 18.5 votes and Terry Marquardt and Greg Sowards each receiving 2 delegate votes or 1%. Very interesting outcome but Dunn will be at the top of the June primary ballot with Greer placed second and Tinsley third. Who is going to be the kingmaker my friends? More updates and commentary are coming your way!

Pearce Defeats Wilson in Convention

Congressman Pearce has defeated Congresswoman Wilson in today's New Mexico Republican party pre-primary convention. He won 236 votes and Wilson won 197 votes. Pearce will be on the top of the primary ballot in June and be proclaimed the front runner in the remaining primary campaign. Updates with commentary are coming your way!


Good Republican

Mr. Tinsley and Mr. Dunn I have two words for the both of you... STOP IT!!! The Republican party in New Mexico does not need political bickering about who was a Democrat through 1994(what were you thinking?)or who lives in Santa Fe(it's ok we know you don't do the real work on the ranch anyway); please leave the gossip, chatter, and commentary to us polibloggers. The facts are out there and if people will not vote for you because of those facts(no matter how superficial they are) then sour grapes. I expected a Republican candidate to focus on New Mexican issues while entering a dialogue with the people of District 2. Your whiny bickering is giving Democrats enjoyment and cause to question your credibility in holding the honor of being elected a congressman from New Mexico. We need a candidate that has kept the credibility of the party in this race and who is not afraid to reach out to the roots of Southern New Mexico. The big convention is this weekend and some of you will win momentum or lose it. Now in my youthful observation both of you may very well receive an upset by a candidate who has taken higher ground refused to participate in attacking fellow Republicans. Mr. Tinsley and Mr. Dunn beware of Mr. Greer. He is likable, professional, genuine, and has been a loyal lifelong Republican who has engaged in a dialogue with the people, both Democrats and Republicans. The past couple months Mr. Greer has been surveying the real issues New Mexicans are concerned with and has refrained from the bickering. He may be behind in the medias eyes but he has the real people talking. So "cuidate", be careful, and do not underestimate the good Mr. Greer.


La Gente Factor

Aubrey Dunn and Ed Tinsley have two things in common, one that they are ranchers (while my sources say Dunn is the real rancher) and two they are very wealthy. Now I myself hope to be a wealthy full time rancher one day but if I ever run for congress I would never invest so much money into my campaign. The only thing that gives Dunn and Tinsley momentum in the medias eye is that they are the most funded campaigns. Dunn and Tinsley supposedly gave some 300,000 and 200,000 to their respective campaigns but since when does money trump public opinion? Just ask Democrats in Texas and Ohio. In Otero county top candidate Earl Greer beat both Dunn and Tinsley in a straw poll conducted at the Otero County Republican forumn. Now it is well known that Greer is far behind in financial support but if Otero public opinion matters (which it does) Greer is in a good spot. Momentum will begin to build for Greer when voters realize that while Dunn and Tinsley have the money, Greer has "La Gente" and would probably be the only candidate that can retain Southern New Mexico for the Republicans. It is a fragile year for Republicans. Choose wisely.


No I am not ignoring the world


I am not ignoring the world right now. I am focusing on school and setting up the new site nmpolitico.com. I only have six more weeks of class so it is important for me to focus on finishing strong. I have decided to return to New Mexico at the end of the semester to work on a campaign, blog, and various other projects for the remainder of the year. It is election year and I simply can't be on the bench when I can be playing. Also the new site is coming along. I am lining up new columnists and contributors. If anyone is interested in writing or advertising please contact me at aaron@nmpolitico.com, The new site will remain The New Mexico Politico but at nmpolitico.com. Check ya'll later.



The New Mexico Politico

Friends, Foes, and Family

I wanted to update you on some news regarding The New Mexico Politico. When I started this site last year I was a young, passionate, and opinionated teenager that cared for my beloved New Mexico and country. I have been able to project my opinion on policies, candidates, and culture that I think are important in this running dialogue we call democracy. I am far from being a brilliant student, innovative politico, or kingmaker but I am a regular New Mexico kid engaging in the political process simply because I care for my country and state. The New Mexico Politico has allowed me to be the Citizen Soldier I think we are all called to be. I have found that I am not alone in this and have decided to include more youth from across New Mexico to engage in this dialogue and be Citizen Soldiers. I will be hosting daily, weekly, and monthly columnists from different backgrounds to offer their distinct perspective on New Mexican politics, culture, and national events. I don't care if they are liberal, conservative, moderate, libertarian, black, blue, pink, or orange. It is so important to society to provide an avenue for the youth to voice their opinion because they have as much invested in the well being of our state and country as anyone! I will be moving to another site, www.nmpolitico.com, in the near future but will remain active in this original site. I welcome anyone regardless of age to submit a column to The New Mexico Politico as well. I have decided to work vehemently to give a voice to the youth and with your support we will be able to achieve this! God bless.


Dunn Denies Allegations

Most of you know that I am a straight shooter and I will not tolerate inaccurate information. When something smells fishy I will find the truth. I have been hearing fellow politicos chat about Aubrey Dunn allegedly buying votes in the Otero county pre-primary ward conventions. I mentioned it in yesterdays post but decided to call Mr. Dunn to get a definitive answer. Mr. Dunn was courteous enough to answer my phone call and answer to the rumors flying around about him throughout the district. He flatly denied the allegations of vote buying in Otero and explained that family, friends, and acquaintances attended the convention to support him because they believe in his candidacy and cause. He did not pay anyone either family, friend, or employee(he only has one) and won Otero county in a fair manner. I am calling local politicos to please quit the chatter and focus on the real issues. I am not supporting Mr. Dunn at the moment but as a Republican I think it is in our best interest to deal with the issues and facts and let the Democrats "platicar" and gossip. As a party we hurt ourselves when we allow rumors to develop instead of finding the truth in the issue. Mr. Dunn thank you for your honesty and good luck in the remaining months of primary campaigning. Now Heather Wilson and Darren White have some explaining to do. Governor Cargo and Rep. Janice Arnold-Jones have some input in the Bernallilo matter as well. My fellow Republicans lets find the facts, resolve the issue, and get back to the real issues that matter here in New Mexico. "A house divided against itself cannot stand" - President Abraham Lincoln, 1858

Las Cruces, Nuevo California

Today I would like to introduce "Chatty Cathy" a columnist for the New Mexico Politico who wishes to remain anonymous. She and I share similar concerns for our beloved community and hope more citizens will open their eyes to the reality and voice their opinion. "Chatty Cathy" will periodically appear on the New Mexico Politico. I hope you enjoy!

Las Cruces, Nuevo California

By "Chatty Cathy"

I left New Mexico for a while in 2003, but the lure of the Land of Enchantment drew me back in early 2006. There are many things I love about New Mexico, specifically Las Cruces. Among them, I love Hatch green chile, Little Nellie's, Dick's Café, Dia de Los Muertos celebrations on the Mesilla Plaza, and the Whole Enchilada Fiesta. Obviously, I love the food. But I also love the culture. Hispanics like to celebrate, and New Mexico has many celebrations. There is a zest for life here that isn't found in the "white-bread" communities of the Midwest; it is a sense of living each day to its fullest that invigorates me.

Las Cruces has always been an oasis of Democrats in a largely Republican district. New Mexico's second congressional district leans Republican plus 5.7%. The liberal-minded nature of Las Cruces, the district's largest community, can be attributed to New Mexico State University. Communities with a four-year university are always more liberal than communities without a university. Perhaps it's the young ladies and gentlemen stretching their political wings for the first time, trying out their new found freedom to live and believe as they choose. Whatever the reason, it has attracted a bad element to Las Cruces: the Californians.

In my book, "Californian" is a four-letter word. Right before I moved back to Las Cruces in 2006, Las Cruces had an influx of "retired" Californians. By retired, I mean they sold their two-bedroom, one-bath, 900-square-foot shack in L.A. or San Francisco for $1.6 million dollars and left California. They were youngish, not old enough to collect Social Security, and not worried about finding a job since they had quite a bit of money stashed away from the sale of their house. I'm sure they felt lucky to discover Las Cruces, with it's picturesque views and, in comparison to California, dirt-cheap housing. There was no traffic congestion, no rolling blackouts, and the population was under 100,000.

Somebody should have told them to pack up their crap and get the heck out of Las Cruces. But as New Mexicans, we invited them into our city and made them feel welcome. It's in our nature; we're some of the nicest people you can find. Californians came in and took advantage of our hospitality. They contributed to the rising housing market, making it impossible for working joes in Las Cruces to afford a house. They played the speculation game with our real estate, buying up houses under the guise of "investment companies" and then jacking up the price to gain a larger return on their investment.

I have seen the effects of this first-hand. I lived in Santa Fe for almost two years back in 2000. I arrived the day after the Cerro Grande Fire (or the "Dome Fire," as locals call it). The average price of a house when I moved to Santa Fe was $180,000. That was for a three-bedroom, one-bath, 1100-square-foot fixer-upper in the bad part of town. I was floored. Many of the people I worked with couldn't afford to buy a house, and those that did bought only two-bedroom condos for $170,000. The house-buying frenzy hadn't started yet. Interest rates were still (looking back) high. On August 11, 2000, the New York Times reported that fixed-rate home loans had "fallen" to 8.04%; stil high enough to make home buying an impossibility for many Santa Feans.

The result of Santa Fe's inflated housing market was the effect of Californians moving to The City Different and paying outlandish prices for moderately-sized homes. Santa Fe's housing market was in an upward spiral, and there was nothing anybody could do about it. By the time I left Santa Fe, only 21 months later, the average house price had risen $50,000 to an outlandish $230,000.

Las Cruces has become Santa Fe all over again. On February 26, 2008, MSN Money reported that house prices in Santa Fe had risen 57.28% in the past five years. Las Cruces homes have risen an average of 59.03% in the last five years. At a 59% appreciation rate, I'm looking at paying $160,000 now for a house that was only worth $100,000 in 2003.

In contrast, cities like San Francisco and Santa Barbara, while still expensive to live in, have house prices appreciating in the mid-fortieth percentile. Keep in mind that these expensive California locales have industry and economy, as well as a fairly well-educated population. According to the US Census Bureau, over 50% of the people age 25 or older in San Francisco have a bachelor's degree or higher. In Santa Barbara, that number is almost 44%. Conversely, in Las Cruces, which has a fine public university, the percentage of the population 25 or older attaining a bachelor's degree or higher is only 31.6%.

While the counter-argument may arise that higher housing leads to a higher tax base for the city and county governments, it doesn't do anybody much good if the average citizen can't afford to buy a house. California passed a minimum-wage law years ago, in an effort to equalize the buying power of those who make minimum wage. Even Santa Fe passed a minimum-wage law a few years back. But in Las Cruces, a city that has no industry, no commerce, and no manufacturing (whose only claim to fame is to be named one of the best cities to retire in), minimum wage is a fact of life. The housing market should accommodate this and absorb it, which it did until we had Californians with millions of dollars coming in and buying veritable palaces for a fraction of what it would cost in California. I'm sure they thought they had struck it rich.

If Las Cruces doesn't start telling the Californians to go home, the city may end up becoming another California, with ever-rising housing prices. The locals will be getting the short end of the stick, only they'll be in a worse situation than California—New Mexico doesn't have the tourism, industry, manufacturing, or educational levels that California has. What will happen to the people that settled and built Las Cruces, the people that tilled the Mesilla Valley soil to nurture world-famous chile, and the people that work hard to provide for their families? What will happen to that zest for life that makes Las Cruces such a great place to live? It will disappear, and Las Cruces will become another California community.


Wilson-White Alleged Vote Buying... They should be ashamed.

While attending school in Chicago I have witnessed the dirty, unethical, and corrupt Democratic political practice the common citizens are subject to. It has made me appreciate La Politica here at home and has compelled me to support government and party transparency. When I read about Heather Wilson and Darren White allegedly buying delegate votes at the Bernallilo ward and county conventions I am reminded of Mayor Daley's corrupt political machine and New York's Tammany Hall. I have one question for Wilson and White... WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!?!?! According to Dennis Domrzalski Albuquerque's KKOB Radio news anchor Laura MacCallum quit her job last Thursday after the news director refused to allow her to report on Heather Wilson and Darren White allegedly buying votes at the Bernallilo Republican pre-primary ward conventions. The Wilson camp called KKOB to protest to the report calling it "unfair" and not valid. The media has a right to publish legal and credible reports with out political pressure not to. Now we have all heard the rumors and believed it was just "chatty cathy" news but what caught my attention is that Ms. MacCallum had two very credible sources notify her of the corrupt activity. Ex Governor David Cargo and State Representative Janice Arnold Jones saw suspicious blocks of voters attend the ward conventions and heard them mention that they were being compensated for attending and voting for a specific slate of ward delegates who supported Heather Wilson and Darren White. Why? Bernallilo county has the highest number of delegates to vote at the Republican State convention at next weeks pre-primary convention. The Wilson and White camps are vying to be placed first on the ballot and restrict opposition in the most populous Republican district. This seems to be yet another invalid, in genuine and crude maneuver on the part of Heather Wilson to defeat Pearce this June. I understand this is politics but to sink to this level of corruption is intolerable and Congresswoman Wilson should be ashamed of herself. If an ex Governor and State Rep. witnessed this activity and verbal affirmation of such activity an investigation should be prescribed to find the truth. Wilson's camp has not denied the allegations and they shouldn't because they are already in the mud. Governor Cargo is sure that this situation is vote buying and he lists state elections codes that refer to this as:

"1-20-11. Offering a bribe. (1969)
Offering a bribe consists of willfully advancing, paying, or causing to be paid, or promising, directly or indirectly, any money or other valuable consideration, office or employment, to any person for the following purposes connected with or incidental to any election:
A. to induce such person, if a voter, to vote or refrain from voting for or against any candidate, proposition, question or constitutional amendment;
B. to induce such person, if a precinct board member or other election official, to mark, alter, suppress or otherwise change any ballot that has been cast, any election return, or any certificate of election; or
C. to induce such person to use such payment or promise to bribe others for the purposes specified in this section.
Whoever offers a bribe is guilty of a fourth degree felony,” and

“1-20-12. Accepting a bribe. (1969)
Accepting a bribe consists of knowingly accepting any payment or promise of payment, directly or indirectly, of money, valuable consideration, office or employment for the unlawful purposes specified in Section 1-20-11 NMSA 1978.
Whoever accepts a bribe is guilty of a fourth degree felony.”

Previous portion was provided by 1-20-11. Offering a bribe. (1969)
Offering a bribe consists of willfully advancing, paying, or causing to be paid, or promising, directly or indirectly, any money or other valuable consideration, office or employment, to any person for the following purposes connected with or incidental to any election:
A. to induce such person, if a voter, to vote or refrain from voting for or against any candidate, proposition, question or constitutional amendment;
B. to induce such person, if a precinct board member or other election official, to mark, alter, suppress or otherwise change any ballot that has been cast, any election return, or any certificate of election; or
C. to induce such person to use such payment or promise to bribe others for the purposes specified in this section.
Whoever offers a bribe is guilty of a fourth degree felony

(The previous was provided by Dennis Domrzalski's f-brilliant.blogspot.com)

This is sounding serious and illegal. If this story transpires into an investigation it could very well derail Wilson's campaign. A fellow politico has also notified me that Aubrey Dunn (candidate for congress in D-2) had pulled a similar tactic in the Otero county pre-primary conventions but contests that it is legal because it is a primary. Well Mr. Dunn maybe you should look at state statute 1-20-12. Interesting to see where this goes. Shame shame on Wilson/White and Dunn better get prepared. Republicans should have a higher standard and should not follow such petty avenues of electioneering. This is part of the problem with the disunited New Mexico Republicans and this issue must be resolved.

UPDATE 11:23 pm 3-05-2008

Mr. Dunn did not comment on the legality of the issue. A politico had notified me that the method was legal, not Mr. Dunn. The issue needs to be looked into... Gov. Cargo, Mr.Dunn, State Rep. Arnold-Jones expect a phone call from me.

New Mexico Politicos